"Red Thread" (german: "roter Faden") is a german figure of speech.
Nope, sorry, not a "German figure of speech" at all. I think that one even originates from Greek mythology originally. And it's pretty common in the English language.
If another german may weigh in: "Red Thread" (german: "roter Faden") is a german figure of speech. Means common theme, general theme of a stor… morey. In this case the main theme of the sentence.
wiktionary says there is something like a "golden thread" in english, that means the same? Oh and "leitmotif" appearantly means the same too and is also of german descent (didn't know that leitmotiv is an english word).
Personally I don't see the confusion in your last paragraph. Although I don't agree with it.
I am more curious to see if they take 5 years between episodes of the Game of Thrones game like GRRM is taking with the books.
I really enjoyed TWD S1. I haven't watched the show or read any comics, it was a tough ride at the end there. Lee could have become an iconic game character but I respect the decision. I haven't played TWAU but I will probably pick it up soon. The Walking Dead was my first experience with the studio.
On a serious note, while the art style for the Walking Dead didn't bother me, do I want to see it applied to my beloved Game of Thrones? I am not exactly scared, but nervous about the project because so far only the mod for Crusader Kings 2 has been a decent representation of the books in my mind.
man i CANT WAIT FOR TOMORROW!!!!! haha i hope to god there is a trailer Here is my trailer idea
Starts off with clemintine sitting on a log near a fire at night
Cuts to black about 4 seconds later with TellTale Games Presents
Flashes back to clem, she lifts up the pic of lee
Cuts to black for the second time saying the Sequel to 2012 game of the year and winner of over 90 awards
Flashes back to clemintine still at the fire place this time we see the shadow of a man appearing through the forest. He then places more wood on the fireplace then sits down
He then says have you been by yourself this entire time?
She looks back down at the picture of lee and says i was with a group for the most of it
Him- where are they now?
then some flashes off clem in dangerous situations with the music getting more and more intense
Then the title appears with a release date
Now the question is, what time will the article be published? It seems awfully unfair to just know it'll probably be within the space of a particular 24-hour time period.
man i CANT WAIT FOR TOMORROW!!!!! haha i hope to god there is a trailer Here is my trailer idea
Starts off with clemintine sitting on a log… more near a fire at night
Cuts to black about 4 seconds later with TellTale Games Presents
Flashes back to clem, she lifts up the pic of lee
Cuts to black for the second time saying the Sequel to 2012 game of the year and winner of over 90 awards
Flashes back to clemintine still at the fire place this time we see the shadow of a man appearing through the forest. He then places more wood on the fireplace then sits down
He then says have you been by yourself this entire time?
She looks back down at the picture of lee and says i was with a group for the most of it
Him- where are they now?
then some flashes off clem in dangerous situations with the music getting more and more intense
Then the title appears with a release date
Don't know if we can post links or not, but according to the Huffington post article about TTG's "Game Of Thrones" Season 2 Might be released … moreby the 17th.
Telltale has a long history of creating video games from popular movies and television series like "Jurassic Park" and "The Walking Dead," and now they will be bringing the world of Westeros to life for game consoles.
The "Game of Thrones" video game will be episodic, much like their "Walking Dead" game which they will be releasing season 2 of on Dec. 17.
No word yet on when in 2014 the "Game of Thrones" game will be released, but season four of the HBO series is set to debut in the Spring
I'd hate to have to leave the forum for a week after the xBox version releases for risk of spoilers I hope it's that Thursday or Friday afterwards that PSN chooses to update again.
The PC version will probably come on December 17, Xbox and possibly PSN on December 18. And yes, Dec. 18 for Xbox is official. Still waiting for Telltale's statement later this day.
Sorry man, I can't help you there. My loyalties are with the Box. As far as I know though, PSN always gets multiplatform DLC/games a month or … moreso later after the Box. But that's from my experience with Call of Duty, not so sure how that works with arcade games.
Sorry man, I can't help you there. My loyalties are with the Box. As far as I know though, PSN always gets multiplatform DLC/games a month or so later after the Box. But that's from my experience with Call of Duty, not so sure how that works with arcade games.
