But you always have to remember that Microsoft and Sony receive from Telltale what Telltale hopes is the final console build of their episode, two weeks in advance. Now Microsoft said they'll release on the 18th, which means they HAVE put that 'pass' stamp on ep1. I didn't yet know they could just plain announce that before Telltale does, but they certainly bear weight in this matter. Microsoft now has all they need to release, while for example Valve certainly does not.
Question: In celebration of Season 2 coming out this month, I'm going to make a sketch Lee and Clementine's last moment together. Now, should the words read "Keep that hair short." or should it be "I'll miss you."? Any other suggestions are welcome.
I'm a little concerned for EU PSN. We're always the Last Ones. And back in Season 1 it was always a Week after the US but by then its the very Christmas Day already..
The PC version can release at any day of the week, while the console versions are bound to the manufacturer's "update days". That's Tuesday for PSN North America and Wednesday/Friday for XBL. Usually, the PC version comes with whatever platform releases first.
Someone said you going to have to pick either this woman and her baby or Chirsta and her baby.I say that would be dumb because clem knows Chirsta and would have just met this woman. Why would Clem pick a random woman over a person she know.
You sure it couldn't be Christa? I mean, it's filmed with a phone on a computer screen, colors could be altered a bit.. The jacket really kinda looks like hers (even if the fact that it could get bigger with her tummy would be weird )!
It's either that or 2 pregnant women, weird. Rah TTG, can't wait!!!
Edit: No, can't be her, the hand is way too white..
what about playstation
Yeah...I know....It total suc*s!! How can I sleep???
iOS was among the initially announced platforms this time. Yup, it could well be initial launch material.
Telltale didn't.
But you always have to remember that Microsoft and Sony receive from Telltale what Telltale hopes is the final console build of their episode, two weeks in advance. Now Microsoft said they'll release on the 18th, which means they HAVE put that 'pass' stamp on ep1. I didn't yet know they could just plain announce that before Telltale does, but they certainly bear weight in this matter. Microsoft now has all they need to release, while for example Valve certainly does not.
can we expect PSN release on the 17
Expect, yes. Bet on it, no.
Another one guys!
Question: In celebration of Season 2 coming out this month, I'm going to make a sketch Lee and Clementine's last moment together. Now, should the words read "Keep that hair short." or should it be "I'll miss you."? Any other suggestions are welcome.
Christa's alive
Discussed here:
I don't believe that was Christa, but wishful thinking.
DEFINITELY "I'll miss you"...... Damn it now I'm sad again.
Not true!
First and last episodes only lagged one day behind. Second and fourth eight days, third episode 10 days... I think.
I just hope I don't get tears all over the sketch.
She's too white for Christa
Yeah hand is too white I originally thought it was her too
The PC version can release at any day of the week, while the console versions are bound to the manufacturer's "update days". That's Tuesday for PSN North America and Wednesday/Friday for XBL. Usually, the PC version comes with whatever platform releases first.
So excitedddddd!
Why do they torture us like this
Lookie here:
Where is Chirsta and Kenny? I don't care about random new white people 1 and 2.
That guy in the vine post... It's this guy!
I now regret complaining about lack of information.. this kind of teasing must stop
Depends on what you like. You're the artist. If I were you, I would use what you chose during your first play through.
Good luck on your sketch.
oh mah goodnessss
I think they enjoy teasing us like this.
I checked the comments for the latest vine on their fb and a lot of people said it looked like PewDiePie.
Now i can't stop seeing that! :P
Telltales going to have it out in a week. So it dont matter as much now
Well you didnt meet the new characters yet but yeah i really want to see kenny back in s2.
they should keep going
Oh PLEASE do not remind me that that guy exists.
Nice. Very nice.
The dude is OMID
Someone said you going to have to pick either this woman and her baby or Chirsta and her baby.I say that would be dumb because clem knows Chirsta and would have just met this woman. Why would Clem pick a random woman over a person she know.
You sure it couldn't be Christa? I mean, it's filmed with a phone on a computer screen, colors could be altered a bit.. The jacket really kinda looks like hers (even if the fact that it could get bigger with her tummy would be weird
It's either that or 2 pregnant women, weird. Rah TTG, can't wait!!!
Edit: No, can't be her, the hand is way too white..
He's overrated. Way better videos on youtube.
He looks ABSOLUTELY NOTHING like Omid.
Yes, Omid pulled a Michael Jackson.
Omid is Persian. That guy is white. Case closed. He is a new character.