There's no better way to relieve your exam stress with TWD S2. All you have to do is find food, water, shelter, people to be with, weapons, overcome the loss of your beloved fried Lee,and survive the apocalypse as a 9 year old girl. Or maybe it's not such a good idea...
hmm , i would still wait for the games >.< just be patient . A good game with good story is worth to wait for .
i also a big fan of borderlands , would likely to buy it once it is available , while game of thrones , i have no idea about its story , but maybe it would have a good story ?
i would still support the games with good story =D
I really don't think it's going to be the 17th because if it was they would have said "Coming out December 17" in the tweet Earliest has to be the 13th and the latest has to be the 20th
I really don't think it's going to be the 17th because if it was they would have said "Coming out December 17" in the tweet Earliest has to be the 13th and the latest has to be the 20th
17th is only concerning Steam though (AFAIK). So they probably will be waiting for the Console dates (which depend on Sony/MS giving their respective "OK") to make an official announcement.
17th is only concerning Steam though (AFAIK). So they probably will be waiting for the Console dates (which depend on Sony/MS giving their respective "OK") to make an official announcement.
17th is only concerning Steam though (AFAIK). So they probably will be waiting for the Console dates (which depend on Sony/MS giving their respective "OK") to make an official announcement.
The PC/Mac builds of the game are the last to be finished while Sony & Microsoft check the console builds, but the console release actually defines the PC release date. Telltale's PC episodes have been mostly releasing on Tuesdays these last two years as this is the day PSN NA updates their store.
If Steam indeed works with an estimate they got from Telltale - which was never confirmed anywhere! - then Telltale expects the console build approvals just in time for release Tuesday next week. Things can still go wrong, but I do believe that we're heading for the "Steam date" for PC/PSN (and of course XBL for the next day).
17th is only concerning Steam though (AFAIK). So they probably will be waiting for the Console dates (which depend on Sony/MS giving their respective "OK") to make an official announcement.
Well, now I know why people are paying for crappy games that come yearly(CoD and the like) and why obesity is increasing... The less time it takes to prepare food, most likely the less healthy it is. If you went to a restaurant, your dinner isn't ready in two minutes xD
And saying that is just stupid. The game is awesome, but I have no true connection to the show. To me, the game came first, and that was the same for quite a few people.
The game is coming out after only a year? "Ten years" are you serious? TWD season 1 took a few years, yet season 2 is almost coming out with the first episode? When people start talking like you do, all I can say is, "Goodbye! Good luck there!"
This is the benefit of using pop-culture in your games TT good job. You get people that would probably wait 10 years for an episode and blindl… morey love it, then question other people who have issues with it. I am glad I don't watch shows like TWD and GOT cuz these games don't have that pull on me. I am not invested in the noise and will call it like I see it, TT games are not worth the wait. Let me put it this way I LOVE me a double quarter pounder with cheese but If I have to wait 10 min to get it then I will be spending my money on a different food item; the fundamentals of being a paying customer.
So if it comes out on 17th for PC/PSN only is there a way where I can get a code so I can download it to my xbox so I don't have to wait the next day to get? @puzzlebox
17th is only concerning Steam though (AFAIK). So they probably will be waiting for the Console dates (which depend on Sony/MS giving their res… morepective "OK") to make an official announcement.
The PC/Mac builds of the game are the last to be finished while Sony & Microsoft check the console builds, but the console release actually defines the PC release date. Telltale's PC episodes have been mostly releasing on Tuesdays these last two years as this is the day PSN NA updates their store.
If Steam indeed works with an estimate they got from Telltale - which was never confirmed anywhere! - then Telltale expects the console build approvals just in time for release Tuesday next week. Things can still go wrong, but I do believe that we're heading for the "Steam date" for PC/PSN (and of course XBL for the next day).
So if it comes out on 17th for PC/PSN only is there a way where I can get a code so I can download it to my xbox so I don't have to wait the next day to get? @puzzlebox
While I do love the fact that they can no longer back out of this months release two things bug me about this
1. It only says "THIS MONTH" and NOT "Before xmas"
2. No real release date given again
Wow. You two are REALLY scrambling over each other's backs to get into Telltale's good books, aren't you?
Is that what you think?
I… more'm not defending them by any stretch of the imagination. I'm saying that Telltale could care less that you feel you're being neglected or ignored. Way they look at it is you're replaceable.
Like I said, I was drawn to Telltale back in the day when they literally were a very small company where everyone in the office was helping pack and ship orders and watched them grow to where they could maybe do two "series" in a year (one in the fall and one in the spring/summer).
