Yeah, I kinda like that too, it'll get us through our TWD with draws lol! But I'm not really liking the show right now, I'm waiting for the new walking dead show coming in 2015...
Wow guys! No reason to panic just yet. It's busy times here at Telltale HQ as we're working to get the Season Two premiere out this year. Rest assured that the episode is coming along nicely!
As I said in another thread: we don't announce concrete release dates until we've submitted the episode to first parties, been approved, and got confirmation on when we'll be coming out. That confirmation usually only comes just a few days before the episode is actually available for download, which is why there's so much radio silence until right before it comes out.
That said, I'd definitely expect us to be teasing a little more before then... just don't expect us to spoil the fun of playing the episode for yourself!
I must keep missing it, but I cant find where puzzlebox confirms anything, only a post where she asks the question "maybe we can have both" referring to having news and the game before xmas. Could someone quote what was said for me please?
episodic gaming is like an investment it takes time to mature..
be patient or just accept the fact you are the opposite and set yourself a reminder in a years time to check out the game after it's completed and readily available not to mention some of the bugs will be fixed..
then you can complain about some other stupid done to death subject that some people are sick of reading..
I agree, certain people must not be true fans of the product if they'd actually stop playing the game over the time it took to get them. I'd b… moree confident in my product as well if I got a similar reception like TWD did. I'd trust my fans would have utter faith in the finalized product of the second season.
game now randomly freezes or crashes MORE THAN IT DID BEFORE.
the beach bum pack didn't work at all for a few hours after download or was glitched so content was not showing up on map, (still haven't worked out how to get the new missions).
the new survival map is actually a good challenge.. but prone to the spawn behind you with zero chance to kill said spawner ='s you die.
and still no hiests :P
but yeah i'm up for survivals (when not on gears judgment) gt is same as this one (send message with invite)
General Message to TTG Forum Pals
Be patient.... It's coming "soon".......Your gonna have to wait for episode 2 to release after the majori… morety of us destroy EP 1 in one sitting regardless.
Patience is a virtue and all that jazz...
PS: It WILL be AWESOME, just give TTG a break.
(To take your minds off this painfully slow process of release, PM me here with your GT if your on 360 and we'll get some Ghosts or GTAO going)
as I'm not sure of the site's rules on this stuff
You can freely chat with people about what games you intend to buy without being accused of advertising.
Want a time killer? Try Skyrim, and give yourself an ultimatum to discover all locations and complete all side-quests, including the main questline. You'll find yourself in June 2014 before you're done. Bought the game at some point in early 2012 and I'm still not finished. ^^
This is an interesting speculation thread.
I think it's possible. Remember when 400 Days' release date was announced like 2 days before it came out?
Maybe we'll get some news on Tuesday and it will be released on Nov 29th? Which is a Friday, and telltale usually does their "premieres" on Fridays. Wolf Among Us Episode 1 and TWD Ep1 for example
We got to keep in mind Telltale must leave some space to release the second episode of The Wolf Among Us as well. And they don't have much time before Christmas. I think it is a possibility to see one of the games in late November, and the other one in December.
Lets all remember this feeling for next year when we are awaiting TWD season 3 and TWAU season 2... when Telltale says soon check back in 2 months, and when they say before Christmas they mean right before Christmas...not November
Don't take IGN or other non-Telltale sources seriously. They have no evidence whatsoever that Telltale is even working on this project. IGN is like Fox News, they say they have valid sources but in the end they have nada. Anyway, this won't conflict with either The Wolf Among Us or The Walking Dead.
Ah ha. No wonder season 2 is not out yet. It looks like TTG has some new stuff in the pipeline.
Also makes me wonder if TWD S3 is still a option.....
We got to keep in mind Telltale must leave some space to release the second episode of The Wolf Among Us as well. And they don't have much tim… moree before Christmas. I think it is a possibility to see one of the games in late November, and the other one in December.
No i mean the one from today
Oh... didn't see that. Nevermind.
I've been away 2 or 3 days, busy playing black flag and all.
