Are there concrete release dates for the season two episodes?
Absolutely not!! While Telltale doesn't start each new episode 'from scratch', large parts of the development cycle still take place during these release months. From writing to animation to voice acting to possible gamer input from the forums, it all comes together to form a new episode only weeks and days before release; and eventually, another time frame insecurity is added when console manufacturers receive the final build of the episodes for their quality assurance process.
As a consequence, fixed dates will only be announced mere days before an episode releases (in Telltale's blog, on their twitter, facebook page, or possibly through official press releases or interviews with Telltale staff on large gaming sites such as IGN or Game Informer).
Uh...actually, they DO have to cater to the fans, because it's the FANS who buy the damn product.
You know....
I'm one of those Vainamoinen mentioned from back in the Sam and Max/Strong Bad/ToMI era....The irony in the statement is absolutely overbearing since that's exactly what was being said when Telltale started pursuing "mass market" licenses and radically changed from adventure games with inventory and puzzles to what they're doing now with TWD and Fables.
A lot of people weren't happy with the change in direction, but apparently abandoning the fan base worked out for Telltale since they drew in a whole new fan base with the popularity of The Walking Dead.
No doubt they'll do the same given how massively popular GoT alone is, so...
Don't make the mistake of thinking that Telltale is going to "cater" to your desires that they focus on TWD rather than other licenses or that they keep "gameplay" the way you've come to expect it to be.
Whether you want to acknowledge it or not, the purpose of Telltale as a company is not to cater to fans of the Walking Dead. It's to make game… mores.
Uh...actually, they DO have to cater to the fans, because it's the FANS who buy the damn product. At present, WD is their most popular title, and it would have been wiser on their part to give us (at the very least) a fixed release date at VGX, because quite frankly this is getting silly. You can only string along the consumers with wispy statements and nebulous promises for so long before offering something tangible.
What is so bad about waiting ONE YEAR for a game. Telltale games should not be treated as EA sports game or rehashed Call of Duty trash.
They should take the time(which they are doing) and creating a great game(which I hope they are doing) and people like you should just wait. I'll wait another year if it means I'm getting quality.
They did, and I'm very happy with that. Still it feels like a slap in the face for most of us who have been waiting for The Walking Dead: Seas… moreon Two for a year, when they skip The Walking Dead, and put other news ahead of it. In my opinion the The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us fans deserve better under the circumstances.
My female friends don't even play games. So what?
Every person is different, so we shouldn't talk about male and female gamers. We are gamers all together.
...And my friend circle of females are the complete opposite. They adore Telltale and games like The Walking Dead, Heavy Rain, Beyond Two Soul… mores. Thise strong well written emotional stories. They would never open up a fast-action, shooting, sci-fi, or any game that involves shooting and killing for fun.
Yeah, let's not make too hasty on assumptions...
I won't buy it because Of many other reason also because both games don't interest me. I liked when they did wolf among because it felt non mainstream and something new. Game of thrones does too but not borderlands...
I'd just like to tell everyone who is waiting/ fans of borderlands or got that I am sorry.
I never meant to offend ether of your games/ series. I seemed to come across that way to many fans and I didn't mean it like that.
I understand that I overreacted when I said I'm done with telltale. Because I love this community and all of you guys are really amazing. I think we can all agree TTG makes really cool games and tries very hard at what they do. They are very unique and though got and borderlands may not be something I'm very interested in I'm sure it will be amazing. Thank you and I'm sorry.
News this week, release by the end of this or next week...
Stay seated and please fasten your seatbelts.
Water, Fruit Leather, and Tissues will be handed out on release day.
I don't think this discussion would be like this if TT announced "OC California" or "Twilight" as their new franchises (puke). All male players here would rant about it "how dare they to make a game which appeals more to the female audience?!", I bet it. Not one of you male players would say something like "This might be an enjoyable game with emphasis on emotions and character developement - I can't wait!". Of course genders don't play such a big role any more but you can't deny that both genders have certain preferences.
My female friends don't even play games. So what?
Every person is different, so we shouldn't talk about male and female gamers. We are gamers all together.
So, don't make those hasty assumptions...okay?
If they can barely handle 2 games.. How in the hell are they going to handle 4..
Get ready for zero contact from the staff outside of vague "coming soons" and "hope to have something for you soon" with an Update about an update that is about a "possable" ETA 4 months from now..
