Alot of people doubting steam/Ign on the un official release date. But remember, Ign was the one who predicted that there will be a borderlands game. So keep your hopes up guys.
As you may have noticed I wasn't born and raised with the english language and I try my best to make myself very clear - I obviously failed as you remarked that I sound immature, that I don't know the use of the word contradictory and so on. I am neither trying to justify myself nor am I mad at you, not at all. I just feel like I failed in stating my opinion and experiences in proper english wich led to your impression of me being a foolish narrowminded overgeneralizing immature sexist girl, which I am absolutely not, I can assure you. It's not that easy to discuss this issue in a foreign language, believe me. As for the bolded word 'many' I thought you mistakenly understood that I have just two female friends. And lastly: I thought you were pissed because you sounded mad, using words like 'stfu', immature, 'insecurity issues' and other personal accusations - I thought you either don't accept that I don't like those genres or you misunderstood me - why else would someone become personal? Mature rated game or not: I never become personal on community forums, because this is a place for respecting togetherness, not a place for rants against people who don't think alike. I don't like medieval stuff or shooters (though I do like sci-fi), you do, fine with me, never judged you for that - xou on the other hand said to shut the fuck up. I don't like the inferior role of women in middle ages, though I know it can be interesting setting for other people nonetheless. The essence of my comments was supposed to be that I really hope TT saves this franchise for me and other females by developing strong and active female charas (there's two many bad written female characters in the vieeo game world) and an interesting plot with the emphasis on relationships rather than fighting which is a hard task as the female role in middle ages used to be quite the opposite of the gender roles nowadays.
I have been saying what you basicly just said that except with bringing up GOT and so forth, I do not get why you are so mad at me personally … moredespite to try and save yourself from your own typed out mistakes on what you were trying to speak of, like others have stated you clearly made a big case of coming off as sexist or in the very least case of making it seem very much like not alot of females play these sort of games, you check back to your lasts posts and reread them to see this. You do not state anything like "I speak for all mankind here" or "female gamers everywhere" or even "all female gamers think this way" BUT what you do do infact is make it seem like you do in almost every post you have made on this topic.
Btw why do you feel the need to bold the word many when talken about ur friends? No one here as said about you having many friends or even a little amount of friends like you assumed I had said about you in a post which I correc… [view original content]
just because they gave out info on new games doesn't mean that we should loose faith in them..they are a gaming company they have other things to work on besides TWD. but I think that TWD is the best gave they have ever made.
I didn't noticed you were not born knowing English, you seem oddly well enough to understand most things by how you type (specially with this post right here) so honestly I am not buying it, many people use this as a excuse.
Knowing a language or not does not make you sound immature it makes you sound immature on how you type things out as selfish for example or what you have been doing in your posts, and don't use freaken words that you don't known the meaning to just to sound smart -__-
Nope, clearly stated before that I never said you only have 2 friends just that those 2 friends were the only ones who played these types of games.
Nope the stfu yes I was mad during that one word yet the rest does not mean someone is made, just stating what they think, you can call someone immature, sexist,insecurity issues and other personal things without having a hint of anger swelling up inside of you.
People can become personal in hopes that others or urself would see the light as in when you have been acting very immature, right now I see you trying to switch the battle right here
6..I understand now why you may not like the middle ages types of games but honestly? Get over it that was than, this is now, even than are you gonna really play the feminst card? Females are strong in other ways as men and we all balance one another out just like men can overpower women, women can sometimes overpower men. Women don't need to have a fighting role or anything like that to be interesting in a story, that depends on how the script writter and character designer makes the females in their games, even if they made a game based off our times now in the 20th century that doesn't show anything really, they can still pass them off as being weak just as they can as being strong, remember in France of Jeanne d'arc? She was a strong women in years past, you don't find many of her even now a days. Just let it slide with no super strong female characters cuz honestly men are a bit stronger, upper body wise unless the women does a huge amount of weight training to catch up, thats just how we are made....They TT or any other game company and movies and books are gonna go off of.
