It seems very likely. Telltale said they would release it before Christmas and PSN updates on tuesdays. And the tuesday after the 17th is Christmas Eve. So the 17th is the most likely date.
Has this been confirmed by TTG? I saw this post on IGN(orant). Best not get our hopes up if this is the case. I'm not believing in anything until TTG says it themselves.
In that vine, I think the pregnant lady is Anna Corea(Molly's sister). She was pregnant and she killed Crawford in Episode 4.
No, chronologically it can't be Anna. We first saw her on the videotape twenty-four hours before the fall of Crawford, which took place at least two months before Lee and his group arrived in Savannah. (Anyone who has more accurate details is free to correct me here.) So by the time we rejoin Clem in season 2, Anna would have either had her baby, or...well, dead.
You can buy Clem's hat for $19.99!
"Little Clem's hat from 2012's Game of the Year! By popular demand. "Gas cap" style, weathered and soft, with velcro adjustable back."
Seasons in the United States go by the astronomical seasons, meaning Fall ends on December 20th and Winter begins on December 21st, the Winter Solstice. I can personally confirm this, as my calendar says Winter 2013 begins on the 21st of December.
They are still on track to release the game in Fall 2013 (and likely will, given that Xbox Live's Major Nelson has announced the date of release for the first episode of The Walking Dead Season Two for the Xbox 360 as December 18th).
"Telltale has explicitly said they intend to release this series in fall 2013. They haven't changed their estimate in MORE THAN A YEAR."
It… more's beginning to look a lot like Christmas... Doo dodoo doo doo doo. Don't know anymore lyrics... Doo dodoo dodo doo doo.
honestly its not common at all, this is the 2nd time I am hearing it from the same person tho I have only been alive for 23 years but no one else that I talk to knew what it was either..
Well, "red thread" is not in wikipedia, whereas "roter Faden" is (edit: not even in urbandictionary). With that particular meaning. Red thread… more as the one in the labyrinth (Ariadnes Thread) is in both. Appearantly Goethe made that phrase popular by using it in "Wahlverwandtschaften".
Wir hören von einer besondern Einrichtung bei der englischen Marine. Sämtliche Tauwerke der königlichen Flotte, vom stärksten bis zum schwächsten, sind dergestalt gesponnen, dass ein roter Faden durch das Ganze durchgeht, den man nicht herauswinden kann, ohne alles aufzulösen, und woran auch die kleinsten Stücke kenntlich sind, dass sie der Krone gehören.“ (Teil 2, Kapitel 2) (from wiktionary)
And that's why I thought the modern phrase is german.
But then again I've never been to an english-speaking region for a longer time, so I don't know how common it is in english.
I've wondered this myself. Perhaps we will find out in season 2 at some point
EDIT: Now that I think though the font looks really familiar as if I've seen a whole word written in the same type somewhere but I can't quite put my finger on it.
Errr ya no, honestly its not, I asked my folks they don't know what it means, Iv asked my friends and they don't know what it means either or even what it was...So only a few people but if it was "pretty common in the English language" than maybe in British English but not in American English
"Red Thread" (german: "roter Faden") is a german figure of speech.
Nope, sorry, not a "German figure of speech" at all. I think that one even originates from Greek mythology originally. And it's pretty common in the English language.
Season 2 will be released in 7days
Wednesday 11th
Day 1
Thursday 12th
Day 2
Friday 13th
Day 3
Saturday 14th
Day 4
Sunday 15th
Day 5
Monday 16th
Day 6
Tuesday 17th
Day 7
That's up to Sony. Unfortunately, the big console manufacturers still have their mindsets in the pre-digital age and require the release dates on their digital distribution mediums to be handled by them, rather than by the digital publishers.
Episode one of The Walking Dead Season Two will get a release date for the PlayStation Network once Sony announces the date (though, judging from the release dates on The Walking Dead season one and The Wolf Among Us episode one, it should be really close to the PC/Mac and Xbox 360 release dates, at least for North American PSN).
I've wondered this myself. Perhaps we will find out in season 2 at some point
EDIT: Now that I think though the font looks really familiar as if I've seen a whole word written in the same type somewhere but I can't quite put my finger on it.
Bah, you and your technicalities. It's December. To me, and most of the USA, it means Winter. Especially when it's snowing, the christmas lights are up, and roads are slick with ice, that means that it's Winter. Next time, telltale should say astronomical fall if they mean so.
