I am going to bow out of this thread, before I get more upset and frustrated. Then I'm removed for a reason, that I can't appeal to no one because they don't provide effective communication. Last guy I aruged with about release date. They banned me. I guess its throwing a dart at the wall. I hope everyone enjoys the discussion, and I dount anyone from tell tale will ever care, unless they make money.
Actually,TheLovelyLittleShota is right.They did.Either episode 3 or 4 (can't remember) was announced merely a day (monday) before it was released on tuesday.
Steam had a release date of November when they were taking pre-orders, though. People are right not to trust anything that doesn't come straight from Telltale.
So in about 20 mins in CA we will be getting info straight from TT right about whatever it was they wanted us to watch for?
I am hoping for a release since my friend just bailed on me for our plans tomorrow to hang out with his other plans who just talked to him a hour ago -__-
So in about 20 mins in CA we will be getting info straight from TT right about whatever it was they wanted us to watch for?
I am hoping for a… more release since my friend just bailed on me for our plans tomorrow to hang out with his other plans who just talked to him a hour ago -__-
please tell me that wasn't the big huge surprise that they felt the need to write "WATCH" on the last vine/tweet for?
Getting tired of these screen shots
please tell me that wasn't the big huge surprise that they felt the need to write "WATCH" on the last vine/tweet for?
Getting tired of these screen shots
Oh ok well can you show me the trailer? I do not have twitter so no links to their page and I have no idea where else to find it in this mess of posts XD
If you are referencing the tease from yesterday, then you got the timezones wrong. The trailer came out at that time they mentioned and was our news for the day.
If you are referencing the tease from yesterday, then you got the timezones wrong. The trailer came out at that time they mentioned and was our news for the day.
Highly doubt that it's implications of sexual violence. If so, the ESRB would have it listed under something of that nature.
Am I the only one who thought he was trying to help her from falling in the river before he got attacked by that zombie?
Oh ok well can you show me the trailer? I do not have twitter so no links to their page and I have no idea where else to find it in this mess of posts XD
i would really love to see season 2 go to some really dark places to show what humanity is capable of when there is no law also is there any mention of how the rest of the world is dealing with the outbreak?
I think, that Vain is the downvote trold. The more comments we write, the more maintanence he has to do... Thats is motive;)
What doyou have to say for yourself vain?
I used to agree with you. However, I've realised that bringing him back would actually be much more amazing.
17th december
I am going to bow out of this thread, before I get more upset and frustrated. Then I'm removed for a reason, that I can't appeal to no one because they don't provide effective communication. Last guy I aruged with about release date. They banned me. I guess its throwing a dart at the wall. I hope everyone enjoys the discussion, and I dount anyone from tell tale will ever care, unless they make money.
Updated your comment to be more specific so more people would check it out.
Another lovely "very soon"...
Looks like IGN will have a review soon since this yesterday:
Can't wait
IGN: Jaw-dropping experience 10/10
thats what they gonna say i bet
Steam had a release date of November when they were taking pre-orders, though. People are right not to trust anything that doesn't come straight from Telltale.
Highly doubt that it's implications of sexual violence. If so, the ESRB would have it listed under something of that nature.
Am I the only one who thought he was trying to help her from falling in the river before he got attacked by that zombie?
So in about 20 mins in CA we will be getting info straight from TT right about whatever it was they wanted us to watch for?
I am hoping for a release since my friend just bailed on me for our plans tomorrow to hang out with his other plans who just talked to him a hour ago -__-
Thanks dude
20 minutes? Where is that coming from?
It said at 3pm right? I am assuming they mean 3PM in CA since thats where TT is located right?
its almost 3 over here
The Tweet from last night
please tell me that wasn't the big huge surprise that they felt the need to write "WATCH" on the last vine/tweet for?
Getting tired of these screen shots
It's hard to say this, but Kenny's hat is slightly different.
It has white on the back..
Telltale I smell game of the year 2014 "cough" "cough". The Walking Dead Season Two "cough" "cough"
Not really, it's a video, and that picture it's part of the video.
Oh ok well can you show me the trailer? I do not have twitter so no links to their page and I have no idea where else to find it in this mess of posts XD
If you are referencing the tease from yesterday, then you got the timezones wrong. The trailer came out at that time they mentioned and was our news for the day.
now i just got to find this video everyone is talking about. I would have figured there be more talken about it but guess it wasn't that exciting?
Im sorry if I'm mean but Your annoying sometimes...... Just sayin
It's possible there's a lot we aren't aware of, but every time I go back and watch the trailer that part looks even more rapey.
Oh god I hope so
Click here
Most recent post on the blog. It's also on YouTube/Twitter/Facebook.
However, I may as well edit the original post to have the trailer as well. I agree this thread is large.
I updated the Original Post with links to the trailer, Vine Teasers, and various articles/interviews.
Kenny might still be in Season 2, but i doubt that's him
or just look at the twd topics listing people will post new threads about it.
wow your saying season 1 wasn't dark enough ?
wow dude just wow...
probably dropping the ban hammer...
slow motion capture series that was on tv.
I believe an update to this one is in order...
why the down votes ?
surely you have the option to NOT PLAY IT... if you don't like spoilers...
one can hope...
that guy facing us creeps me out.. (guy on left)
what gives is quite simple..
she doesn't know anything worth telling..because when she does guess what happens ?
she posts it !!
or maybe clem told him to cut it to prevent him being grabbed just like lee said to her ?