I was a part of the fan base that gave Telltale the acclaim and resources that they were able to pursue BttF, Jurassic Park, The Walking Dead and Fables.
That base of support was grown on the back of the fantastic episodic adventures Telltale was producing from beloved franchises resurrected after LucasArts decided they just wanted t… [view original content]
I played both TWD and TWAU. I'm new but I thought I'd give my unbiased input.
What many people in this topic seems to be missing is:
While TWD Season 1 may seem as a "complete" game on it's not.
When people point to other game companies they seem to forget that.
Also there's the problem that the games have very limited gameplay. So, for exemple, if you play Assassins Creed 2... Waiting for Brotherhood and Revelations wasn't a burden because the storytelling is just a part of the game. You're satisfied when you finish it because you were there stabbing people and jumping from buildings.
In Telltale games the ONLY thing that matters is the storytelling... And people will only be satisfied when the history ends. And it seems that the company doesn't grasp that concept.
Also... The games are short. If you think of these games as interactive "computer" shows with seasons.. You can't help but compare it to TV shows.
And TWD the TV show has, what? 16 episodes this season? That amounts to 12 hours of "content". Which is much, much more than 1 season of TWD game.
If you talk about TWAU the situation is even more dire. Each EPISODE taking months to be released.
But ok, that's about patience... Some people have more than others.
What really pisses these people off is the fact that...
While they're anxiously waiting for TWD and TWAU... The company who ALREADY can't deliver a quality product without taking a long time. Is stretching itself thin. Obviously seduced by the money prospect... Specially talking about GoT.
So I disagree with the dickish moderator. It doesn't seem like a smart move professionally... Only monetarily.
This just reminds me of a hobby I am in collecting BJD ABJD there was one company in particular who were understaffed like TT seems to be, most/some people even say this here they kept on taking on more projects after another just like TT taking on Borderlands, and GOT while I am excited for atleast BL draining their already tiny resources till they had backorders so far from people who made orders that those people had to wait a whole year for something that should have even been at their door within a few months.....
I understand that TT is having help with these two new games that they I hope won't even start till 2014 more so, and that is reassuring but if they can hardly even dish out season 2 ep 1 of TWD and specially having hat, a 3 month delay for TWAU ep 2?! What are they thinking on even introducing new products when they clearly can't even get these things and their releases right with their customers based on the positive past they had with releasing games/episodes before?
I played both TWD and TWAU. I'm new but I thought I'd give my unbiased input.
What many people in this topic seems to be missing is:
Whi… morele TWD Season 1 may seem as a "complete" game on it's not.
When people point to other game companies they seem to forget that.
Also there's the problem that the games have very limited gameplay. So, for exemple, if you play Assassins Creed 2... Waiting for Brotherhood and Revelations wasn't a burden because the storytelling is just a part of the game. You're satisfied when you finish it because you were there stabbing people and jumping from buildings.
In Telltale games the ONLY thing that matters is the storytelling... And people will only be satisfied when the history ends. And it seems that the company doesn't grasp that concept.
Also... The games are short. If you think of these games as interactive "computer" shows with seasons.. You can't help but compare it to TV shows.
And TWD the TV show h… [view original content]
Agree to the T .
This just reminds me of a hobby I am in collecting BJD ABJD there was one company in particular who were understaffed like… more TT seems to be, most/some people even say this here they kept on taking on more projects after another just like TT taking on Borderlands, and GOT while I am excited for atleast BL draining their already tiny resources till they had backorders so far from people who made orders that those people had to wait a whole year for something that should have even been at their door within a few months.....
I understand that TT is having help with these two new games that they I hope won't even start till 2014 more so, and that is reassuring but if they can hardly even dish out season 2 ep 1 of TWD and specially having hat, a 3 month delay for TWAU ep 2?! What are they thinking on even introducing new products when they clearly can't even get these things and their releases right with their customers based on the positive past they had with releasing games/episodes before?
OK, your comment proves you contradict yourself. If you read point 3 again you can clearly see I am NOT sexist, quite the opposite - I even speak about the use of STRONG female characters. I don't get it why you're being pissed and I don't care.
Vulgar behaviour? What the hell are you even talking about?
Also I use the term "little" alot not as a insult or anything, sooo yaaaa (Exam… moreple: You said not alot of ur female friends personally play those types of games, infact you said only two of them, thus it is a little number from ur group, yes?)
Just saying what I posted before in a reply to the posts... You just seemed to put a label on people on who they might be (goth) into liking these games and you came off as well just very immature and even a little sexist to both genders and its very sad to see. Also it looks like you have some insecurity issues or anger issues at the least from this post "If you can't deal with it, well you can call me names in private, this community isn't a Place for vulgar behavior
Correct me if I am wrong, but aren't these games rated Mature for people who can mentally handle them?
