The only sad part is that we won't get both games at some point this month. I definitely enjoyed TWAU's first episode and would love to play that right after X-Mas after getting jazzed up on TWD earlier in the month, but I understand the reasoning behind staggering the releases.
Still not sure why there's so much hate or people demanding refunds. It's not like they gave a solid release schedule anyway and they will still release a solid product. I've had Watchdog preordered for like 7 months and it's fine! I mean I'd like to be playing it now but eh, it's not the end of the world. Getting 100% on Assassin's Creed 4 has been taking time and I've got the whole Ezio trilogy to tide me over as well.
Needless to say though, I'll be one of those that downloads the episodes really quickly then has a brief fear of playing them wondering if I'm gonna be uplifted or depressed by the end of it .... but enjoy it somehow nonetheless. Then play it and be pissed that it ended on a cliffhanger and I want to know more.... so I'll patiently wait for the next episode! Good things come to those who wait after all!
Probably not. It's best to try forgetting about TWDS2 and watch VGX(or just keep yourself updated on news about it if you'd rather not watch) so that if there is something about it, it'll be a nice surprise.
Probably not. It's best to try forgetting about TWDS2 and watch VGX(or just keep yourself updated on news about it if you'd rather not watch) so that if there is something about it, it'll be a nice surprise.
Heh, looks like Markdown doesn't allow us to properly quote Twitter. :P
If you want the hashtag to properly show up, I guess just put a single quotation mark in front of the hashtag like I did above just now through messing around with it.
Mr Stauffer postet something new on Twitter:
" Job J Stauffer
Woke up in Los Angeles today.
I thin… morek we're here for something called...
That or we're just REALLY really early for #E3.
Im sure we will get a release date or they confirm the 17th of December.
EDIT: EmoKid u were a bit faster than me ^^
P.S. Reload your battery
Who broadcasts VGX? I know it is live on steam, but am wondering if any tv networks will be airing this because I have a slow connection on my computer.
Who broadcasts VGX? I know it is live on steam, but am wondering if any tv networks will be airing this because I have a slow connection on my computer.
Not that I typically watch VGX/VGA, but I recall they usually upload all the important trailers/videos/announcements on and Youtube shortly after the show ends. You can also check other message boards or social networking sites to keep up with the announcements.
Telltales news is not going to be talking specifically about TWD S2.
But it will be the rumored Game Of Thrones series.
They accidentally streamed the rehearsals where it was announced.
If we are really lucky they could announce the release date for ep1! (But i'm not gonna place my bets on that)
Edit: surprise announcement Tales From The Borderlands!!! Gearbox and Telltale making an episodic series about characters wanting to become Vault Hunters. Will have all the know element with creating relationships and choices!.
Edit 2: Game Of Thrones series is now OFFICALLY announced.
Heh, looks like Markdown doesn't allow us to properly quote Twitter. :P
If you want the hashtag to properly show up, I guess just … moreput a single quotation mark in front of the hashtag like I did above just now through messing around with it.
I like to think I had some part in the return of Thief. I can remember speaking to the Square Enix Community Manager on Livestream once, he was hyping the shit out of Sleeping Dogs before it released. I said "This looks shit" and he singled me out on the message and asked me of all their franchises what was the one I'd want them to make. I told him they should stop forcing FF-series' and brand new IP's onto us every two years and instead go back to the old days, to their already established IP from my childhood. I told him that I could see the return of Thief being something big if they made it FPS and marketed it towards the rebel video game nerd who like to shoot and steal shit. And lo and behold three years later Thief is on the horizon in FPS.
Hopefully they'll see that the VGX GoT announcement has been leaked and announce an official TWD:S2Ep1 release date to make up for it(as well as the GoT stuff)
Thanks for brightening my day
The only sad part is that we won't get both games at some point this month. I definitely enjoyed TWAU's first episode and would love to play that right after X-Mas after getting jazzed up on TWD earlier in the month, but I understand the reasoning behind staggering the releases.
Still not sure why there's so much hate or people demanding refunds. It's not like they gave a solid release schedule anyway and they will still release a solid product. I've had Watchdog preordered for like 7 months and it's fine! I mean I'd like to be playing it now but eh, it's not the end of the world. Getting 100% on Assassin's Creed 4 has been taking time and I've got the whole Ezio trilogy to tide me over as well.