I'd hate to have to leave the forum for a week after the xBox version releases for risk of spoilers I hope it's that Thursday or Friday afterwards that PSN chooses to update again.
Its not said that PSN will realese TWDseason2 "after" Xbox. Many games are even realesed by PSN faster than Xbox. So I dont think that PSN will realese it after Xbox. And TTG already said that TWD2 on PSN will be before 2013 xmas
Sorry man, I can't help you there. My loyalties are with the Box. As far as I know though, PSN always gets multiplatform DLC/games a month or … moreso later after the Box. But that's from my experience with Call of Duty, not so sure how that works with arcade games.
I'm a little concerned for EU PSN. We're always the Last Ones. And back in Season 1 it was always a Week after the US but by then its the very Christmas Day already..
Well, "red thread" is not in wikipedia, whereas "roter Faden" is (edit: not even in urbandictionary). With that particular meaning. Red thread as the one in the labyrinth (Ariadnes Thread) is in both. Appearantly Goethe made that phrase popular by using it in "Wahlverwandtschaften".
Wir hören von einer besondern Einrichtung bei der englischen Marine. Sämtliche Tauwerke der königlichen Flotte, vom stärksten bis zum schwächsten, sind dergestalt gesponnen, dass ein roter Faden durch das Ganze durchgeht, den man nicht herauswinden kann, ohne alles aufzulösen, und woran auch die kleinsten Stücke kenntlich sind, dass sie der Krone gehören.“ (Teil 2, Kapitel 2) (from wiktionary)
And that's why I thought the modern phrase is german.
But then again I've never been to an english-speaking region for a longer time, so I don't know how common it is in english.
"Red Thread" (german: "roter Faden") is a german figure of speech.
Nope, sorry, not a "German figure of speech" at all. I think that one even originates from Greek mythology originally. And it's pretty common in the English language.
Nothing is ever officially confirmed until Telltale says so. If there was some problem with the game they wouldn't just release it because xbox said so. If you haven't noticed most of the xbox info guys end up back tracking with most of the things they say. For now it's still what most thought...the week before christmas so still no real news til TT says so IMO anyway:)
Especially since TT will probably announce the date for all platforms and not just one.
I'm pretty sure season 1 usually released a day earlier since PSN updates on Tuesday and I think PC released on Tuesday as well. If it's ready to go it will probably happen the same way
man i CANT WAIT FOR TOMORROW!!!!! haha i hope to god there is a trailer Here is my trailer idea
Starts off with clemintine sitting on a log… more near a fire at night
Cuts to black about 4 seconds later with TellTale Games Presents
Flashes back to clem, she lifts up the pic of lee
Cuts to black for the second time saying the Sequel to 2012 game of the year and winner of over 90 awards
Flashes back to clemintine still at the fire place this time we see the shadow of a man appearing through the forest. He then places more wood on the fireplace then sits down
He then says have you been by yourself this entire time?
She looks back down at the picture of lee and says i was with a group for the most of it
Him- where are they now?
then some flashes off clem in dangerous situations with the music getting more and more intense
Then the title appears with a release date
It'ssss TUESDAY news day WE HOPE
tomorrow should be called trailer tuesday.... kinda has a ring to it......... you listening Telltale???
Nope, sorry, not a "German figure of speech" at all. I think that one even originates from Greek mythology originally. And it's pretty common in the English language.
I think it's Teasing Tuesday from Telltale
Today's PCgamer article is going to contain awesome amounts of S2 goodness for sure. Can't wait to wake up to that!
i've played through it (and 400 days) at least about 5 times... in the past few months. Over ten times total.
to the downvoter... try playing through season 1 that many times and try to tell me without lying you dont get tired of it and want season 2...
I am more curious to see if they take 5 years between episodes of the Game of Thrones game like GRRM is taking with the books.
I really enjoyed TWD S1. I haven't watched the show or read any comics, it was a tough ride at the end there. Lee could have become an iconic game character but I respect the decision. I haven't played TWAU but I will probably pick it up soon. The Walking Dead was my first experience with the studio.
