I don't even know whether to wait or watch a lets play, I just.. God... I don't know! Uplaods will probably be 2-3 hours after its release tho… moreugh so.. I'll wait till tomoz and if its still not out on PS3 Europe then Idk.. I just don't know. I wanted to play it then discuss it but .
i see Cactus_Sauce logged into steam. Yeah people do that, it tells you on steam wahats approximatly left... Ive bought it on telltale website, i was hoping steam would release a little later but doesnt look like it..
i see Cactus_Sauce logged into steam. Yeah people do that, it tells you on steam wahats approximatly left... Ive bought it on telltale website, i was hoping steam would release a little later but doesnt look like it..
What? 1 hour is probably the first time twd season 2 will come out in California...What?? Sorry that completely lost me and honestly instead of guessing timezones here why not just go by what it says, so for us its 10am release, for others where says its 4pm right now than it will release at 5pm and so forth
on steam it says December 17th 2013 2 pm maybe that's every time zone not just mountain my guess is it comes out in mountain time zone 1 hour is probably the first time twd season 2 will come out in California or something that would be my best guess
on steam it says December 17th 2013 2 pm maybe that's every time zone not just mountain my guess is it comes out in mountain time zone 1 hour is probably the first time twd season 2 will come out in California or something that would be my best guess
what I'm trying to say is it could be that steam is talking about the first time people can play the game in the United States since Vertimyst said its 1 hour to go on steam that could be the first time people can play it that specific time zone but your right i will just stick to what it says for mountain time zone and everyone else can do the same
What? 1 hour is probably the first time twd season 2 will come out in California...What?? Sorry that completely lost me and honestly instead o… moref guessing timezones here why not just go by what it says, so for us its 10am release, for others where says its 4pm right now than it will release at 5pm and so forth
Yeah I was curious when this took place too.....but but but Omid and Clem were seen at Gil's Pitstop and it seems to be dead winter. So I have no idea it'd make sense if it's AFTER maybe......? It seems Bonnie and Shel's stories are about to enter Spring not sure though.
what I'm trying to say is it could be that steam is talking about the first time people can play the game in the United States since Vertimyst… more said its 1 hour to go on steam that could be the first time people can play it that specific time zone but your right i will just stick to what it says for mountain time zone and everyone else can do the same
I may not be able to play it right away, but at least I can watch a lets play. I know this might affect my decisions, but it's how I do things… more.
Edit: btw puzzle box do you know if season two will have its own app or will it be added to the current walking dead app?
That might not be true as if the App Store is the same the music store it will release midnight of the day it's meant to come out....so it would be tonight.
does anyone know when we can download from telltales site? I cant find any info on when the download will go up? would be kind of lame if steam unlocked first.
does anyone know when we can download from telltales site? I cant find any info on when the download will go up? would be kind of lame if steam unlocked first.
does anyone know when we can download from telltales site? I cant find any info on when the download will go up? would be kind of lame if steam unlocked first.
I know right! I don't know what do? Such a hard decision!
Which means, in EST, is 4pm? That doesn't make much sense, what with Steam saying 1 hour left.
i see Cactus_Sauce logged into steam. Yeah people do that, it tells you on steam wahats approximatly left... Ive bought it on telltale website, i was hoping steam would release a little later but doesnt look like it..
Tomorrow, Pc/Mac are first
I wish I could play it today.
lol I've waited a year I guess I can wait another day. Does anybody know what time it will come out on xbox
F*ck me I cannot wait.
my clementine will be a vicious murderer, just like her old lee taught her to be
Than you are looking at the wrong timezone
Why would you with steam users got its release a bit later? Just cuz you got it on the website?
I miss Lee though, But i can't wait to play Season Two as Clementine!
I think you forgot that this is an episodic release. After waiting is before waiting.
Yes, just yes!
What? 1 hour is probably the first time twd season 2 will come out in California...What?? Sorry that completely lost me and honestly instead of guessing timezones here why not just go by what it says, so for us its 10am release, for others where says its 4pm right now than it will release at 5pm and so forth
on steam it says December 17th 2013 2 pm maybe that's every time zone not just mountain my guess is it comes out in mountain time zone 1 hour is probably the first time twd season 2 will come out in California or something that would be my best guess
18th tomorrow
that creepy christa in the background
what I'm trying to say is it could be that steam is talking about the first time people can play the game in the United States since Vertimyst said its 1 hour to go on steam that could be the first time people can play it that specific time zone but your right i will just stick to what it says for mountain time zone and everyone else can do the same
Yeah I was curious when this took place too.....but but but Omid and Clem were seen at Gil's Pitstop and it seems to be dead winter. So I have no idea it'd make sense if it's AFTER maybe......? It seems Bonnie and Shel's stories are about to enter Spring not sure though.
34 minutes!
Yes, at midnight, so it's really Thursday.
Ahhhh ok n ya
Not even half an hour left now.
The same reason why it comes out day later for ps3 an xbox
...and those weren't even promises.
I'm not puzzlebox, but I can answer your question.
It'll be a separate app.
That might not be true as if the App Store is the same the music store it will release midnight of the day it's meant to come out....so it would be tonight.
Not even 20 minutes left!
does anyone know when we can download from telltales site? I cant find any info on when the download will go up? would be kind of lame if steam unlocked first.
Just shat myself thinking you had my steam Id and you were on my friends list
Hahah, i didn't notice her, till you said it. :P
Rust a reminder that you might need to restart steam for the Install button to show up
They're always aiming for simultaneous releases with Steam, but... it doesn't always work out. However, on occasion Telltale did release first.
it unlocks at 10:00 west coast right?
Gosh, I kinda like this hardass Lee too. o_o
To day for psn in NA.
Will be under "My Games" here once the episode is available the link will show there
And what is your point exactly?
Final countdown! 10 minutes left for Steam, hopefully.
Just cleaned my glasses with LED plasma screen spray, bring on the full visual effect!