Yeah.. 1.5 month waits are a thing of the past.. The new time is 5 months -1 year between episodes if they try 4 games.. Lol.. 3 hrs of gameplay.. Not like they have shown much planning or professional forward thinking in TWAU .. Let alone releasing in a timely fashion or any real customer support/interaction.. No information or apologies.. Thus all the pissed off people.. So much so that the moderators had to close all the threads and ask them to post their frustration in the episode 2 update thread as to keep the forums from filling up with "justified anger and frustration" as one of the mods put it.
If telltale wants to survive and regain customer faith.. They have to do some serious house cleaning.. And higher a lot more people.
I'm not either. And neither is FreddeN93, he's just fed up. They were at VGX and they didn't say 1 word about S2. That douche bag Joel could've at least of asked about S2, but it's pretty clear he didn't want to be there and doesn't give a flying fuck about gamers and games. If it's releasing within "2 weeks" then shouldn't we be getting at least a heads up, a launch trailer, or a fucking release date?
I won't buy it because Of many other reason also because both games don't interest me. I liked when they did wolf among because it felt non mainstream and something new. Game of thrones does too but not borderlands...
We've been over why they won't give us a fixed release date so I won't get into it again.
Don't make the mistake of thinking that Telltale is going to "cater" to your desires that they focus on TWD rather than other licenses or that they keep "gameplay" the way you've come to expect it to be.
Wow. You two are REALLY scrambling over each other's backs to get into Telltale's good books, aren't you? I'm speaking strictly as a fan here, and as a fan I'm annoyed. If voicing my discontent irritates you, I couldn't care less.
Uh...actually, they DO have to cater to the fans, because it's the FANS who buy the damn product.
You know....
I'm one of those Vai… morenamoinen mentioned from back in the Sam and Max/Strong Bad/ToMI era....The irony in the statement is absolutely overbearing since that's exactly what was being said when Telltale started pursuing "mass market" licenses and radically changed from adventure games with inventory and puzzles to what they're doing now with TWD and Fables.
A lot of people weren't happy with the change in direction, but apparently abandoning the fan base worked out for Telltale since they drew in a whole new fan base with the popularity of The Walking Dead.
No doubt they'll do the same given how massively popular GoT alone is, so...
Don't make the mistake of thinking that Telltale is going to "cater" to your desires that they focus on TWD rather than other licenses or that they keep "gameplay" the way you've come to expect it to be.
My beef is they still haven't fixed S1 issues with crashing and save files, then they did 400 days and the issues continue for some.
I'm just scared for TWD/TWAU/GoT/Borderlands, after a year or so with no fixes to their first uber popular game I don't have much faith in them doing 4 at once.(or 2 and 2, whatever) I love TTG for their vision and story telling capabilities, but I can't say I believe they handle anything outside the game itself very well...
My first reaction to the thread title was "What is it this time?" You've got a lot of nerve to be angry that the company is stretching its horizons. Of course they'd announce any new projects earlier to gain hype and make sales, that's a part of being a business. Everyone's somehow frustrated that they dare announce future endeavors while they are currently working on two concurrent seasons. Give me a break, the wait sucks yeah but episodic gaming is a signature of TTG. Do what you will, I won't/can't stop you. I just wanted to get it out there that I have the utmost faith in TellTale Games and look forward to watching them make the transition from a small company to a... not so small one.
And just what am I speaking as, if not as a fan? Your voicing your discontent does not irritate me. However, I do find your inability to comprehend how Telltale's release dates work to be rather baffling given how long you've been here. Do we think we have a good handle on it now, or do we need more enlightening?
You would also do well to remember that the mere fact that someone disagrees with your assessment of a situation implies nothing about how they wish to be seen by others. Otherwise, you might end up suggesting that a person who is expressing cynicism towards the actions of game company is trying to curry favor with that company and make a fool of yourself. How terribly embarrassing that would be.
We've been over why they won't give us a fixed release date so I won't get into it again.
Don't make the mistake of thinking that Tellt… moreale is going to "cater" to your desires that they focus on TWD rather than other licenses or that they keep "gameplay" the way you've come to expect it to be.
Wow. You two are REALLY scrambling over each other's backs to get into Telltale's good books, aren't you? I'm speaking strictly as a fan here, and as a fan I'm annoyed. If voicing my discontent irritates you, I couldn't care less.