As you may have noticed I wasn't born and raised with the english language and I try my best to make myself very clear - I obviously failed as… more you remarked that I sound immature, that I don't know the use of the word contradictory and so on. I am neither trying to justify myself nor am I mad at you, not at all. I just feel like I failed in stating my opinion and experiences in proper english wich led to your impression of me being a foolish narrowminded overgeneralizing immature sexist girl, which I am absolutely not, I can assure you. It's not that easy to discuss this issue in a foreign language, believe me. As for the bolded word 'many' I thought you mistakenly understood that I have just two female friends. And lastly: I thought you were pissed because you sounded mad, using words like 'stfu', immature, 'insecurity issues' and other personal accusations - I thought you either don't accept that I don't like those genres or you misunderstood me… [view original content]
For one, do you even know what the word contradict even means? I said nothing to contradict myself even once. You area a very quick to anger p… moreerson aint ya? To clearly state I am also not "pissed" or even emotional when I have been writting in the least...Nice try tho.
Just because Telltale has announced two new games doesn't mean they're going to be working on all 4 of them at the exact same time. Telltale has several teams working on their games, and they tend to have a smaller team lay the groundwork for each series before that team becomes bigger when the foundations have been laid and more serious work can start.
This means that they are free to have the vast majority of the company working on two games (TWD and TWAU) while a much smaller one starts on the newer ones (GoT and TftB), and then once the two games currently being worked on are finished the majority can all move on to the other games for release late next year.
TL;DR - Telltale have multiple teams working on stuff, and they know what they're doing. Have a little faith.
* I didn't noticed you were not born knowing English, you seem oddly well enough to understand most things by how you type (specially with thi… mores post right here) so honestly I am not buying it, many people use this as a excuse.
* Knowing a language or not does not make you sound immature it makes you sound immature on how you type things out as selfish for example or what you have been doing in your posts, and don't use freaken words that you don't known the meaning to just to sound smart -__-
* Nope, clearly stated before that I never said you only have 2 friends just that those 2 friends were the only ones who played these types of games.
* Nope the stfu yes I was mad during that one word yet the rest does not mean someone is made, just stating what they think, you can call someone immature, sexist,insecurity issues and other personal things without having a hint of anger swelling up inside of you.
* People can become personal in hopes that … [view original content]
Vainamoinen can assure you I am not english raised, I just take that as a complement
you said I sound sexist which contradicts with what I said in point 3. Never intended to sound smart
Edit: you said ' due to ur llittle circle of female friends'
well: to accuse so personally is never good, with or without anger. I'm not mad it's just against the forum rules - for s good reason
when I said 'strong' women I never meant those bigchested muscled killing machines but quite the characteristics you stated, with women being strong in other ways. I hope telltale can make it.
you can call me feminist. I am just sick of those bigchested or dumb female characters in video games and Id on't think sou can blame me for that
* I didn't noticed you were not born knowing English, you seem oddly well enough to understand most things by how you type (specially with thi… mores post right here) so honestly I am not buying it, many people use this as a excuse.
* Knowing a language or not does not make you sound immature it makes you sound immature on how you type things out as selfish for example or what you have been doing in your posts, and don't use freaken words that you don't known the meaning to just to sound smart -__-
* Nope, clearly stated before that I never said you only have 2 friends just that those 2 friends were the only ones who played these types of games.
* Nope the stfu yes I was mad during that one word yet the rest does not mean someone is made, just stating what they think, you can call someone immature, sexist,insecurity issues and other personal things without having a hint of anger swelling up inside of you.
* People can become personal in hopes that … [view original content]
With all the announcements of new games and teases of Season 2, I thought it would be interesting to bring up this point of a Season 2 (and the blog is nowhere to be found on here):
Christopher Lloyd revealed at FanExpo of August 2012, he was to reprise his role of Doc Brown in a new game, but since then there's been no word about it anywhere.
Where's BttF Season 2? I'd post this in the correct discussion blog if it was still to be found on this site.
The Walking Dead twitter account tweeted this: @TheWalkingDead: What should we ask @telltalegames? Use the hashtag #TelltaleQs and get your qu… moreestions about The Walking Dead Season 2 answered!
You now have a chance to ask questions everyone, go!
The Walking Dead twitter account tweeted this: @TheWalkingDead: What should we ask @telltalegames? Use the hashtag #TelltaleQs and get your questions about The Walking Dead Season 2 answered!
You now have a chance to ask questions everyone, go!
The Walking Dead twitter account tweeted this: @TheWalkingDead: What should we ask @telltalegames? Use the hashtag #TelltaleQs and get your qu… moreestions about The Walking Dead Season 2 answered!