I'm guessing there is still no news?
Nope.Feel free to return for 5 days. :P
Were probably so impatient because of how episode 5 ended. Also maybe because 400 days was such a tease.. : )
So I guess we might just get it after the mid season episode of the show which airs December 1st.
I hope we get some news today. But don't be sad if they don't.
Yeah, I kinda like that too, it'll get us through our TWD with draws lol! But I'm not really liking the show right now, I'm waiting for the new walking dead show coming in 2015...
As I said in another thread: we don't announce concrete release dates until we've submitted the episode to first parties, been approved, and got confirmation on when we'll be coming out. That confirmation usually only comes just a few days before the episode is actually available for download, which is why there's so much radio silence until right before it comes out.
That said, I'd definitely expect us to be teasing a little more before then... just don't expect us to spoil the fun of playing the episode for yourself!
Page 24
they do tell us or a post on some random third party site gives the deets out..
fact is if they give us something other than a release date people still complain.
the give us a release date people complain it's not on their format or device or they have to wait longer than some other format..
as i said in another thread..
episodic gaming is like an investment it takes time to mature..
be patient or just accept the fact you are the opposite and set yourself a reminder in a years time to check out the game after it's completed and readily available not to mention some of the bugs will be fixed..
then you can complain about some other stupid done to death subject that some people are sick of reading..
oh the irony...
you forgot ' making pointless forum posts'
joke people sheesh...
gtao patch 1.06
would beg to differ..
nerfed racing rewards (wtf)
game now randomly freezes or crashes MORE THAN IT DID BEFORE.
the beach bum pack didn't work at all for a few hours after download or was glitched so content was not showing up on map, (still haven't worked out how to get the new missions).
the new survival map is actually a good challenge.. but prone to the spawn behind you with zero chance to kill said spawner ='s you die.
and still no hiests :P
but yeah i'm up for survivals (when not on gears judgment) gt is same as this one (send message with invite)
just as a unspoken rule avoid spoilers of that 'non ttg' game just in case someone hasn't got it/ finished it yet.
Are we there yet?!?!
until someone comes along and does this...
or this
Did you say something sir?
Come on, find a better activity than looking up old comments.
Very mature.
No we arent. telltales lips are sealed
And yet you keep terrorizing me for posting useless comments.
What a double standard.
Just got done watching arachnophobia. I have come to a new conclusion. In a ZA spiders would easily take over. They are wicked.
Hey guys go play something while you wait like some quality games such as Killzone: Shadow Fall
With that game, the wait feels so much shorter
Want a time killer? Try Skyrim, and give yourself an ultimatum to discover all locations and complete all side-quests, including the main questline. You'll find yourself in June 2014 before you're done. Bought the game at some point in early 2012 and I'm still not finished. ^^
This is an interesting speculation thread.
I think it's possible. Remember when 400 Days' release date was announced like 2 days before it came out?
Maybe we'll get some news on Tuesday and it will be released on Nov 29th? Which is a Friday, and telltale usually does their "premieres" on Fridays. Wolf Among Us Episode 1 and TWD Ep1 for example
yes she is.
Howdy! I'm Andrew St. John.
What if they release it on Friday December 13th?
Ah ha. No wonder season 2 is not out yet. It looks like TTG has some new stuff in the pipeline.
Also makes me wonder if TWD S3 is still a option.....
We got to keep in mind Telltale must leave some space to release the second episode of The Wolf Among Us as well. And they don't have much time before Christmas. I think it is a possibility to see one of the games in late November, and the other one in December.
Lets all remember this feeling for next year when we are awaiting TWD season 3 and TWAU season 2... when Telltale says soon check back in 2 months, and when they say before Christmas they mean right before Christmas...not November
Don't take IGN or other non-Telltale sources seriously. They have no evidence whatsoever that Telltale is even working on this project. IGN is like Fox News, they say they have valid sources but in the end they have nada. Anyway, this won't conflict with either The Wolf Among Us or The Walking Dead.
there is no date or estimate for twau is there?
so that could be early next year ?