Heh it'll be tough but my stance isn't against the game it's against the companies policy and until it changes I don't think I'll support them. But I agree the games will almost definitely be amazing.
We were mad because a lot of us felt tricked. Or I wasn't mad but many others were. Some users here feel like this has taken away from walking dead going into its opening weeks. And others feel like this is making games come out slower. Them there's some who just don't have intrest in these games. Then there are those who are happy there making new things.
My first reaction to the thread title was "What is it this time?" You've got a lot of nerve to be angry that the company is stretching its hor… moreizons. Of course they'd announce any new projects earlier to gain hype and make sales, that's a part of being a business. Everyone's somehow frustrated that they dare announce future endeavors while they are currently working on two concurrent seasons. Give me a break, the wait sucks yeah but episodic gaming is a signature of TTG. Do what you will, I won't/can't stop you. I just wanted to get it out there that I have the utmost faith in TellTale Games and look forward to watching them make the transition from a small company to a... not so small one.
I don't think this discussion would be like this if TT announced "OC California" or "Twilight" as their new franchises (puke). All male player… mores here would rant about it "how dare they to make a game which appeals more to the female audience?!", I bet it. Not one of you male players would say something like "This might be an enjoyable game with emphasis on emotions and character developement - I can't wait!". Of course genders don't play such a big role any more but you can't deny that both genders have certain preferences.
We were mad because a lot of us felt tricked. Or I wasn't mad but many others were. Some users here feel like this has taken away from walking… more dead going into its opening weeks. And others feel like this is making games come out slower. Them there's some who just don't have intrest in these games. Then there are those who are happy there making new things.
Tonight I have a feeling telltale are going to say something. And next week is going to be news all week, hopefully playing dead(Telltale's youtube channel) is back and showcases episode 1 "All That Remains". Reviewers by friday/saturday. Then we play on Tueday 17th
That's the spirit ! Lots of people are edgy because they KNOW the release is near but don't have the exact date, it's perfectly human to break down and throw a fit sometimes.
But let's hang on just a tiny bit longer and we'll all be able to enjoy Season 2 ! Now, go grab yourself a fresh beer like everyone else and come back near the campfire where you belong =D
I'd just like to tell everyone who is waiting/ fans of borderlands or got that I am sorry.
I never meant to offend ether of your games/ serie… mores. I seemed to come across that way to many fans and I didn't mean it like that.
I understand that I overreacted when I said I'm done with telltale. Because I love this community and all of you guys are really amazing. I think we can all agree TTG makes really cool games and tries very hard at what they do. They are very unique and though got and borderlands may not be something I'm very interested in I'm sure it will be amazing. Thank you and I'm sorry.
Wow. You two are REALLY scrambling over each other's backs to get into Telltale's good books, aren't you?
Is that what you think?
I'm not defending them by any stretch of the imagination. I'm saying that Telltale could care less that you feel you're being neglected or ignored. Way they look at it is you're replaceable.
Like I said, I was drawn to Telltale back in the day when they literally were a very small company where everyone in the office was helping pack and ship orders and watched them grow to where they could maybe do two "series" in a year (one in the fall and one in the spring/summer).
I was a part of the fan base that gave Telltale the acclaim and resources that they were able to pursue BttF, Jurassic Park, The Walking Dead and Fables.
That base of support was grown on the back of the fantastic episodic adventures Telltale was producing from beloved franchises resurrected after LucasArts decided they just wanted to make Star Wars games (and Telltale's surprise collaboration with Aardman Animations/Nick Park for Wallace & Gromit),
Then, after all the success, they decided they didn't want to make comedic (or traditional) adventure games anymore. So what if the fans wanted more Sam & Max or Monkey Island or Strong Bad (or Bone)? Telltale had blockbuster licenses to pursue and new non-puzzley narrative techniques to try out.
So...My point is your assertion that Telltale has to give the fans what they want is deeply flawed from the basic premise.
We've been over why they won't give us a fixed release date so I won't get into it again.
Don't make the mistake of thinking that Tellt… moreale is going to "cater" to your desires that they focus on TWD rather than other licenses or that they keep "gameplay" the way you've come to expect it to be.
Wow. You two are REALLY scrambling over each other's backs to get into Telltale's good books, aren't you? I'm speaking strictly as a fan here, and as a fan I'm annoyed. If voicing my discontent irritates you, I couldn't care less.
What do you mean? Sry my english is not the best so i dont understand what u mean with that.