You now have a chance to ask questions everyone, go!
You can't deny that it looks bad when a small to mid-size studio hasn't completed two games or even given any solid release dates for the episodes of those two games that it has opened up for purchase before announcing two MORE games. I don't think it was smart on their part to do so considering those of us who already gave them our money are still waiting two months later for just some NEWS on a TIMEFRAME for a release date for the second episode of one of their franchises. I get that you're moderators and likely the biggest Telltale fanboys out there, but come on. You can't be so goddamn blind that you can't see what feels so damn wrong about this.
Just because Telltale has announced two new games doesn't mean they're going to be working on all 4 of them at the exact same time. Telltale h… moreas several teams working on their games, and they tend to have a smaller team lay the groundwork for each series before that team becomes bigger when the foundations have been laid and more serious work can start.
This means that they are free to have the vast majority of the company working on two games (TWD and TWAU) while a much smaller one starts on the newer ones (GoT and TftB), and then once the two games currently being worked on are finished the majority can all move on to the other games for release late next year.
TL;DR - Telltale have multiple teams working on stuff, and they know what they're doing. Have a little faith.
The Walking Dead twitter account tweeted this: @TheWalkingDead: What should we ask @telltalegames? Use the hashtag #TelltaleQs and get your qu… moreestions about The Walking Dead Season 2 answered!
You now have a chance to ask questions everyone, go!
The Walking Dead twitter account tweeted this: @TheWalkingDead: What should we ask @telltalegames? Use the hashtag #TelltaleQs and get your qu… moreestions about The Walking Dead Season 2 answered!
You now have a chance to ask questions everyone, go!
Not telling people release dates until the last minute is how Telltale's always done things. It's just their way, although they have been announcing games being developed a lot earlier than before. I remember how they first announced Tales of Monkey Island the month before it actually came out!
As for the timing... there's not really any other big gaming events for months, so when exactly COULD they announce the games to a large audience? That said though, yeah, I can understand some people being concerned, especially with Telltale not being very communicative about the situation. That's never a good thing.
The whole TWAU thing is extremely unusual for Telltale, so people familiar with the company know that the long gap between episodes isn't a regular thing. But for newcomers, yes, I do sympathise. Of course I do. Hence my post. I wasn't attempting to tell people off, just explain how Telltale works a little better and try to re-assure people a bit. That's all.
Oh, and for the record? I'm not a fanboy. I couldn't give a damn about The Walking Dead or Game of Thrones, and while I do enjoy Borderlands and The Wolf Among Us, I'd hardly say they're my favourite titles ever. I miss the days when Telltale was more communicative with its fans, and I miss the days when Telltale made old-school adventure games. So fanboy is really not the word I'd use.
You can't deny that it looks bad when a small to mid-size studio hasn't completed two games or even given any solid release dates for the epis… moreodes of those two games that it has opened up for purchase before announcing two MORE games. I don't think it was smart on their part to do so considering those of us who already gave them our money are still waiting two months later for just some NEWS on a TIMEFRAME for a release date for the second episode of one of their franchises. I get that you're moderators and likely the biggest Telltale fanboys out there, but come on. You can't be so goddamn blind that you can't see what feels so damn wrong about this.
Yes I understand this but I did not understand the "almost germanic in it's many clauses" I used nothing but English there, and some special characters...I am confused lol
(Can't tell if it was supposed to be insulting or nice)
tbqh to be quite honest,Telltale are giving the majority of fans what they wanted,continue story of Clem,more WD,old characters coming back,jeez even the fate of Kenny will be explored,i cannot fault them...but i really need a clem action figure so i will fans couldn't believe how fast this sequel was coming out when it was originally announced,another positive from Telltale.By telltale getting recognition for it's work on the WD they have GoT and other new titles in the mix,and we even got 400 days!
Not telling people release dates until the last minute is how Telltale's always done things. It's just their way, although they have been anno… moreuncing games being developed a lot earlier than before. I remember how they first announced Tales of Monkey Island the month before it actually came out!
As for the timing... there's not really any other big gaming events for months, so when exactly COULD they announce the games to a large audience? That said though, yeah, I can understand some people being concerned, especially with Telltale not being very communicative about the situation. That's never a good thing.
