The Walking Dead Season 2 - Login Error



  • Well I pre ordered on the Macbook Pro and its not working after i Installed it said unidentified developer so can you guys fix this bug
    i tried restarting and re downloading still nothing

    This may be an issue with your registry. Please open a command window. (Below are instructions on how to open a command window) Windows XP:

  • Still can't "communicate with server" and haven't heard back from support since like 9PM last night. This is some seriously awful customer service.

  • Bought the game from TTG online got the email saying all well to download
    did this, installed then for the last two days when it starts up all i am getting is

    Cant connect to Telltale server.
    And that was all she wrote.. no mention of anything else error messages drm rights etc

    Just plainly dead

    Nice start to the game and after all the hoops they put us through with proving that we bought 400 days dlc
    and the disc from another supplier (EBGAMES) here in Aus

  • edited December 2013

    Yeah it is still not working. I tried a fresh install too. Are you guys sure the issue was fixed?
    EDIT:Got it working. I logged onto the server in Season 1 and that fixed it. If anyone has both seasons and cannot connect to the server, try logging into season 1 THEN season 2.

  • Tried the fix : REG DELETE "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Telltale Games\Launcher"
    no good at all. seems like nothing has changed for us downunder
    time to try support and wait in line for a cuppla days 8-)

    Gman5852 like the avatar

  • Thanks. If you are having the "Can't log in" issue, try what I just edited into my post.

    Dave Lister posted: »

    Tried the fix : REG DELETE "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Telltale Games\Launcher" no good at all. seems like nothing has changed for us downunder time to try support and wait in line for a cuppla days 8-) Gman5852 like the avatar

  • Just got back from emailing support re this prob
    Will go and give it a try right now...

    Man i loved Farscape 8-) 8-)

  • edited December 2013

    This sucks big time
    Season 1 runs via steam (all to do with the 400 days dlc and proving that you owned it etc ) login there ok game runs fine
    Run Season 2 under win7 and still get the same error .
    E-( i f i cant register the game with ttg server then i cannot get season two running at all and no hope of getting it to run
    under steam either if i needed it to.

    9-( 9-( 8-( 9-( 9-( 8-( 9-( 9-( 8-( 9-( 9-( 8-( 9-( 9-( 8-( 9-( 9-( 8-( 9-( 9-( 8-( 9-( 9-( 8-( 9-( 9-( 8-( 9-( 9-( 8-( 9-( 9-( 8-( 9-( 9-( 8-(

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  • So... still not resolved. Got an email 3 and a half hours ago saying I'd get a refund. Then... nothing.

  • I tried logging in to season 1 and then season 2. It worked for me, but not sure that logging in to season 1 actually did anything or not. But the servers seem to be running for a few more people now

  • edited December 2013

    Stiil no Joy 8-(

    Says a lot for getting it via steam or waiting till it comes out on disc at least all errors are fixed and it WILL install and work first time but a loooong wait for that. Next time if i ever feel like torturing myself again for season 3 i will look in on TTG. e-( e-( e-(

    Failing that its steam all the way *-)

  • I'm in Australia and still waiting for this thing to work for me. I don't get error messages, but when I click on "Click here to begin" nothing happens.

  • I've been waiting all day and nothing on the mac but telltale is to busy worrying about twitter and everyone raving about the reviews forgetting some people still cant play smh

    Tony1961 posted: »

    I'm in Australia and still waiting for this thing to work for me. I don't get error messages, but when I click on "Click here to begin" nothing happens.

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    What platform are you playing it on? Can you please provide a DxDiag so that I can assist you further?

    For PC: Please send us your DXDiag if you’re using PC. (To send a DXDiag, click the Start menu, click Run, and then type in DXDiag and press enter. After it loads, click Save All Information and save the file where you’ll be able to easily find it.

    For Mac: Select the Apple logo on the top toolbar of you desktop, then select 'About this Mac', and then 'More info...'. Now Select 'File' on the top toolbar of your desktop, then find 'Save As'. Choose a filename to easily find the document after saving, and most importantly change the file format to an easy to read document type (RTF is recommended) and save the file.

    After you have the file please copy and paste the contents in a Private Discussion to me and I can assist you further. (To send a Private Discussion, click on my Username, and click on Private Discussion on the left hand side. I apologize for the inconvenience you are experiencing.