Seasons in the United States go by the astronomical seasons, meaning Fall ends on December 20th and Winter begins on December 21st, the Winter… more Solstice. I can personally confirm this, as my calendar says Winter 2013 begins on the 21st of December.
They are still on track to release the game in Fall 2013 (and likely will, given that Xbox Live's Major Nelson has announced the date of release for the first episode of The Walking Dead Season Two for the Xbox 360 as December 18th).
I told everyone yesterday (page 74) that the game would be out on the 17th on Steam. My post got 14 thumbs down and 0 thumbs up. One guy said "but, there's no WAY Telltale would let a distribution company know before us, the consumer!"
I don't want to say I told you so...
But wait, yeah I do. I told you. Keep your thumbs to yourself, and suck on 'em until it comes out. On the 17th.
Well, if you are right then a lot of people are going to look like fools. which would be funny haha.
Personally, i believe any dates until i see it, so if you're right then well done if you aren't then you're just another person who made a prediction that was wrong but hey we've all done and been wrong, no harm in making a prediction unless you're trolling.
I told everyone yesterday (page 74) that the game would be out on the 17th on Steam. My post got 14 thumbs down and 0 thumbs up. One guy said … more"but, there's no WAY Telltale would let a distribution company know before us, the consumer!"
I don't want to say I told you so...
But wait, yeah I do. I told you. Keep your thumbs to yourself, and suck on 'em until it comes out. On the 17th.
Here's the thing. I had been checking this particular thread (and not posting) for weeks since I bought the game and often wondered if there was any news of it coming out. Every time, I had to read pages and pages back because this thread is littered with everything BUT information on when the episode is going to be released, which is what this post should be all about.
I come and make my first post and let everyone know when the game will be out on Steam, which was not a prediction, but rather me telling people that it was a FACT that the Steam store said it would be out on 17th, and not a single person appreciated the info. Isn't info on the release date what this thread is about?
Well, if you are right then a lot of people are going to look like fools. which would be funny haha.
Personally, i believe any dates until i … moresee it, so if you're right then well done if you aren't then you're just another person who made a prediction that was wrong but hey we've all done and been wrong, no harm in making a prediction unless you're trolling.
You bought S2?
Well dude, the thing is, people talk to each other on here about the game and how they're keen for the season but you're right, you rarely get any info about the release dates, but that's not people on here's fault. Maybe if telltale didn't keep everyone in the dark until the week when the game is going to be released there would be more info on here.
If you are so confident that it will be out on the 17th then you don't need to care what others do if you know in your mind it's right.
I'll tell you this right now, If you are indeed right, then a lot of people owe you a big apology. Personally the thumbing down thing is childish and a weak way for people to do it and remain anonymous.
Here's the thing. I had been checking this particular thread (and not posting) for weeks since I bought the game and often wondered if there w… moreas any news of it coming out. Every time, I had to read pages and pages back because this thread is littered with everything BUT information on when the episode is going to be released, which is what this post should be all about.
I come and make my first post and let everyone know when the game will be out on Steam, which was not a prediction, but rather me telling people that it was a FACT that the Steam store said it would be out on 17th, and not a single person appreciated the info. Isn't info on the release date what this thread is about?
What about the occasional Thursday-Friday update, like TWAU E1?
17th: Psn.
18th: Xbox.
what about pc?
Maybe 16th, probably the 17th.
17th. It was, after all, Steam that originally gave the Dec 17th date.
If I remember correctly TWAU ep 1 released on Tuesday but for some reason the season pass wasn't put up and I think they put that up on Friday
Great, thanks i forgot about steam (duh).
That might be it, because I didn't play until Friday and I bought the pass immediately!
Has this been confirmed by TTG? I saw this post on IGN(orant). Best not get our hopes up if this is the case. I'm not believing in anything until TTG says it themselves.
I think yes because for us is the final week of waiting and telltale maybe each day of this week they start to giving us vines till the release date
Waiting for Season Two
No, chronologically it can't be Anna. We first saw her on the videotape twenty-four hours before the fall of Crawford, which took place at least two months before Lee and his group arrived in Savannah. (Anyone who has more accurate details is free to correct me here.) So by the time we rejoin Clem in season 2, Anna would have either had her baby, or...well, dead.
You can buy Clem's hat for $19.99!