The whole TWAU thing is extremely unusual for Telltale, so people familiar with the company know that the long gap between episodes isn't a regular thing. But for newcomers, yes, I do sympathise. Of course I do. Hence my post. I wasn't attempting to tell people off, just explain how Telltale works a little better and try to re-assure peo… [view original content]
Not telling people release dates until the last minute is how Telltale's always done things.
Before Telltale did consoles, an official… more release date could solidly be expected more than a week before release.
I get that you're moderators and likely the biggest Telltale fanboys out there
I... errrr... Red Thread Games rules! Just wanted to get that out there.
I believe Darth and I are indeed 'fanboys' of a sort, but more of Telltale's delicate roots than of the many appled strong tree that grew from them.
Before Telltale did consoles, an official release date could solidly be expected more than a week before release.
OK, so it's how they… more've done things since they started releasing on consoles. You little nitpicker, you.
I believe Darth and I are indeed 'fanboys' of a sort, but more of Telltale's delicate roots than of the many appled strong tree that grew from them.
Indeed. Except that I don't like apples.
Alot of people doubting steam/Ign on the un official release date. But remember, Ign was the one who predicted that there will be a borderlands game. So keep your hopes up guys.
1 more vine video of season 2 please were hungry @puzzlebox
Feed us @puzzlebox .
As you may have noticed I wasn't born and raised with the english language and I try my best to make myself very clear - I obviously failed as you remarked that I sound immature, that I don't know the use of the word contradictory and so on. I am neither trying to justify myself nor am I mad at you, not at all. I just feel like I failed in stating my opinion and experiences in proper english wich led to your impression of me being a foolish narrowminded overgeneralizing immature sexist girl, which I am absolutely not, I can assure you. It's not that easy to discuss this issue in a foreign language, believe me. As for the bolded word 'many' I thought you mistakenly understood that I have just two female friends. And lastly: I thought you were pissed because you sounded mad, using words like 'stfu', immature, 'insecurity issues' and other personal accusations - I thought you either don't accept that I don't like those genres or you misunderstood me - why else would someone become personal? Mature rated game or not: I never become personal on community forums, because this is a place for respecting togetherness, not a place for rants against people who don't think alike. I don't like medieval stuff or shooters (though I do like sci-fi), you do, fine with me, never judged you for that - xou on the other hand said to shut the fuck up. I don't like the inferior role of women in middle ages, though I know it can be interesting setting for other people nonetheless. The essence of my comments was supposed to be that I really hope TT saves this franchise for me and other females by developing strong and active female charas (there's two many bad written female characters in the vieeo game world) and an interesting plot with the emphasis on relationships rather than fighting which is a hard task as the female role in middle ages used to be quite the opposite of the gender roles nowadays.
they wont/couldn't do a thing about it
I might of found something to eat.
Looks like we'll be having a huge feast tomorrow!
Indeed we will. This vine was only the beginning.
Time for the true trials and tribulations! No complaining on this side of the forums
just because they gave out info on new games doesn't mean that we should loose faith in them..they are a gaming company they have other things to work on besides TWD. but I think that TWD is the best gave they have ever made.
Cant wait to see this interview!
6..I understand now why you may not like the middle ages types of games but honestly? Get over it that was than, this is now, even than are you gonna really play the feminst card? Females are strong in other ways as men and we all balance one another out just like men can overpower women, women can sometimes overpower men. Women don't need to have a fighting role or anything like that to be interesting in a story, that depends on how the script writter and character designer makes the females in their games, even if they made a game based off our times now in the 20th century that doesn't show anything really, they can still pass them off as being weak just as they can as being strong, remember in France of Jeanne d'arc? She was a strong women in years past, you don't find many of her even now a days. Just let it slide with no super strong female characters cuz honestly men are a bit stronger, upper body wise unless the women does a huge amount of weight training to catch up, thats just how we are made....They TT or any other game company and movies and books are gonna go off of.
That edit damn better hurry up....
Daaaaamn,325 posts?More then on MMOC?
....I spend way too much time here.... :P
Welp, now I know the fate of my current F5 key.. it'll be sad to see it go :c
~Why can't we be friends?~
Just because Telltale has announced two new games doesn't mean they're going to be working on all 4 of them at the exact same time. Telltale has several teams working on their games, and they tend to have a smaller team lay the groundwork for each series before that team becomes bigger when the foundations have been laid and more serious work can start.
