That's just the XBox release date, which we've had for a good while. I'd imagine they aren't giving anything more solid coz they don't have anything for other platforms and don't want to say "Coming Dec. 18th on Xbox and real soon for everything else."
My hope is that they aren't saying that coz it'll be out on PC the day before.
Is it really without a doubt Kenny? I think we already had a discussion over here with one of the screenshots. I'm still not 100% sure, more like 70%. :P
Why wouldn't they wait till the week it's coming out to put out a trailer. This will just make us even more anxious and personally, I don't want to be spending my entire week wondering if the game will come out or not. They said very soon two months ago so it's hard to tell when they even mean at this point.
OK we got the trailer but is that Kenny or not. i'm not so sure it's him why wouldn't they show his face? Really glad to to see both christa and omid though.
I think the pro-Kenny crowd is going to be disappointed when it turns out there's more than one person in a snap-back trucker hat in the world of the Walking Dead.
I'm check back in later, see if they plan release preview then the game weeks later or today. I kinda used my day for this,and sorta didn't need the hype. I'm not bitter. I'm happy about all that. I just want to play the game, not watch previews or reviews.
I think the pro-Kenny crowd is going to be disappointed when it turns out there's more than one person in a snap-back trucker hat in the world of the Walking Dead.
It says on Steam that the game is due to be unlocked on the 18th of that's seems quite reliable to me and does fit in before Christmas? I love The Walking Dead game as much as the next person and have been eager for the next season since I finished the last. I understand how people can feel upset, (I have been waiting for an album my favorite band who said it would be finished and released in 2008...and still keep saying that it's almost done...), but surely you guys finally accept that these things take time and they will be done when they are done?
While waiting, why not read a book? Hugh Howey's Silo series is amazing!
Please tell me there is more. Tell me we did not wait almost a week for an eposide of preview of the game. I will reserve myself till I know w… morehich is case. If this isn't the game. Tell Tale is seriously over hyping it's stuff. It needs to tell difference from big event and something could been linked on homepage.
Seriously. No other company. Says so many times it's coming, it never does.
Sry but i have to say/write something less! than 2 weeks its Christmas.
Why cant a Company say a Date less than 2 weeks before they want to Release...........?
Well...if they have historically released the trailer a week before the game comes out....doesn't that connect the dots here? You know, if the shoe fits.
Why wouldn't they wait till the week it's coming out to put out a trailer. This will just make us even more anxious and personally, I don't wa… morent to be spending my entire week wondering if the game will come out or not. They said very soon two months ago so it's hard to tell when they even mean at this point.
After reading your post a 3rd time, I have come to the conclusion (stop me if I am wrong), you have a very sarcastic sense of humor, am I correct? Not a bad thing at all as I also do. I notice that a lot of times on here, sarcasm doesn't always come across the way it would if were speaking face to face. I guess my advice to you is, just dont care if people down vote your comments, I don't care if people down vote me. I understand people will not always like what I have to say or how I say it, but its still just me, being me 100%. I admire your boldness for calling a spade a spade, but when you are bold, you have to be ready for criticism. I usually don't say much of anything on boards. Keep on Keepin on Mewalto69!!
Of course i care
But like i said, people will keep doing because weak people like and all the others can do it hiding behind a computer.
My … morewhole question to everyone is, what do you get out of it? do you feel big about yourself down voting someone?
'Look, i've down voted someone, go me"
But that's just the wonderful thing about the internet i guess.
Pity none of you would survive if you in the Walking Dead games, what would you do? down vote a walker? haha.
Why wouldn't they wait till the week it's coming out to put out a trailer. This will just make us even more anxious and personally, I don't wa… morent to be spending my entire week wondering if the game will come out or not. They said very soon two months ago so it's hard to tell when they even mean at this point.
My only complaint is that we've been fed 'coming soon' for months and I just don't know if I can trust them anymore. When I heard Fall 2013, I didn't picture the day before Winter starts...Even if it's coming out next week, we still have no release date that confirms it. So basically we'll sit here and wonder YET AGAIN if the game is coming out soon. Very soon doesn't seem to prove anything with them anymore...
It says on Steam that the game is due to be unlocked on the 18th of that's seems quite reliable to me and does fit in before Chr… moreistmas? I love The Walking Dead game as much as the next person and have been eager for the next season since I finished the last. I understand how people can feel upset, (I have been waiting for an album my favorite band who said it would be finished and released in 2008...and still keep saying that it's almost done...), but surely you guys finally accept that these things take time and they will be done when they are done?
While waiting, why not read a book? Hugh Howey's Silo series is amazing!
They only know the exact release date just a few days before it comes out, the third party people need to verify it and stuff like that. But I'm sure it'll come out VERY soon (:
Sry but i have to say/write something less! than 2 weeks its Christmas.
Why cant a Company say a Date less than 2 weeks before they want to Release...........?
Sry but i have to say/write something less! than 2 weeks its Christmas.
Why cant a Company say a Date less than 2 weeks before they want to Release...........?
You obviously trust this company to make good games, or you wouldn't be here getting upset about it. So why not trust them to know when the game is ready for release?
They don't give us a solid date because they want to make absolutely sure that they don't disappoint us. I'd much rather have another 'coming soon' than an announcement of a specific target that they can't end up hitting.
