We can't kill ourselves over it. You think you do, when you look back on it. But in a moment? When things are really out of control? You don’t have any choice. We didn't make a decision that put Clementine in this mess.
Just try and let it go. Next week, we, the players, will be the only ray of light Clementine have. And let's give it to her!
Just watched the trailer again, the feels...
Would she have been better off staying in that treehouse, am I the one responsible for the mess shes in now...
I saved her, but I also failed her...
Can't wait, less than 1 week.
BTW i wont be on the forum at all on tuesday because i know there'll be tons of season 2 spoilers(i play on xbox so i need to wait a day). I guess all i can do is prepare for the feels.
PSA - Telltale just announced on Facebook that the rendition of Anadel's "In The Water" from the Season 2 trailer will be available to download this Monday. (They didn't say where, but I'm guessing iTunes)
We can't kill ourselves over it. You think you do, when you look back on it. But in a moment? When things are really out of control? You don’t… more have any choice. We didn't make a decision that put Clementine in this mess.
Just try and let it go. Next week, we, the players, will be the only ray of light Clementine have. And let's give it to her!
They redid a previous song they had made for the Walking Dead trailer. I bought the original song after hearing the version from the Walking Dead trailer. The original version is more mellow/acoustic and has lyrics, whereas the version in the Walking Dead trailer is more heavy and dramatic sounding.
To answer your question, I presume that this does mean we get the awesome instrumental piece from the trailer.
Late response, my birthday was the day I responded earlier so I was kept up. You just seem like the type to play that character, I was a Renegade FemShep and I was with Liara. :P
BTW i wont be on the forum at all on tuesday because i know there'll be tons of season 2 spoilers(i play on xbox so i need to wait a day). I guess all i can do is prepare for the feels.
See, that falls under bashing. There was no need to be sarcastic. I'm not singing the Vita's praises, here. There are things I don't like about the Vita too, but you can still say them without acting that way.
See, that falls under bashing. There was no need to be sarcastic. I'm not singing the Vita's praises, here. There are things I don't like about the Vita too, but you can still say them without acting that way.
PSN says 18TH.
XBOX says 18TH.
STEAM says 17th.
So it's 3/4 days to wait until release plus a confirmation from TT this weekend. I don't know about you guys but this is fair enough.
I have had a question ever since I saw the premiere trailer. Skybound's logo is still shown, which is obviously the publisher for TWD comics. But as Kevin Bruner stated on the IAMA, season 2 is no longer canon with the comic universe. Why is it still shown?
Icecream = Season 2

Zombie= We the community
Haha, so true.
We can't kill ourselves over it. You think you do, when you look back on it. But in a moment? When things are really out of control? You don’t have any choice. We didn't make a decision that put Clementine in this mess.
Just try and let it go. Next week, we, the players, will be the only ray of light Clementine have. And let's give it to her!
Oh forgot something... Fence = telltaleGames
"That fence. Oh man that fence..."
Everything will be fine, just stick to the plan.
Congratulations. You made me cry.
Awwww Sweet pea.. Your strong Clem you can do anything.
Stop it before I flood my room!
Are those yours??
You will always live in our hearts Lee Everett.
And bought new hat.
I can't take the feels! I'm gonna overdose trying to cope....

Season 2 is going to have awesome soundtracks!
Sooo many feels on this page.
Those have quite the artsy flair. (If you made those, what font did you use?)
The Walking Dead: Season Two is now on the front page on the Steam Store.
If that means something...
BTW i wont be on the forum at all on tuesday because i know there'll be tons of season 2 spoilers(i play on xbox so i need to wait a day). I guess all i can do is prepare for the feels.
What was that? I remember that really cool instrumental piece from the second trailer, but that sounds like a song with lyrics?
Yeah, we were all just rats in Telltale's twisted maze.O_O Lots of different paths, but only one real way out.
...Very very soon, perchance?
They redid a previous song they had made for the Walking Dead trailer. I bought the original song after hearing the version from the Walking Dead trailer. The original version is more mellow/acoustic and has lyrics, whereas the version in the Walking Dead trailer is more heavy and dramatic sounding.
To answer your question, I presume that this does mean we get the awesome instrumental piece from the trailer.
Hahaha belated happy birthday to you! Your playthrough is weird... :P
Thanks! I'll PM you so we don't flood the thread xD
Someone needs to do a zombie apocalypse version, with "Feels" zombies surrounding and devouring someone.D :
even if the bashing is accurate ?
You can dislike a console and even say you dislike it without bashing it. There's a fine line.
well i guess not everyone had a bugg ridden/unplayable vita twd s1 install then ?
See, that falls under bashing. There was no need to be sarcastic. I'm not singing the Vita's praises, here. There are things I don't like about the Vita too, but you can still say them without acting that way.
that was a fact and serious comment...actually..one guy went postal on these forums about it..(wasn't me)
lol yeah.
PSN says 18TH.
XBOX says 18TH.
STEAM says 17th.
So it's 3/4 days to wait until release plus a confirmation from TT this weekend. I don't know about you guys but this is fair enough.
Have NA PSN said anything yet?
I have had a question ever since I saw the premiere trailer. Skybound's logo is still shown, which is obviously the publisher for TWD comics. But as Kevin Bruner stated on the IAMA, season 2 is no longer canon with the comic universe. Why is it still shown?