Hung man in the Office & Excalibur?

edited November 2013 in The Wolf Among Us

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The body is still moving when you are ingame!
Can someone explain what this is about?
I didn't read the comics. I just don't know why there is a hung man and probably Excalibur(King Arthur's Sword).


  • edited November 2013

    Honestly wondering if that's an easter egg reference to the Wizard of Oz movie. There is supposed to be a scene in it where you can see the shadow of a hanged man in the backdrop. Supposedly a member of the crew hung himself on set. It might even have been one of the scenes in the forest, but I'm not sure.

    And, wow, Excaliber is huge.

  • It's not. He's a character in the comics. He's called the Forsworn Knight. Google him if you're interested in more spoilery details.

    Alleluia posted: »

    Honestly wondering if that's an easter egg reference to the Wizard of Oz movie. There is supposed to be a scene in it where you can see the sh

  • spirit of the owner within magical armor. hanged.

  • Fun fact: in most versions of the Arthurian legend, Excalibur is NOT "the sword in the stone".

  • edited November 2013

    Very creepy, I hope Telltale adds more subtle things like this that make the atmosphere more creepy.

  • He is The Forsworn Knight aka sir lancelot

  • That was the first thing I looked for on the office

  • I'm sure they will, but the design of the office is taken straight from the comics.

    Very creepy, I hope Telltale adds more subtle things like this that make the atmosphere more creepy.


    ...Sorry, couldn't resist.

  • Honestly kind of glad I missed seeing the man hanging in the office. Reminds me of the guy that hung himself in the wizard of oz movie (supposedly)
    Time to google the Forskin I mean Forsworn Knight

  • Nobody hung themselves in the Wizard of Oz (like the actors, directors, editors wouldn't have noticed that), it's a BIRD! Silly people.

  • On the DVD release it's a bird. But on the original it honestly does look like a hung body. I'm not saying I 100% support this but I've learned the world is a cruel dark place so I wont rule out what my eyes showed me.

    Cyreen posted: »

    Nobody hung themselves in the Wizard of Oz (like the actors, directors, editors wouldn't have noticed that), it's a BIRD! Silly people.

  • Then what exactly is the Excalibur? Just curious I don't know as much as I should about the legend of King

    Vainamoinen posted: »

    Fun fact: in most versions of the Arthurian legend, Excalibur is NOT "the sword in the stone".

  • Just a glass half empty kinda guy, huh?

    Pell3t posted: »

    On the DVD release it's a bird. But on the original it honestly does look like a hung body. I'm not saying I 100% support this but I've learned the world is a cruel dark place so I wont rule out what my eyes showed me.

  • Yes I really am. When I think positive bad things happen to me so I stay in the darkness that is negativity.

    Cyreen posted: »

    Just a glass half empty kinda guy, huh?

  • In most versions of Arthurian legend, the sword was bestowed upon him by the Lady of The Lake. The sword in the stone is considered a seperate sword entirely.

    Of course, that brings up the question of what Excalibur is doing in Fabletown, as it was supposedly returned to the lake by Bedivere. If they discuss this in the comics, feel free to tell me so, but don't spoil, please. I'm only up to Issue 55 or so.:>

    Pell3t posted: »

    Then what exactly is the Excalibur? Just curious I don't know as much as I should about the legend of King Arthur.

  • Spoiler

    it would be great to see Bufkin and Forsworn Knight drinking together

  • As the sword in the picture is in the stone, it's not Excalibur. The question that IS to be brought up is: Who reforged the sword after it broke, just to put it in the stone again? 'Twas hard enough getting it out the first time!! ;)

    VariableEgo posted: »

    In most versions of Arthurian legend, the sword was bestowed upon him by the Lady of The Lake. The sword in the stone is considered a seperat

  • It would be interesting, yes...interesting stuff tends to happen when you get the Foresworn Knight drunk.

  • Maybe it's the Vorpal Sword?!

  • Spoiler

    Too big for it to be the Vorpal sword. It does not fit Snow's hand and Snow has the Vorpal sword when Bigby saves Jack from Bluebeard. It is the Camelot sword that Snow's sister takes out.

    CervantesUK posted: »

    Maybe it's the Vorpal Sword?!

  • That's been debunked officially as a large crane, because they let loose a load of birds on the Wizard of Oz set and let them roam about.

    Course people still want to believe in the more 'stranger' version.

    Pell3t posted: »

    Honestly kind of glad I missed seeing the man hanging in the office. Reminds me of the guy that hung himself in the wizard of oz movie (supposedly) Time to google the Forskin I mean Forsworn Knight

  • it lancelot, and that is excalibur

  • also frankenstein's head is in the birdcage

  • Well, in the comics, someone puts Excalibur back into the lake so that the Lady of the Lake can give it to another worthy warrior in a time of hardship and turmoil. This might be a similar situation or, at the very least, a nod to that moment.

    Vainamoinen posted: »

    As the sword in the picture is in the stone, it's not Excalibur. The question that IS to be brought up is: Who reforged the sword after it broke, just to put it in the stone again? 'Twas hard enough getting it out the first time!!

  • edited April 2014

    To be honest, when I read "Hung man in the office" I half expected a picture of Bigby.

    Alt text

  • that was exactly my first thought! xp

    Alleluia posted: »

    Honestly wondering if that's an easter egg reference to the Wizard of Oz movie. There is supposed to be a scene in it where you can see the sh

  • The hung man is the Forsworn Knight who warns Fabletown of the impending battle they have in a certain story arc. He's like...alive, kind of....I don't know....he wasn't ever super major, except nobody thought his words were important until the war happened and everyone was like, "Oh, so he was kind of making sense just then. Wow."

  • I love you XD

    ted12 posted: »

    THE TIME IS COMING!!! ...Sorry, couldn't resist.

  • The Lady of the Lake is a character in the comics. It wouldn't be unheard of for them to have gotten it at some point.

    vctim posted: »

    Well, in the comics, someone puts Excalibur back into the lake so that the Lady of the Lake can give it to another worthy warrior in a time of hardship and turmoil. This might be a similar situation or, at the very least, a nod to that moment.

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