I hope for new news today but we may have to wait till tomorrow. I would love if telltale could pull off
a surprise dec. 13 release but I'm not banking on it. oh well. sighs dramatically
I hope for new news today but we may have to wait till tomorrow. I would love if telltale could pull off
a surprise dec. 13 release but I'm not banking on it. oh well. sighs dramatically
Stop generalising and misinterpreting what I have written. I never said that female gamers don't like such games. I even said two of my many female gamer friends actually like these genres. Me and the majority of my female friends DON'T like these genres but games with emphasis on storyline but I DON'T speak for whole mankind, no: I even said GOT has a large female audience. Exceptions prove the rule. I don't like shooters in general though I do like Bioshock and Portal. But I know my preferences. Just to clear it up: I am a goth myself, even though I don't like this term, so: no need to blame me for putting on labels on people I allegedly don't know.
You lost me when you talk about female gamers, are you saying that female gamers do not like medieval wars or sci-fi shooters?
I freaken LOVE that shit personally, a big medieval nerd right here and sci-fi
If we are going by the Tuesday/Friday release thing then after tomorrow(10th), that leaves us the 13th/17th/20th and the last Tuesday(24th) landing on Christmas Eve... I think its safe to rule out the 24th, which leaves us with about 3 potential release dates.
Tell your brain you at least have 2 weeks and it could release anytime in between, this way if it comes out next week you'll be happy and if it comes out at the end of the 2 weeks you still can't be disappointed.
Chill...Breathe...and remember that you will be here almost immediately after release either bitchin' about Ep1 or wondering when Ep2 is comin' out.
There's no better way to relieve your exam stress with TWD S2. All you have to do is find food, water, shelter, people to be with, weapons, overcome the loss of your beloved fried Lee,and survive the apocalypse as a 9 year old girl. Or maybe it's not such a good idea...
No way i'd rather have fried Kenny! That sounds pretty delicious!!!

hmm , i would still wait for the games >.< just be patient . A good game with good story is worth to wait for .
i also a big fan of borderlands , would likely to buy it once it is available , while game of thrones , i have no idea about its story , but maybe it would have a good story ?
i would still support the games with good story =D
'Cuz "Shhhk Shhhhk Shhhkk Toom Shhhk Shhhk Shhhk Toooom ! Dance ! A Dance to Dancing ..."

Fittingly enough, I'm actually eating popcorn while reading the OP.
I really don't think it's going to be the 17th because if it was they would have said "Coming out December 17" in the tweet Earliest has to be the 13th and the latest has to be the 20th
How about: Mary Cristmas life goes on..?
Another example of Telltale's poor announcements. They confirmed something we already knew. gg
The 13th would be epic.
Agreed. If it were to be the 17th they'd have confirmed the date already, as it pretty much is all over.
17th is only concerning Steam though (AFAIK). So they probably will be waiting for the Console dates (which depend on Sony/MS giving their respective "OK") to make an official announcement.
We hope so..
The PC/Mac builds of the game are the last to be finished while Sony & Microsoft check the console builds, but the console release actually defines the PC release date. Telltale's PC episodes have been mostly releasing on Tuesdays these last two years as this is the day PSN NA updates their store.
If Steam indeed works with an estimate they got from Telltale - which was never confirmed anywhere! - then Telltale expects the console build approvals just in time for release Tuesday next week. Things can still go wrong, but I do believe that we're heading for the "Steam date" for PC/PSN (and of course XBL for the next day).
Well, now I know why people are paying for crappy games that come yearly(CoD and the like) and why obesity is increasing... The less time it takes to prepare food, most likely the less healthy it is. If you went to a restaurant, your dinner isn't ready in two minutes xD
And saying that is just stupid. The game is awesome, but I have no true connection to the show. To me, the game came first, and that was the same for quite a few people.
The game is coming out after only a year? "Ten years" are you serious? TWD season 1 took a few years, yet season 2 is almost coming out with the first episode? When people start talking like you do, all I can say is, "Goodbye! Good luck there!"
So if it comes out on 17th for PC/PSN only is there a way where I can get a code so I can download it to my xbox so I don't have to wait the next day to get? @puzzlebox
Maybe there's more news ?
Ah, nooooo. Hopefully, that one day won't kill you.
Which is incredibly bad form, but one I'm getting used to when it comes to TTG.
Would it hurt much to hire a PR person? Telltale, are you listening?
Telltale I demand you to give us news!
