All the way from Poland, in the state of Wroclaw! Despite that, i feel 100% more comfortable with the english language then i do with the polish, odd how these things work out, huh?
All the way from Poland, in the state of Wroclaw! Despite that, i feel 100% more comfortable with the english language then i do with the polish, odd how these things work out, huh?
All the way from Poland, in the state of Wroclaw! Despite that, i feel 100% more comfortable with the english language then i do with the polish, odd how these things work out, huh?
I see your point. Yes, in common use it is indeed negative.
Another topic,
But as national socialism, nazis can be found everywhere too. So … moremarking german people as nazis is the most pathetic thing one can do. The only people who were nazis are the members of the NSDAP.
Many refer to them as nazis, if they see a german soldier, which is wrong.
I didn't really have anything to say, I just spoke my mind.
Yeah, such a beautiful country Filipinas, El Nido is really spectacular . But the thing that really amazed me was that you still use a lot of spanish words
Yeah, such a beautiful country Filipinas, El Nido is really spectacular . But the thing that really amazed me was that you still use a lot of spanish words
It's that kind of atitude that I hate most here in Brazil: people who can't respect one another. It's a shame that my loved country got so bad reputation on internet. ;(
I'm actually a bit surprised at the diversity here. Unless I missed someone, I think the only continents which haven't been covered are Africa and Antarctica.
I'm actually a bit surprised at the diversity here. Unless I missed someone, I think the only continents which haven't been covered are Africa and Antarctica.
For starters, how many languages has it been translated into? I know its been translated into German and Spanish, and I would guess French as well. Maybe Italian. But Polish, Russian, Mandarin Chinese, Brazilian Portuguese, etc. are more of a stretch for a small studio like Telltale. Either there are fan translations or the only people from Poland, Russia, China, Brazil and so forth who can get much from the game ( here, really) are people with sufficiently advanced English language skills, which I would expect would limit the game's exposure.
It's that kind of atitude that I hate most here in Brazil: people who can't respect one another. It's a shame that my loved country got so bad reputation on internet. ;(
Idaho, USA
All the way from Poland, in the state of Wroclaw! Despite that, i feel 100% more comfortable with the english language then i do with the polish, odd how these things work out, huh?
Dzien dobry panu albo pani. :P
i need Kurwa
Did you just say you need fuck?
Moja rodzina pochodzi z Tczewa ale zyjemy w Berlinie. Pozdrawiam
Pozdrawiam wzajemnie, zycze milego dnia
i understood one thing - ur from berlin
The Netherlands.
That part we got.
Really? nice to hear!
I'm glad. Neither do you.
Vancouver, Canada here!
Ah, Im from Toronto.
Nice to see more Canadians here.
Yeah, such a beautiful country Filipinas, El Nido is really spectacular
. But the thing that really amazed me was that you still use a lot of spanish words 
Nice Sheep, Toronto here as well.
Yep yep, like cuaderno = notebook? right? lol
Im from Germany
But please no discussion about nazis again. ^^
Ibiá - Brazil!
FREE ITENS PLIZ! - Just Kiddin'
And the days of the week, the numbers, the names of many places (El Nido, Intramuros,...) and many many words
Berlin - Potsdam.
Pozdrawiam means greetings, not Potsdam - nice try
Shame to the people who downthumb others on their nationalities.
Haha, klassiekertje. Laten we Bots mailen en vragen of ze een soundtrack voor Telltale Games willen schrijven.
yeah this isnt very nice of them
Hey man, you're on the internet. There's a thing called Godwin's Law that you should be aware of.
Godwin's law applies to EVERY internet discussion, and in fact is less applicable the more Germans are present.
It's that kind of atitude that I hate most here in Brazil: people who can't respect one another. It's a shame that my loved country got so bad reputation on internet. ;(
Košice, Slovakia
Portland, Maine USA
I'm actually a bit surprised at the diversity here. Unless I missed someone, I think the only continents which haven't been covered are Africa and Antarctica.
Why would that be a surprise? Just curious
United Kingdom, London
For starters, how many languages has it been translated into? I know its been translated into German and Spanish, and I would guess French as well. Maybe Italian. But Polish, Russian, Mandarin Chinese, Brazilian Portuguese, etc. are more of a stretch for a small studio like Telltale. Either there are fan translations or the only people from Poland, Russia, China, Brazil and so forth who can get much from the game ( here, really) are people with sufficiently advanced English language skills, which I would expect would limit the game's exposure.
At least Brazilian girls are really good looking.