On a serious note, while the art style for the Walking Dead didn't bother me, do I want to see it applied to my beloved Game of Thrones? I am not exactly scared, but nervous about the project because so far only the mod for Crusader Kings 2 has been a decent representation of the books in my mind.
man i CANT WAIT FOR TOMORROW!!!!! haha i hope to god there is a trailer
Here is my trailer idea
Starts off with clemintine sitting on a log near a fire at night
Cuts to black about 4 seconds later with TellTale Games Presents
Flashes back to clem, she lifts up the pic of lee
Cuts to black for the second time saying the Sequel to 2012 game of the year and winner of over 90 awards
Flashes back to clemintine still at the fire place this time we see the shadow of a man appearing through the forest. He then places more wood on the fireplace then sits down
He then says have you been by yourself this entire time?
She looks back down at the picture of lee and says i was with a group for the most of it
Him- where are they now?
then some flashes off clem in dangerous situations with the music getting more and more intense
Then the title appears with a release date
Now the question is, what time will the article be published? It seems awfully unfair to just know it'll probably be within the space of a particular 24-hour time period.
I think, it was a joke:)
How much news will we be getting today???? @puzzlebox
Don't expect her to reply. :P
haha ;P
pcgamer are going to release an article today on Season 2 "All That Remains"
I dont know how to read
Do you think they'll release it on December 13? And probably be a spoilsport to Steam! Hahahaha.
haha hopefully earlier the better
Yeah,and now I'm paranoically freshing the page every 5 minutes.
According to the interwebz and Major Nelson, The Walking Dead Season 2 Episode One will be released on December 18th for the XBOX360.
That's a Wednesday, so does that mean PSN gets it a day before or after?
@NamelessAce PSN maybe get it a day/week after depending when their store updates, but they won't be getting it before the 360 sadly
I'd hate to have to leave the forum for a week after the xBox version releases for risk of spoilers
I hope it's that Thursday or Friday afterwards that PSN chooses to update again.
So is this official? Do the pc and xbox versions usually release simultaneously?
The PC version will probably come on December 17, Xbox and possibly PSN on December 18. And yes, Dec. 18 for Xbox is official. Still waiting for Telltale's statement later this day.
Actually, TWD game usually came out earlier for PS3 than Xbox360, so it could go either way, really. Just a big guessing game, eh?
Sorry man, I can't help you there. My loyalties are with the Box. As far as I know though, PSN always gets multiplatform DLC/games a month or so later after the Box. But that's from my experience with Call of Duty, not so sure how that works with arcade games.
Its not said that PSN will realese TWDseason2 "after" Xbox. Many games are even realesed by PSN faster than Xbox. So I dont think that PSN will realese it after Xbox. And TTG already said that TWD2 on PSN will be before 2013 xmas
I think the DLC portion pertains to DLC for add ons, not the games themselves. That's how it is with Call of Duty and such.
I'm a little concerned for EU PSN. We're always the Last Ones. And back in Season 1 it was always a Week after the US but by then its the very Christmas Day already..
Well, "red thread" is not in wikipedia, whereas "roter Faden" is (edit: not even in urbandictionary). With that particular meaning. Red thread as the one in the labyrinth (Ariadnes Thread) is in both. Appearantly Goethe made that phrase popular by using it in "Wahlverwandtschaften".
And that's why I thought the modern phrase is german.
But then again I've never been to an english-speaking region for a longer time, so I don't know how common it is in english.
Nothing is ever officially confirmed until Telltale says so. If there was some problem with the game they wouldn't just release it because xbox said so. If you haven't noticed most of the xbox info guys end up back tracking with most of the things they say. For now it's still what most thought...the week before christmas so still no real news til TT says so IMO anyway:)
Especially since TT will probably announce the date for all platforms and not just one.
I'm pretty sure season 1 usually released a day earlier since PSN updates on Tuesday and I think PC released on Tuesday as well. If it's ready to go it will probably happen the same way
More alliteration pls.
Think today is totally terrific teasing Tuesday the tenth thanks to Telltale, then trailer tomorrow?
You really put some details into this! I love it!
The PCGamer interview is now live:
thanks friend.
wow that interview was a letdown