Something tells me we won't be getting a response today about the "COMING SOON" - I was all excited watching the trailer, I kept saying out loud "Release date, wheres the release date" and then BAM - Coming soon - I literally said out loud at my desk "you have got to be sh!!ting me!!"
That trailer was AWESOME!!! That guy 38 seconds in looks too much like kenny to be anyone else. I am kinda ticked about the cop out on the release date at the very end though. We've already heard "Coming Soon" way too much.
I was excited and happy about that trailer, but everything changed when i saw "coming very soon"
Why wouldn't they say that in the trailer then?
I told everyone this was KEnny
Very disappointing. All this hype and though the trailer was good I just want a release date already. C'mon telltale listen to your fans.
Well, fuck. Clementine sure has a a lot to deal with.
me 2
Stolen from the TWD Meme and Fun thread:
(And, sorry I'm posting so many pictures tonight. I can't control it.)
That's just the XBox release date, which we've had for a good while. I'd imagine they aren't giving anything more solid coz they don't have anything for other platforms and don't want to say "Coming Dec. 18th on Xbox and real soon for everything else."
My hope is that they aren't saying that coz it'll be out on PC the day before.
Famous last words.
Is it really without a doubt Kenny? I think we already had a discussion over here with one of the screenshots. I'm still not 100% sure, more like 70%. :P
Why wouldn't they wait till the week it's coming out to put out a trailer. This will just make us even more anxious and personally, I don't want to be spending my entire week wondering if the game will come out or not. They said very soon two months ago so it's hard to tell when they even mean at this point.
OK we got the trailer but is that Kenny or not. i'm not so sure it's him why wouldn't they show his face? Really glad to to see both christa and omid though.
It is definitely Kenny. He's unmistakable, even from the back.
I think you're trembling with excitement. At least that would explain the triple post.
I'm check back in later, see if they plan release preview then the game weeks later or today. I kinda used my day for this,and sorta didn't need the hype. I'm not bitter. I'm happy about all that. I just want to play the game, not watch previews or reviews.
Why am I NOT surprised by the "coming very soon" at the end of the trailer? Ridiculous.
@puzzlebox You have alot to explain for that "Coming soon"...
...Telltale sometimes puts fake stuff in their trailers. Just sayin'.
Another "coming soon" from Telltale.
I'm tired and fed up from this treatment!
That was a really cool trailer, can't wait to get my fat greasy hands on this!
Maybe we get another trailer with "very very soon"?
If you watch the trailer 0.52 dead guy is Roman?
It says on Steam that the game is due to be unlocked on the 18th of that's seems quite reliable to me and does fit in before Christmas? I love The Walking Dead game as much as the next person and have been eager for the next season since I finished the last. I understand how people can feel upset, (I have been waiting for an album my favorite band who said it would be finished and released in 2008...and still keep saying that it's almost done...), but surely you guys finally accept that these things take time and they will be done when they are done?
While waiting, why not read a book? Hugh Howey's Silo series is amazing!
Also, is this what I think it is? C'maaan
Yeah, can't be big if they're not giving away free jewellery.
Sry but i have to say/write something less! than 2 weeks its Christmas.
Why cant a Company say a Date less than 2 weeks before they want to Release...........?
Well...if they have historically released the trailer a week before the game comes out....doesn't that connect the dots here?
You know, if the shoe fits.
After reading your post a 3rd time, I have come to the conclusion (stop me if I am wrong), you have a very sarcastic sense of humor, am I correct? Not a bad thing at all as I also do. I notice that a lot of times on here, sarcasm doesn't always come across the way it would if were speaking face to face. I guess my advice to you is, just dont care if people down vote your comments, I don't care if people down vote me. I understand people will not always like what I have to say or how I say it, but its still just me, being me 100%. I admire your boldness for calling a spade a spade, but when you are bold, you have to be ready for criticism. I usually don't say much of anything on boards. Keep on Keepin on Mewalto69!!
Exactly how I'm feeling.
My only complaint is that we've been fed 'coming soon' for months and I just don't know if I can trust them anymore. When I heard Fall 2013, I didn't picture the day before Winter starts...Even if it's coming out next week, we still have no release date that confirms it. So basically we'll sit here and wonder YET AGAIN if the game is coming out soon. Very soon doesn't seem to prove anything with them anymore...
They only know the exact release date just a few days before it comes out, the third party people need to verify it and stuff like that. But I'm sure it'll come out VERY soon (:
Jennifer and I did our utmost to deliver a halfway satisfying explanation in the FAQ thread.
It'll come out when it's ready.
You obviously trust this company to make good games, or you wouldn't be here getting upset about it. So why not trust them to know when the game is ready for release?
They don't give us a solid date because they want to make absolutely sure that they don't disappoint us. I'd much rather have another 'coming soon' than an announcement of a specific target that they can't end up hitting.
Something tells me we won't be getting a response today about the "COMING SOON" - I was all excited watching the trailer, I kept saying out loud "Release date, wheres the release date" and then BAM - Coming soon - I literally said out loud at my desk "you have got to be sh!!ting me!!"
That trailer was AWESOME!!! That guy 38 seconds in looks too much like kenny to be anyone else. I am kinda ticked about the cop out on the release date at the very end though. We've already heard "Coming Soon" way too much.