Could anything Telltale might do make you stop playing?
This is just another 'hypothetical' thread of sorts I suppose. Basically... Is there anything Telltale might or could do that you would make you want to quit playing at this point?
Like, say the "I thought you were dead" person is none other than... Lee. In my own personal opinion, this would cheapen the end of the first season and really just come off as horrible writing. Now it's not going to happen, but if it were to, I might consider not playing the next episodes just on principle.
So is there anything you feel you'd react that badly to? Maybe Clem getting bitten at the end of the season, or Omid coming back, or Lily?
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Well like you said, that (the future being Lee) isn't going to happen. I don't think there is anything TT could do that would stop me from playing. Even if the person is Kenny or some other unrealistic figure. Id still play because the storyline and plot is amazing.
If they kill Clem the series will be dead for me.
Not even killing Clementine off would make me stop playing at this point. The ONLY thing that would make me stop playing is if they fire everyone in the crew and hire new un-talented people cough cough TWD S3 television show cough cough
If they keep killing off characters for shock value it'll end up being a bit pointless
i have to say i will keep playing even if they kill off Clem, but yeah the series would be pretty dead to me after that. hell alot my other friends refuse to play the game after Lee died, dont know why, but yeah you get the point
Well, I suppose if everyone of season 1 and 2 were to die at the end of season 2, so that we would have to go with an entirely new cast into season 3, I think I would drop it, because that would mean there wouldn't be anything looking forward to.
if they gave me a dog as a friend and it ended up attacking me and I had to kill it.
oh wait...
I'm sure there's plenty. Your example is pretty good, bringing back Lee despite how obvious it is that he died. There are lots of similar things that they could do that would be hacky and stupid, really.
Would they, though? I honestly think that I trust the Telltale writing staff more than any other writers in any genre, with the exception of David Simon and his crew (the Wire, Treme, etc.) As long as they keep the same commitment to quality, I highly doubt that I will ever let another TT game go by without purchasing it.
Since they haven't killed off any characters solely for 'shock value, you should be safe.
I love this game but if Clem got killed i don't know if i would enjoy the next season half as much as 1 and 2.
I feel exactly the same.
Are you referring to omid? Because his death fit with that scene. To me it wasnt out of place.
Outside of killing Clem, not really. As long as everything they do is reasonable, Lee being alive or some craziness like that would ruin my enjoyment, but I trust TT to not be that dumb.
Even if they killed Clem I would probably keep going but my enthusiasm for future episodes would drop to near zero.
I don't know. I might stop playing if Kenny comes back. Depends on how they do it, if they do it. Because to me that would be just like bringing back Lee. It would cheapen a great heroic sacrifice, and ultimately it would feel like a cheat. You have to play fair with your audience, because otherwise they can tell, and it takes them right out of their suspension of disbelief.
IMO, Telltale already kind of stretched believability almost past the point of absurdity in Episode 5 with Lee cutting off his own arm and continuing to hack through hordes of zombies as though it were just a scratch and the guy on the radio turning out to be the owner of the station wagon who followed them all the way to Savannah. I'm still on board, though, because the payoff for those things turned out to be pretty awesome. But it's still a risk any time they try to pull something like that, and certainly, it's possible they could reach a point where there are just so many contrivances and deus ex machinas going on that I just decide this is crap and quit playing. I don't see it happening any time soon, but it's always a possibility.
Although, I got the season pass, so even if the next episode were to turn out horrible, I'd at least play through the rest of the season just to see if they can save it.
Killing Clementine and showing Kenny as a walker (or not showing him at all) are both deal-breakers for me.
I don't think anything would make me stop playing, I mean even if they brought lee back, I'd rejoice. Even if it is unrealistic, I mean come on people the game takes place in a zombie apocalypse so...
( even though the zombies Are coming) lol
Killing Clem. It would break my heart. No joke.
Really? Kenny not living is a deal-breaker? LOL
I mean I get wanting him alive in this season. I personally don't but I can get my head around that thought. But calling it a "deal-breaker" should he really be dead I'm not getting at all.
Nothing haha, I'm ready for the worst things to happen in this game.
The episode 5 slide looks depressing to me and worries me, I can't wait till all 5 episodes come out but the wait is killing me
people are saying that clems death would make them stop. clem will die. deal with it. on screen, off screen, in 3 more seasons or after TT stops making games she will die.
I will leave if they keep teasing kenny coming back and then in episode 5 we see his dead body because right now im pissed about him
No need for her to die if telltale stop making games they can just end the series with her alive.
I really wish all the episodes would just release at once, I'm dying to play the rest.
I'd probably just ride it out and see where it goes unless they got reaaaaally strange with it. I feel confident they'll keep things somewhat realistic though and even if there's a far fetched occurrence they'll have some somewhat reasonable reasoning behind it.
If they take Clementine from me I'm fucking done...
I know for a fact that I would seriously cry if Clementine died
Bad writing would make me stop playing and buying the games... The way it looks it won't take much longer until that actually occurs. I don't think it will hurt that much though, because I sitll have the "The Wolf Among Us".
I'd probably still watch the playthroughs on youtube though. At least until they kill off Clementine.
Oh man, The Wire was a fantastic show.
So long as they keep the writing good and sensible, I won't have a problem.
I love The Wire. I gotta watch treme one day..
I can relate to your answer. It wouldn't have to be any singular event or plot twist that would turn me off. I would just have to be presented with characters and scenarios I became indifferent to. (As an example, even though 400 Days seemed generally well-regarded, I honestly didn't truly care about what happened to any of the characters. They all seemed pretty worldly and blasé about things, which makes it hard to care.) Similarly, I didn't really care about what happened to any of the new people we are presented to in Season 2. The best I can say about some of them is I didn't hate them.
I wouldn't necessarily call this bad writing, but perhaps unengaging writing? The biggest point of interest at this point is Clem and the good will carried over with her from Season one. But that's really putting all the eggs in one basket, isn't it? Season one had at least two characters (or even several) we really liked and wanted good things for. However, if only one of those "magnet characters" remains in the story that's a lot on her shoulders, audience-engagement-wise, especially when she herself seems to be changing as a character.
It's a deal-breaker for me, because Telltale's been making subtle hints of Kenny throughout the build up to season 1 (the quote "Kenny's fate will be explored", Nick wearing Kenny's clothes in the trailer). To have Kenny appear as a walker would be the lowest blow in a season that's liable to be full of low blows. Telltale butchered Omid, and put Christa through hell (assuming she isn't dead too). Telltale can only take and take before they have to give just a little.
The problem with all these types of statemente regarding Season 2 is: We have one episode to work from...and in that episode...maybe a third of it with the new characters involved. Your whole views and opinions on the Season 1 characters are based off 5 episodes. Not just Episode 1....where...pretty much apart from Clem...would it really have mattered who else did what?
Okay here's what's gonna happen: A Back to the Future and The Walking Dead crossover episode where Marty goes back in time to save Lee!
I win.
I cant think of anything. They can do whatever they need to do to tell the story. I can say this because I know they wont cheat by doing something ludicrous like bringing Lee back to life.
How do you know? Maybe she's immortal.
Yea if Carol ends up telling Tyrese she was the one who killed Karen and Jason. I hope Tyrese don't do anything to Carol she's such a memorable character in the series. Oh and Judith probably survived. The Mid-Season finale was great I enjoyed it. RIP Hershel Greene.,'' I'm calling it; I want to have Spaghetti every Wednesday, but first we must find some Spaghetti''- Hershel Greene
Isn't Carol gone?....