    Tony1961 posted: »

    I'm in Australia and still waiting for this thing to work for me. I don't get error messages, but when I click on "Click here to begin" nothing happens.

  • I contacted Support via email yesterday, they suggested the original fix concerning the registry and changing my password. I did both, and still had no luck. I emailed back saying as such, and haven't received a response since. I understand there's a lot of people with troubles, but I don't want to get lost in the crowd either. I just tried the game again and am still getting that same issue of it saying login failed because it was unable to connect to Telltale's servers.

  • edited December 2013

    Hey there
    same problem to but they havent got back to me either after support request. Have tried all the work arounds .Did what TelltaleMike suggested above and mailed info to him. Maybe a fix will be found ..............................

    Dave still waiting in hopes E-(

    I contacted Support via email yesterday, they suggested the original fix concerning the registry and changing my password. I did both, and sti

  • If nothing happens, try moving your mouse nearby the word "season" and see if the arrow turns to cursor. If so, use ALT+Tab to cnange to desktop and change back to the game. Now you should see the Login-Window, that was invisible first.

    Tony1961 posted: »

    I'm in Australia and still waiting for this thing to work for me. I don't get error messages, but when I click on "Click here to begin" nothing happens.

  • Got it working. First I used my email as login. I got the f*** message. Then I used my username, which is diplayed after logging in on this website. With this username I get a connection every time I start the game. Hope this works for you guys too :))

  • I finally was able to download a clean install of the game. Now I can't login, nevermind the fact that it doesn't even give yo the chance to login. Nope, just "login error"

    So from what is suggested is that I have to login in season 1 via Steam and/or change password login in this website and then I can login to season 2? Nevermind the fact I don't have Steam, don't want to install it since I don't buy games there ever nor have a connection capable of downloading season 1 at the moment (I had to pause several times to get the first ep. of season 2 as it is).

    Then they wonder why people pirate games. This is really sucky DRM. I don't mind them as long as they work, but this "must be in the internet" thing is really annoying, especially since I have spotty internet at best, and this kind of game doesn't need any online presence to be played. Put a combination key number like the old times please. Seriously, why are you causing all these troubles for the people who did legitimately give you money for the game?

  • I got the same after trying to login to season 1 first. This problem just gets weirder and weirder..

    yakuri posted: »

    I finally was able to download a clean install of the game. Now I can't login, nevermind the fact that it doesn't even give yo the chance to l

  • edited December 2013

    Works for me, thanks!
    Just had to delete the registry entry manually in regedit, the cmd command didn't work.

    This may be an issue with your registry. Please open a command window. (Below are instructions on how to open a command window) Windows XP:

  • Day 3 no fix no contact from support no nothing except cannot contact server message ....................

    Whats the deal for a refund ?

  • MattPMattP ModeratorFormer Telltale Staff

    If anyone is still having trouble logging in, please contact customer support at for further assistance.

  • I'm still not able to connect. Help please! I'm getting Login Error!

  • I did email for help. I still haven't seen a reply! Get with the program please, or I'll ask for a refund.

    MattP posted: »

    If anyone is still having trouble logging in, please contact customer support at for further assistance.

  • mine still does not work

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    There are still a small number of customers experiencing this issue. Please make sure your Telltale Games account's password ONLY contains a-z, A-Z, and 0-9 and no other characters. If you have an " or \ or any non-ASCII characters in your password, please login to your account on our website and change your password.

    This may also be an issue with your registry. Please open a command window. (Below are instructions on how to open a command window)

    Windows XP: Go to your start menu and click on run. Type in "cmd" and press enter

    Windows Vista / 7: Press the Windows key. Type in "cmd" and press enter

    Windows 8: At the start screen, type in "cmd" and press enter

    Then copy the command line below and paste it into the command window, press enter, and confirm the question (to confirm the question, type €€€€and press enter):

    REG DELETE "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Telltale Games\Launcher€€

    (Please make sure when copying and pasting the above line, you are not including a space after Launcher, otherwise it will not work.)

    Please then try launching The Walking Dead again.