Ya I doubt I will buy another game from TTG, but it was fun while it lasted =D
Console wars have no place on this forum.
If all episodes are out u cant resist believe me u will buy it.
You know....
I'm one of those Vainamoinen mentioned from back in the Sam and Max/Strong Bad/ToMI era....The irony in the statement is absolutely overbearing since that's exactly what was being said when Telltale started pursuing "mass market" licenses and radically changed from adventure games with inventory and puzzles to what they're doing now with TWD and Fables.
A lot of people weren't happy with the change in direction, but apparently abandoning the fan base worked out for Telltale since they drew in a whole new fan base with the popularity of The Walking Dead.
No doubt they'll do the same given how massively popular GoT alone is, so...
Don't make the mistake of thinking that Telltale is going to "cater" to your desires that they focus on TWD rather than other licenses or that they keep "gameplay" the way you've come to expect it to be.
What is so bad about waiting ONE YEAR for a game. Telltale games should not be treated as EA sports game or rehashed Call of Duty trash.
They should take the time(which they are doing) and creating a great game(which I hope they are doing) and people like you should just wait. I'll wait another year if it means I'm getting quality.
I haven't shaved since October 29th... Can't wait to shave the damn beard. Might keep the mustache though... Kenny's Godstache and all that.
Kennys Godlike Mustache for President.
I probably won't if this keeps up.
My female friends don't even play games. So what?
Every person is different, so we shouldn't talk about male and female gamers. We are gamers all together.
So, don't make those hasty assumptions...okay?
You will not buy a great game just because u have to wait a long time? Sry but that seems a bit odd.
Telltale don't be heartless! How can you turn down this little girl?!
For me this will be the "No shave December" in memory of Kenny.
what if the game were delayed one year? =D
I won't buy it because Of many other reason also because both games don't interest me. I liked when they did wolf among because it felt non mainstream and something new. Game of thrones does too but not borderlands...
Well I personally don't see a reason to get upset if it gets released before Christmas.
I'd just like to tell everyone who is waiting/ fans of borderlands or got that I am sorry.
I never meant to offend ether of your games/ series. I seemed to come across that way to many fans and I didn't mean it like that.
I understand that I overreacted when I said I'm done with telltale. Because I love this community and all of you guys are really amazing. I think we can all agree TTG makes really cool games and tries very hard at what they do. They are very unique and though got and borderlands may not be something I'm very interested in I'm sure it will be amazing. Thank you and I'm sorry.
Delaying TWAU was one thing, but Telltale announcing that they are working on two MORE franchises when they can't even handle two is baffling.
If things don't improve, I am certainly asking for my money back from the TWAU season pass.
Vive la révolution!
News this week, release by the end of this or next week...
Stay seated and please fasten your seatbelts.
Water, Fruit Leather, and Tissues will be handed out on release day.
I..... Can't.........Wait.......

I don't think this discussion would be like this if TT announced "OC California" or "Twilight" as their new franchises (puke). All male players here would rant about it "how dare they to make a game which appeals more to the female audience?!", I bet it. Not one of you male players would say something like "This might be an enjoyable game with emphasis on emotions and character developement - I can't wait!". Of course genders don't play such a big role any more but you can't deny that both genders have certain preferences.
If they can barely handle 2 games.. How in the hell are they going to handle 4..
Get ready for zero contact from the staff outside of vague "coming soons" and "hope to have something for you soon" with an Update about an update that is about a "possable" ETA 4 months from now..
Yeah.. 1.5 month waits are a thing of the past.. The new time is 5 months -1 year between episodes if they try 4 games.. Lol.. 3 hrs of gameplay.. Not like they have shown much planning or professional forward thinking in TWAU .. Let alone releasing in a timely fashion or any real customer support/interaction.. No information or apologies.. Thus all the pissed off people.. So much so that the moderators had to close all the threads and ask them to post their frustration in the episode 2 update thread as to keep the forums from filling up with "justified anger and frustration" as one of the mods put it.
If telltale wants to survive and regain customer faith.. They have to do some serious house cleaning.. And higher a lot more people.
I'm not either. And neither is FreddeN93, he's just fed up. They were at VGX and they didn't say 1 word about S2. That douche bag Joel could've at least of asked about S2, but it's pretty clear he didn't want to be there and doesn't give a flying fuck about gamers and games. If it's releasing within "2 weeks" then shouldn't we be getting at least a heads up, a launch trailer, or a fucking release date?
