Season 2 spoilers confirmed?

On the internet there are rumours that Clementine will die at the end of the first episode of the second season and from there on out the playable character will be Bonnie at the new survivors camp.
They say that the rumors came from someone who works for TTG. What do you think about this theory?
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No, if they kill of clementine I'd imagine it will be toward the end or possibly season 3 (if it happens)
These are rumors for a reason they are not confirmed by anyone at telltale or anything like that. No telltale staff would reveal the big thing at the end of the episode before releasing a launch trailer.
I think Telltale doesn't think about a third Season right now. AT ALL.
He didnt say anything about a third Season. AT ALL.
That rumor may have originated from this thread:
Needless to say, it is just speculation from a screenshot and not from a TTG employee.
They probably won't be making a season 3 because their planing to do a Game of Thrones and a Star Wars game
But I do hope they make a Season 3 of the walking dead
I think those theories are total bullshit.
Well fuck that guy because that would be stupid. Clem is much more loved than Bonnie.
We're does it say Star Wars? I thought they never confirmed they were doing ether it was just rumors
Various news outlets misinterpreted Telltale saying they wanted to make a Star Wars game as an official teaser for a Star Wars game.
So both aren't confirmed?
It's even worse than that. A Star Wars fan during the reddit discussion asked Kevin and Dan about the franchise, and they just said, sure, it would be a wonderful thing to do. They didn't bring that franchise up themselves , it was all a reaction to an external question. Then some rather stupid journalists jumped the bandwagon, which was all the more possible because the reddit member who had asked that question had changed his post in the meantime.
Ironically, it now reads:
Electronic Arts has the rights to make Star Wars games - for the next TEN YEARS, no less. Maybe you can ask the question again in 2023, but until then, chances of a TTG Star Wars game are incredibly slim to nonexistant.
The only way Clem is dying is at age 30+, on top of a collapsing tower after having fought the last zombie on the planet Earth, post-global curing of the thing that makes the dead walk.
Yeah and first they kill off Lee and next season they kill of 9 year old (most likely older) Clem? That is messed up for the player.
I honestly doubt it. The vast majority of the fandom ADORES Clementine. And Bonnie barely gets any attention and people mostly feel neutral about her. I think most people would rather play as Clem, a character they got to know for a whole season who has tons of potential for new concepts (surviving the ZA as a child, not being physically strong, lost youth) compared to a character we don't know very well. According to a past 400 days character popularity thread, not many people mentioned her as their favorite. I wrote all this not because I dislike Bonnie, I just am offering some reasons to doubt the spoiler you read.
Hell yeah! No other way to die for her!
Ummm Lol that's Silly. Clem will not die at all. She's the main character we play as. We may play as other characters like Nate, Bonnie, Wyatt etc who will help out, and meet her... We will also get flashbacks of her time with Lee. If she's going to die it will probably be at the end of season two. If she doesn't die then in season 3 we will play as Krista and Omids kid.
who doesn't?
lees death had outcry.... imagine clementines