Needless to say though, I'll be one of those that downloads the episodes really quickly then has a brief fear of playing them wondering if I'm gonna be uplifted or depressed by the end of it .... but enjoy it somehow nonetheless. Then play it and be pissed that it ended on a cliffhanger and I want to know more.... so I'll patiently wait for the next episode! Good things come to those who wait after all!
Does anyone know if The a Walking Dead Season 2 is going to be on VGX?
...No clue. Heard people talk about watching it live and keep an eye open though.
Probably not. It's best to try forgetting about TWDS2 and watch VGX(or just keep yourself updated on news about it if you'd rather not watch) so that if there is something about it, it'll be a nice surprise.
I was more hoping for Telltale to give us something on their blog about it. A longshot to see anything on the show from them.
Mr Stauffer postet something new on Twitter:
" Job J Stauffer
Woke up in Los Angeles today.
I think we're here for something called...
That or we're just REALLY really early for #E3.
Im sure we will get a release date or they confirm the 17th of December.
EDIT: EmoKid u were a bit faster than me ^^
P.S. Reload your battery
Just woke up... VGX airs at 5:00 PM here..
VGX leeggggoooooooo
hahaha it airs at 12 PM here in germany and goes till 7 AM - I am so fucked
11PM here...
Airs 23:00 in Sweden. Will be able to watch it. ^^
Heh, looks like Markdown doesn't allow us to properly quote Twitter. :P
If you want the hashtag to properly show up, I guess just put a single quotation mark in front of the hashtag like I did above just now through messing around with it.
Not TOO wild any more. But guesses certainly!
Yeah i think i just wait till Telltale makes their move and then I go to bed. I can watch the rest in the internet anway.
Today or?
Is the VGX today?
Yes, in about two hours. It can be seen live on Steam.
Pre-show starts at 2:45pm PT, it'll be about Thief though.
Ahh okay thanks!! I hope they comfirm a release date!!
Can't waittt
Awesome walking dead video btw
Thanks for that cool video.
Who broadcasts VGX? I know it is live on steam, but am wondering if any tv networks will be airing this because I have a slow connection on my computer.
You can catch the one hour highlights on Spike TV Monday December 9th at midnight.
oh ok thanks. So only way to see it live is through steam... what a shame. Oh well, looks like ill be watching on the 9th.
You can watch all the good stuff on Monday.
Not that I typically watch VGX/VGA, but I recall they usually upload all the important trailers/videos/announcements on and Youtube shortly after the show ends. You can also check other message boards or social networking sites to keep up with the announcements.
So we are FOR SURE getting something today eh?
Telltales news is not going to be talking specifically about TWD S2.
But it will be the rumored Game Of Thrones series.
They accidentally streamed the rehearsals where it was announced.
Check the screencap of tweets from CVG here
Or check their twitter if you want to see it for yourself
If we are really lucky they could announce the release date for ep1! (But i'm not gonna place my bets on that)
Edit: surprise announcement
Tales From The Borderlands!!! Gearbox and Telltale making an episodic series about characters wanting to become Vault Hunters. Will have all the know element with creating relationships and choices!.
Edit 2: Game Of Thrones series is now OFFICALLY announced.
I like to think I had some part in the return of Thief. I can remember speaking to the Square Enix Community Manager on Livestream once, he was hyping the shit out of Sleeping Dogs before it released. I said "This looks shit" and he singled me out on the message and asked me of all their franchises what was the one I'd want them to make. I told him they should stop forcing FF-series' and brand new IP's onto us every two years and instead go back to the old days, to their already established IP from my childhood. I told him that I could see the return of Thief being something big if they made it FPS and marketed it towards the rebel video game nerd who like to shoot and steal shit. And lo and behold three years later Thief is on the horizon in FPS.
True story, Should've given me a job.
1 hour to go! Can't wait for that news!
Hopefully they'll see that the VGX GoT announcement has been leaked and announce an official TWD:S2Ep1 release date to make up for it(as well as the GoT stuff)
Steam or Twitch
Well, it is coming out in December and that's all I care about.
New tweet from Job J. Stauffer
Oh, sorry.
I think VGX is gonna reveal a launch trailer
Ya, sorry about that. I guess I believe in Valve a bit to much on release dates