Oh allright.
Non mainstream is the new mainstream.
Wow. You two are REALLY scrambling over each other's backs to get into Telltale's good books, aren't you? I'm speaking strictly as a fan here, and as a fan I'm annoyed. If voicing my discontent irritates you, I couldn't care less.
My beef is they still haven't fixed S1 issues with crashing and save files, then they did 400 days and the issues continue for some.
I'm just scared for TWD/TWAU/GoT/Borderlands, after a year or so with no fixes to their first uber popular game I don't have much faith in them doing 4 at once.(or 2 and 2, whatever) I love TTG for their vision and story telling capabilities, but I can't say I believe they handle anything outside the game itself very well...
My first reaction to the thread title was "What is it this time?" You've got a lot of nerve to be angry that the company is stretching its horizons. Of course they'd announce any new projects earlier to gain hype and make sales, that's a part of being a business. Everyone's somehow frustrated that they dare announce future endeavors while they are currently working on two concurrent seasons. Give me a break, the wait sucks yeah but episodic gaming is a signature of TTG. Do what you will, I won't/can't stop you. I just wanted to get it out there that I have the utmost faith in TellTale Games and look forward to watching them make the transition from a small company to a... not so small one.
And just what am I speaking as, if not as a fan? Your voicing your discontent does not irritate me. However, I do find your inability to comprehend how Telltale's release dates work to be rather baffling given how long you've been here. Do we think we have a good handle on it now, or do we need more enlightening?
You would also do well to remember that the mere fact that someone disagrees with your assessment of a situation implies nothing about how they wish to be seen by others. Otherwise, you might end up suggesting that a person who is expressing cynicism towards the actions of game company is trying to curry favor with that company and make a fool of yourself. How terribly embarrassing that would be.
Heh it'll be tough but my stance isn't against the game it's against the companies policy and until it changes I don't think I'll support them. But I agree the games will almost definitely be amazing.
We were mad because a lot of us felt tricked. Or I wasn't mad but many others were. Some users here feel like this has taken away from walking dead going into its opening weeks. And others feel like this is making games come out slower. Them there's some who just don't have intrest in these games. Then there are those who are happy there making new things.
Twilight is shitty, you are right.
Was there any indication that we'd get S2 news yesterday? I sure didn't expect what we got but hell if I wasn't amazed.
...Maybe tonight or tomorrow for that release info
Tonight I have a feeling telltale are going to say something. And next week is going to be news all week, hopefully playing dead(Telltale's youtube channel) is back and showcases episode 1 "All That Remains". Reviewers by friday/saturday. Then we play on Tueday 17th
I'm fed up too... Since I can't play and fully enjoyed Walking Dead season 1 ... I know it might be out of purpose ... But still ! (if someone has time and know what to do...)
Besides, I hope TWAU ep2 will be unbugged, 'cuz it's really annoying to face bug + waiting + delay etc...
That's the spirit ! Lots of people are edgy because they KNOW the release is near but don't have the exact date, it's perfectly human to break down and throw a fit sometimes.
But let's hang on just a tiny bit longer and we'll all be able to enjoy Season 2 ! Now, go grab yourself a fresh beer like everyone else and come back near the campfire where you belong =D
Is that what you think?
I'm not defending them by any stretch of the imagination. I'm saying that Telltale could care less that you feel you're being neglected or ignored. Way they look at it is you're replaceable.
Like I said, I was drawn to Telltale back in the day when they literally were a very small company where everyone in the office was helping pack and ship orders and watched them grow to where they could maybe do two "series" in a year (one in the fall and one in the spring/summer).
I was a part of the fan base that gave Telltale the acclaim and resources that they were able to pursue BttF, Jurassic Park, The Walking Dead and Fables.
That base of support was grown on the back of the fantastic episodic adventures Telltale was producing from beloved franchises resurrected after LucasArts decided they just wanted to make Star Wars games (and Telltale's surprise collaboration with Aardman Animations/Nick Park for Wallace & Gromit),
Then, after all the success, they decided they didn't want to make comedic (or traditional) adventure games anymore. So what if the fans wanted more Sam & Max or Monkey Island or Strong Bad (or Bone)? Telltale had blockbuster licenses to pursue and new non-puzzley narrative techniques to try out.
So...My point is your assertion that Telltale has to give the fans what they want is deeply flawed from the basic premise.