TWD Season 2: Telltales 2# *Vine Teaser*
The 2nd Vine!
The 1st Vine!
Official Vine Forum
What do you guys think?
Do you think they are Clementine's new carers?
Are they the 2 silhouettes at the end of Season 1?
I'm so excited for Season 2!!!
I think that Season 2 is going to be split up into 2 parts. One part before 400 days and one part after 400 days. If this is true which part do you think these characters will come in at?
Also does anyone know how to upload the vine to a forum?
Other theories
The Turning Dead video on the 2nd Vine
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How about the person to the side?
a new character!!
i think he also, maybey a whole new group that clemmie finds!
maybe it's Tavia's group
she's like im pregnant, and he looks like wtf gurl?! haha
To be honest he would be stupid to not have already guessed
Is that pregnant Christa on the right?
it bothers me that they didn't put any sound in it, so you can't hear the other person talking
They probably did that so they don't spoil the new characters to much.
that would be awesome, that's how 400 days will link, with the persons who came with her.
Christa skin is darker than the this girl on the right
i think so, what if u suddenly hear kenny's voice, if that's so, i will shit myself from excitement!
It's Sean Vanaman! They're pulling a Doug!
wait, who would have kenny's voice. There are only two people in this vine so I assume that you think the pregnant woman is Kenny.
Are they the two silhouettes from from the end of season 1
Of course. Would be a bit of a head scratcher if they introduced yet another pregnant character just to fuck with people.

But I think this pretty much sets the timeline in stone. Clementine is (still) nine years old, between three and six months have passed.
oooh yeah of course hahaha
Or Backsound Or the topic they are talking about may be a spoiling
It's Christa. I know this because it's a pregnant woman.
your skin doesn't turn white if you are pregnant haha
There might be a decision later in game to save either that pregnant woman or Chirsta and her baby, I'm starting to think the the two figures are those two people.
Man, good question!
maybey that's the mystyrious (pardon my english) guy from the screenshot, just look at the shape of his face, but i rather hope its kenny
I was thinking that too but I'm still not sure, It's definitely the guy with the flashlight in the screenshot because they have exactly the same clothes.
2 new characters
Maybe he's Kenny's younger brother
it's obviously kenny guys, come on... don't you see it? =P
that's for sure, like clem is in danger, with her arm injury, he finds her, and then he and another person discuss what they'll do with her.
Hmm.. a pregnant Lilly or Molly perhaps? :P That jacket kind of looks like Ben's with ripped sleeves and Molly's Jeans. I'm pulling theories out my a**, For a second i was trying to imagine Kenny without a Hat and Facial Hair.. don't think that's him.
Well it's Telltales way at teasing us till the very last minute
Could be
So excited
...So, now we'll get a Vine every day till release? This is so old...
I'm been thinking if they are Clementine's new caretakers then do you think that they gave Clementine her new bag and clothes. I'll go into more depth in my other forum.
Im so excited
Seeing the game in motion (excluding the trailer) is cool. Looks like Telltale are repeating what they did with the 400 Days Vine teasers, with a new Vine each day this week.
I wonder if they are near Clementine that fire just might be the campfire.
as you can see, they're inside and the man sits on a couch.
Waitwaitwait, what? I didn't even notice the similarity at first, but I went back and watched it again. Wow, that's pretty funny.
I recall reading a behind the scenes article about 400 Days from Giant Bomb that said the character Nate was also based off of a former person from Telltale. All these Telltale cameos sure are amusing.
That yellow stain on the trousers though...
...maybe they built a small little hut, that does not have 4 sides covered. Just a theory