  • i did it and it looks like it was going to let me cuz it asked for my id and password, but after that i still got the same error. need help

    This may be an issue with your registry. Please open a command window. (Below are instructions on how to open a command window) Windows XP:

  • still not letting me.....still says cant communicate with server

  • i have a different problem. I've downloaded the game and all however when i click on the shortcut to launch it goes to a full white blank page and then a full black blank page and then says. ''Telltale has encountered a problem and needs to close'' and i have to click out of it. help? i contacted the Telltale Email for problems and i have yet to get a answer does anyone have a solution to this? this game has been giving me problems for 2 straight days and i have yet to even play it. it's getting really frustrating and i have no idea what to do

  • Hi all
    TelltaleMike contacted me in a private conversation, looked at my Dxdiag info and seemed not to be able to find a fault at my end , that with my ticket number is being passed onto support as of day three i have not had any contact from them. Maybe all other user should run that diagnostic and supply it to support when and if they contact you. Will let anyone interested know what happens from this point,


  • I got this suggestion from support, tried it, and it's still not fixed. I replied to the email and said so and never got a response on what to do next. Should we be emailing them with our Dxdiag information, or something else?

    There are still a small number of customers experiencing this issue. Please make sure your Telltale Games account's password ONLY contains a-z

  • I managed to fix the "Can't connect to Telltale's servers" error by adding a username to my Telltale account. Apparently my account only had an e-mail address, but no username.

    After I added the username on the site, I had to delete the registry key per Mike's post, and restart the game

    Windows XP: Go to your start menu and click on run. Type in "cmd" and press enter

    Windows Vista / 7: Press the Windows key. Type in "cmd" and press enter

    Windows 8: At the start screen, type in "cmd" and press enter

    Then copy the command line below and paste it into the command window, press enter, and confirm the question (to confirm the question, type “y” and press enter):

    REG DELETE "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Telltale Games\Launcher”

    Hope this helps!

  • Hi! thank you greatly for you giving me this wonderful advice however, it still isn't working. when i launch the game a full white blank screen pops up and then a full black screen pops up and then another full screen white blank screen pops up with this message "Telltale games has encountered a problem and needs to close" and then i have to click out of the screen.

    smeeguel posted: »

    I managed to fix the "Can't connect to Telltale's servers" error by adding a username to my Telltale account. Apparently my account only had a

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    Hi can you please give me a DxDiag?

    For PC: (To send a DXDiag, click the Start menu, click Run, and then type in DXDiag and press enter. After it loads, click Save All Information and save the file where you’ll be able to easily find it. Please copy the content and paste it in a private discussion to me.

    For Mac: Select the Apple logo on the top toolbar of you desktop, then select 'About this Mac', and then 'More info...'. Now Select 'File' on the top toolbar of your desktop, then find 'Save As'. Choose a filename to easily find the document after saving, and most importantly change the file format to an easy to read document type (RTF is recommended). After you save the file, copy and paste it into a private discussion to me.

    (To make a private discussion, click on a Username and then click on Private Discussion on the left hand side of the profile.)

    Chibikid posted: »

    Hi! thank you greatly for you giving me this wonderful advice however, it still isn't working. when i launch the game a full white blank scree

  • i sent it to you in a private discussion

    Hi can you please give me a DxDiag? For PC: (To send a DXDiag, click the Start menu, click Run, and then type in DXDiag and press enter. Af

  • edited December 2013

    Finally got to authenticate my game to the server .... after support got to me with the standard apology screen and list of things to do that i had already tried before on day one from the community forum . Didnt try them again and had a go at loggin in and lo and behold it authenticated except no save games found from the previous season 1 or 400 days dlc.. .

    ((Previous rant deleted calmed down back with good news !!))

    Ok this is an edit
    After shutdown and reboot i restarted the game ,made sure the internet was up and running before then logged in again.
    Let it run through the start up and it authenticated again. Also made sure ALL the save files were where they should be and started the game
    it went looking for the previous save files and this time found them all !!. Game started and i have just finished playing it .

    Over too soon
    Guys it will happen eventually.


  • Well, at least you can play the game, Dave. I still can't get past the "Click here to enter" line!

    Dave Lister posted: »

    Hi Finally got to authenticate my game to the server .... after support got to me with the standard apology screen and list of things to do

This discussion has been closed.