This means that they are free to have the vast majority of the company working on two games (TWD and TWAU) while a much smaller one starts on the newer ones (GoT and TftB), and then once the two games currently being worked on are finished the majority can all move on to the other games for release late next year.
TL;DR - Telltale have multiple teams working on stuff, and they know what they're doing. Have a little faith.
Great! When do I get my Hogwarts letter? (Sarcasm)
(I think our lower body is stronger too.)
you can call me feminist. I am just sick of those bigchested or dumb female characters in video games and Id on't think sou can blame me for that
With all the announcements of new games and teases of Season 2, I thought it would be interesting to bring up this point of a Season 2 (and the blog is nowhere to be found on here):
Christopher Lloyd revealed at FanExpo of August 2012, he was to reprise his role of Doc Brown in a new game, but since then there's been no word about it anywhere.
Where's BttF Season 2? I'd post this in the correct discussion blog if it was still to be found on this site.
someone ask if kenny is alive or not
The Walking Dead twitter account tweeted this: @TheWalkingDead: What should we ask @telltalegames? Use the hashtag #TelltaleQs and get your questions about The Walking Dead Season 2 answered!
You now have a chance to ask questions everyone, go!
Someone ask if Clementine's bag is importent in season 2
You can't deny that it looks bad when a small to mid-size studio hasn't completed two games or even given any solid release dates for the episodes of those two games that it has opened up for purchase before announcing two MORE games. I don't think it was smart on their part to do so considering those of us who already gave them our money are still waiting two months later for just some NEWS on a TIMEFRAME for a release date for the second episode of one of their franchises. I get that you're moderators and likely the biggest Telltale fanboys out there, but come on. You can't be so goddamn blind that you can't see what feels so damn wrong about this.
Awwwwww damn, Telltale can't spoil THIS!
Someone ask if.. screw it, we have Puzzlebox over here :P
Dude a bag is always importent
puzzle what be the release date? arrrrrrrrr I be runnin me patience dry.
...It's a bag. She carry in on her back and pack stuff in it.
And sometimes it might be on the ground... :P
I think I'm going crazy but I think there may be a conspiracy behind it!
They spoiled omid so why can't they spoil kenny ?
i wanna know what day it comes out
I asked a load of questions! look my timeline!
Hello there fellow Dutchie
Not telling people release dates until the last minute is how Telltale's always done things. It's just their way, although they have been announcing games being developed a lot earlier than before. I remember how they first announced Tales of Monkey Island the month before it actually came out!
As for the timing... there's not really any other big gaming events for months, so when exactly COULD they announce the games to a large audience? That said though, yeah, I can understand some people being concerned, especially with Telltale not being very communicative about the situation. That's never a good thing.
The whole TWAU thing is extremely unusual for Telltale, so people familiar with the company know that the long gap between episodes isn't a regular thing. But for newcomers, yes, I do sympathise. Of course I do. Hence my post. I wasn't attempting to tell people off, just explain how Telltale works a little better and try to re-assure people a bit. That's all.
Oh, and for the record? I'm not a fanboy. I couldn't give a damn about The Walking Dead or Game of Thrones, and while I do enjoy Borderlands and The Wolf Among Us, I'd hardly say they're my favourite titles ever. I miss the days when Telltale was more communicative with its fans, and I miss the days when Telltale made old-school adventure games. So fanboy is really not the word I'd use.
Lost red thread of sentence structure after 'collecting'.
And I AM German.
tbqh to be quite honest,Telltale are giving the majority of fans what they wanted,continue story of Clem,more WD,old characters coming back,jeez even the fate of Kenny will be explored,i cannot fault them...but i really need a clem action figure so i will
fans couldn't believe how fast this sequel was coming out when it was originally announced,another positive from Telltale.By telltale getting recognition for it's work on the WD they have GoT and other new titles in the mix,and we even got 400 days!
Before Telltale did consoles, an official release date could solidly be expected more than a week before release.
I... errrr... Red Thread Games rules! Just wanted to get that out there.
I believe Darth and I are indeed 'fanboys' of a sort, but more of Telltale's delicate roots than of the many appled strong tree that grew from them.
OK, so it's how they've done things since they started releasing on consoles. You little nitpicker, you.
Indeed. Except that I don't like apples.
I'm sorry, Darth. I take back what I said about your mother!