Is Sarah REALLY "stupid"?
There have been lots of different discussions about Sarah being stupid, less smart, autism and a lot of other things. Her dad also speaks about her in a way that makes me very afraid of her.
But what is it with her really? Is it really true that he can't handle the things that is going on outside or is that just her dad's Diagnosis? What if it's wrong? Maybe she is not as weak as everybody thinks.
She does seem a little weird at first but far from everyone is "normal" in this world and her wanting to do a "pinky swear" does not all out mean she's dumb or crazy in any sort of way. What if she's just a little different (let's say she's just way too nice) but not stupid and that her dad thinks she can't handle the truth outside while-list she REALLY can, that everyone underestimate her?
I'd like to think there is more to Sarah than meets the eye.
She is messed up anyways, definitely some psychological issues, she could turn into a Ben from the comics if you know what i mean. Crazy and unstable person when shit hits the fan I'd say
I like that you state your opinion, but what makes her crazy REALLY? I think this is the closest diagnosis I could find compared to the little info that was given about her.
Possibly some PTSD.
If you bring up the fact that you aren't the same age as Sarah, she acts suprised. She will go on to say that she is 15. Clementine is 11 at most. While Clementine is definitely more mature than Sarah, Sarah should have been able to tell just by comparing their heights. She isn't cooking on all 4 burners.
There is no set height for each age. Therefore, there is no way for Sarah to have known that Clementine was not in fact, a short 15 year old.
When i was little and i met some one knew i was like "Yo dawg wanna shoot some hoops" not saying "Hey we can be BEST FREINDS. FOREVER!!!!!!!"
I don't understand why everyone is hating on Sarah.
She's been isolated in a cabin with no other children to interact with, so why is it weird that she's excited to see someone closer to her age?
We need to see more of her. by episode 2 or 3, depending on how much time we have with her, we should know if she was just really excited or if we are dealing with zombie apocolypse sheldon
Clem sits down on the couch to read a book when sarah approaches
"Thats my spot" sarah says.......
She wants to be friends with Clem & that makes her dumb & a psycho because...?
So if everyone is not like you they are weird? Please have more tunnel vision.
Maybe crazy is too strong yet, unstable might be a bit more appropriate
Agreed, but why do you think she was unstable/and or crazy? I'd like you to explain.
She is 15 for cine out loud
Sarah was obviously sheltered by her father from a lot of things, probably a lot since the outbreak. I've been around kids like that when I was a kid, usually the only child types.
Sarah was kind of intense, she has strong stalker potential. She might turnout alright and I intend to keep my pinky promise as long as it doesn't lead to anything messed up. But it is clear that she is a little... shall we say.... different
She is a liability, would pick ben over her/10.
Carlos doesn't say that he simply wants to shelter Sarah, he bluntly says that if she saw how things were she could "cease to function."
That's what gave me the implication that she may have some form of mental disorder, and that doesn't have to equate to her being stupid or crazy.
She's definitely a liability!
You think a normal 15 year old would think a much smaller and younger 11 year old was the same age as her and then try to pinky swear with her?
Sarah isn't 15.. she's like 11, 12 at the most. The way she acts doesn't make her crazy either. She's a little girl, isolated in a cabin hiding from monsters and when she finally comes across another girl around her age of course she'll want to be best friends with her. Her size doesn't matter either, and if it did, she doesn't look 15.
If you choose to say "we're not the same age" She tells you her age and she says 15
Again define normal, how was she supposed to know how old a girl was? I myself has probably been more wrong than right when it comes to guessing ages.
Seems like most people thinks she's nuts just cause she does a Pinky Swear and is 15, like that's the definition of being dumb and stupid, gosh people.
So? Everyone is still different to each other, there is no set way a 15 year old should act. I can tell you this cause i've been around children and teenagers most of my life and people mature at different rates.
No shes a nerd
Have to admit i felt a bit like clem looked in that scene
"I'm sarah
(huh cool maybe this girl is pretty reliable and cool maybe)
(up no she just made this creepy and awkward"
Well sure, that's how kids used to act.
In the world of the walking dead every friend she's ever had is probably dead, and as much as Carlos tried to protect her from it I can guarantee she has been exposed to what is actually going on.
All this talk of her being "mentally handicap" is just ridiculous. Carlos is simply an over-protective father and Sarah is still a child. One who got lucky and didn't have to go through what Clementine went through (or maybe she did, her mom seems to be MIA).
Besides that, anyone remember the name of the book she was reading if you ask her?
Something scientific, if I recall my first playthrough. Not exactly what you'd expect from a "messed up/stalker/liability" right?
She seems plenty smart to me, if a bit eager to make Clem's acquaintance.
I think she's a normal 15 year old girl who was made a little socially awkward and sheltered by her dad and the lack of people her age. I think she would be this way even without the apocalypse, her dad just keeps her on a short leash. I don't think she has any mental damage based on what we've seen.
But we'll see in episode 2 I suppose...
She's like Duck, i think. Female hispanic Duck.
Someone else probably said it ITT but I'm pretty sure Carlos says something like: " Sarah is not like you, you may not understand that initially but the more you're around her you will". At first I took it as just meaning Sarah isn't like Clem in terms of how their lives have played out so far. But the rest of what he says kind of confirms to me that she might have some kind of disorder like autism.
Sarah's fine you guys.
Personally I think Sarah has been sheltered by her father most of her life. Even more so because of the zombie invasion. I'm guessing she hasn't really interacted with people close to her age in a very long time, and meeting Clem was unexpected. Maybe that sheltered lifestyle has made her a bit socially awkward. I don't think there's anything wrong with Sarah. In all accounts she's still just a kid.
Sarah is autistic.
Seriously. I think it's pretty heavily implied by the short interaction you have with her in the house and the discussion with Carlos.
Sarah does seem a little.."off" to me..but she also seems like the most interesting character out of the new group. I'll be interested to see what happens with her character.
Don't know, book she was reading seemed to be something on 'Goosebumps' level. It was fiction, clearly. Also, she doesn't seem very engaged in reading it, considering how she responded (without being sure of what she's really reading).
Inb4 Flimsii's next video being titled "The Walking Autism".
ugh, really?
i suffer from several learning disabilities. im sure sarah does too or something like that but i dont think 'stupid' is the proper term to call her.
shes not stupid to start with so yeah..... some humans just outright suck. end of story.
Mehh, I only did the pinky swear so she would give me the bottle of Peroxide, so, she dying, living, being bitten, traumatized, nuts, etc. I don't give a crap.
I think she's tougher than Carlos gives her credit for.
She doesn't freak out or get upset if Clem shows her the dogbite. Which you would kind of expect if you were to believe Carlos.
She's certainly very naive though.
I think the proper word is "immature". At least I think she is. If you look at Clem's face it's noticeable that she feels a little uncomfortable by Sarah's childish behavior and insistence on becoming instant "best friends." Sarah tells Clem that she hasn't made a friend since before the apocalypse and I was thinking "Well that sucks, hun, but Clem has been through WAY worst than you." Remember she lost ALL her friends in S1. Most of them violently.
Look at this vid and see what I'm talking about.

"Isn't cooking on all 4 burners." ROFL; thanks, saved for later!