"Little Clem's hat from 2012's Game of the Year! By popular demand. "Gas cap" style, weathered and soft, with velcro adjustable back."
That is a good point.. but multiple platforms shouldn't mean a 3 month delay
Her last name maybe?...
Edit: Actually thinking it is more likely a sports team with a D name
No idea haha.
What does the D on her hat stand for?
Seasons in the United States go by the astronomical seasons, meaning Fall ends on December 20th and Winter begins on December 21st, the Winter Solstice. I can personally confirm this, as my calendar says Winter 2013 begins on the 21st of December.
They are still on track to release the game in Fall 2013 (and likely will, given that Xbox Live's Major Nelson has announced the date of release for the first episode of The Walking Dead Season Two for the Xbox 360 as December 18th).
honestly its not common at all, this is the 2nd time I am hearing it from the same person tho I have only been alive for 23 years but no one else that I talk to knew what it was either..
I've wondered this myself. Perhaps we will find out in season 2 at some point
EDIT: Now that I think though the font looks really familiar as if I've seen a whole word written in the same type somewhere but I can't quite put my finger on it.
Errr ya no, honestly its not, I asked my folks they don't know what it means, Iv asked my friends and they don't know what it means either or even what it was...So only a few people but if it was "pretty common in the English language" than maybe in British English but not in American English
You's easier to say it's coming on the 17th
That's up to Sony. Unfortunately, the big console manufacturers still have their mindsets in the pre-digital age and require the release dates on their digital distribution mediums to be handled by them, rather than by the digital publishers.
Episode one of The Walking Dead Season Two will get a release date for the PlayStation Network once Sony announces the date (though, judging from the release dates on The Walking Dead season one and The Wolf Among Us episode one, it should be really close to the PC/Mac and Xbox 360 release dates, at least for North American PSN).
I just found this pic very close resemblance here:
Bah, you and your technicalities. It's December. To me, and most of the USA, it means Winter. Especially when it's snowing, the christmas lights are up, and roads are slick with ice, that means that it's Winter. Next time, telltale should say astronomical fall if they mean so.
His hat is red and white and hers is blue and white
It could be a easter egg, like the marsh house is the Marshall House.
Can't wait for tomorrow! What do you expect for tomorrow?
Snowy with a 40% chance of gore.
So... I guess that's it for today. See you tomorrow people! I'll replay Season 1 one last time starting tomorrow.
So where did this word of more info come from? I haven't seen any info from Puzzle recently
I told everyone yesterday (page 74) that the game would be out on the 17th on Steam. My post got 14 thumbs down and 0 thumbs up. One guy said "but, there's no WAY Telltale would let a distribution company know before us, the consumer!"
I don't want to say I told you so...
But wait, yeah I do. I told you. Keep your thumbs to yourself, and suck on 'em until it comes out. On the 17th.
Well, if you are right then a lot of people are going to look like fools. which would be funny haha.
Personally, i believe any dates until i see it, so if you're right then well done if you aren't then you're just another person who made a prediction that was wrong but hey we've all done and been wrong, no harm in making a prediction unless you're trolling.
The whole episodes in one day?
How long does it roughly take you to finish the whole game?
8-10 hours?
Here's the thing. I had been checking this particular thread (and not posting) for weeks since I bought the game and often wondered if there was any news of it coming out. Every time, I had to read pages and pages back because this thread is littered with everything BUT information on when the episode is going to be released, which is what this post should be all about.
I come and make my first post and let everyone know when the game will be out on Steam, which was not a prediction, but rather me telling people that it was a FACT that the Steam store said it would be out on 17th, and not a single person appreciated the info. Isn't info on the release date what this thread is about?
You bought S2?
Well dude, the thing is, people talk to each other on here about the game and how they're keen for the season but you're right, you rarely get any info about the release dates, but that's not people on here's fault. Maybe if telltale didn't keep everyone in the dark until the week when the game is going to be released there would be more info on here.
If you are so confident that it will be out on the 17th then you don't need to care what others do if you know in your mind it's right.
I'll tell you this right now, If you are indeed right, then a lot of people owe you a big apology. Personally the thumbing down thing is childish and a weak way for people to do it and remain anonymous.
Now we have a release date I'm going into hibernation so nothing more is spoiled for me
does anyone know if i purchase the walking dead on my work computer under my account, will i be able to play at home as well?
Of course you will, that's not a problem.