If not today I'd guess tomorrow, a Thuesday sounds likely. They said a "bunch" of news "early next week", and that's what I'm expecting.
Telltale broke the news on Tuesday that Wolf Among Us was out Friday so tomorrow it could be
Pretty much, yeah.
I played both TWD and TWAU. I'm new but I thought I'd give my unbiased input.
What many people in this topic seems to be missing is:
While TWD Season 1 may seem as a "complete" game on it's not.
When people point to other game companies they seem to forget that.
Also there's the problem that the games have very limited gameplay. So, for exemple, if you play Assassins Creed 2... Waiting for Brotherhood and Revelations wasn't a burden because the storytelling is just a part of the game. You're satisfied when you finish it because you were there stabbing people and jumping from buildings.
In Telltale games the ONLY thing that matters is the storytelling... And people will only be satisfied when the history ends. And it seems that the company doesn't grasp that concept.
Also... The games are short. If you think of these games as interactive "computer" shows with seasons.. You can't help but compare it to TV shows.
And TWD the TV show has, what? 16 episodes this season? That amounts to 12 hours of "content". Which is much, much more than 1 season of TWD game.
If you talk about TWAU the situation is even more dire. Each EPISODE taking months to be released.
But ok, that's about patience... Some people have more than others.
What really pisses these people off is the fact that...
While they're anxiously waiting for TWD and TWAU... The company who ALREADY can't deliver a quality product without taking a long time. Is stretching itself thin. Obviously seduced by the money prospect... Specially talking about GoT.
So I disagree with the dickish moderator. It doesn't seem like a smart move professionally... Only monetarily.
Agree to the T .
This just reminds me of a hobby I am in collecting BJD ABJD there was one company in particular who were understaffed like TT seems to be, most/some people even say this here they kept on taking on more projects after another just like TT taking on Borderlands, and GOT while I am excited for atleast BL draining their already tiny resources till they had backorders so far from people who made orders that those people had to wait a whole year for something that should have even been at their door within a few months.....
I understand that TT is having help with these two new games that they I hope won't even start till 2014 more so, and that is reassuring but if they can hardly even dish out season 2 ep 1 of TWD and specially having hat, a 3 month delay for TWAU ep 2?! What are they thinking on even introducing new products when they clearly can't even get these things and their releases right with their customers based on the positive past they had with releasing games/episodes before?
your last sentence was epic in it's length, almost germanic in it's many clauses.
Haha ya the keychain is cool.
OK, your comment proves you contradict yourself. If you read point 3 again you can clearly see I am NOT sexist, quite the opposite - I even speak about the use of STRONG female characters. I don't get it why you're being pissed and I don't care.
Who cares if it doesn't, wait the few more days til the following week. (NOT MUCH TIME LEFT BEFORE CHRISTMAS)
Hmm 2 weeks left before Christmas, and the games coming out before Christmas...... Hmmmmmmmm
I hope for new news today but we may have to wait till tomorrow. I would love if telltale could pull off
a surprise dec. 13 release but I'm not banking on it. oh well. sighs dramatically
Doesn't hurt to dream lol
Stop generalising and misinterpreting what I have written. I never said that female gamers don't like such games. I even said two of my many female gamer friends actually like these genres. Me and the majority of my female friends DON'T like these genres but games with emphasis on storyline but I DON'T speak for whole mankind, no: I even said GOT has a large female audience. Exceptions prove the rule. I don't like shooters in general though I do like Bioshock and Portal. But I know my preferences. Just to clear it up: I am a goth myself, even though I don't like this term, so: no need to blame me for putting on labels on people I allegedly don't know.
Hate to be "that guy", but.. when you dream and then that dream doesn't come true, it hurts. It actually does :<
Keep dreaming, reality blows
If we are going by the Tuesday/Friday release thing then after tomorrow(10th), that leaves us the 13th/17th/20th and the last Tuesday(24th) landing on Christmas Eve... I think its safe to rule out the 24th, which leaves us with about 3 potential release dates.
Tell your brain you at least have 2 weeks and it could release anytime in between, this way if it comes out next week you'll be happy and if it comes out at the end of the 2 weeks you still can't be disappointed.
Chill...Breathe...and remember that you will be here almost immediately after release either bitchin' about Ep1 or wondering when Ep2 is comin' out.
indeed it does. indeed it does.
Telltale's starting to mobilize with news/teasers, etc. Things are looking up!
Unfortunately its only reiterating what we knew about Borderlands and GoT, BUT the twitter has been active a couple times in the last hour.
This infinite wait for Season Two is-is... poetry!
I'm so hungry for The Walking Dead Season Two!!! Telltale feed meeeeeeee