Is Sarah REALLY "stupid"?



  • I didn't thought Sarah has mental issues when i met her I just thought she was a little immature cause her father kinda sheltered her from the world and she didn't met a kids her age for a long while . But now when i think about what Carlos said afterwords that she couldn't handle with whats happening nowadays etc i just wonder why did he say it , maybe she does have some problems ?

  • Well clearly something is a bit off about her. I imagine they'll probably stick to implying without ever explicitly saying what it is (easier to avoid causing offense that way)

    The situation is probably the biggest time bomb they've set up in the first episode. There is next to no chance that Carlos's efforts to shelter her from reality will last the season, after that things could get messy. We have no idea how she'll react.

  • I think she'll take it fine, it's Carlos who I worry about. I think he'll become over zealous in his attempts to keep Sarah sheltered and it will start costing lives.

    The Fallen posted: »

    Well clearly something is a bit off about her. I imagine they'll probably stick to implying without ever explicitly saying what it is (easier

  • She is like ben

  • edited December 2013

    My bad. Replied on accident.

    She is like ben

  • She's a weird sheltered girl. That's all we know so far. The way her dad talks about her made me raise an eyebrow though. I could see her flipping the fuck out. Definitely something off about her.

  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited December 2013

    There is no set height for each age.

    True in principle.

    But first, Clementine is SO MUCH shorter for one thing, and second, not only body height tells how old children are. Vertical body proportions play a major role as well, particularly in the face and the leg to upper body ratio.


    Also with Sarah, all the major puberty markers have fully kicked in. With Clementine, hardly at all. Children recognize this 'otherness' in an instant, possibly faster than adults do.

    For Sarah, reaching out in this way to Clem might just be a sign of utter loneliness... or indeed, some deeper psychological problem applies.

    Toitle_John posted: »

    There is no set height for each age. Therefore, there is no way for Sarah to have known that Clementine was not in fact, a short 15 year old.

  • Well.. I'm not sure about 'stupid' but she seemed a bit 'eccentric' to me. It's too soon to say anything I believe.

  • It's ok for her to be written as strange and autistic, if that's how it turns out. It's not a damnation of all autistic people.

  • In technical terms, she's retarded.

  • That is a really harsh way to describe her. Let's say she just slow.

  • When I imagine Sarah, I can see Clem almost getting choked out by her around EP 4 before I end up shooting her in the head or somehow killing her. I developed that vibe right after "cease to function." I wouldn't be surprised if she had two branching outcomes. Greatest Ally or Greatest Enemy perhaps?

  • Agree and also i tried different choices and Sarah said that Clementine looks older.

    Rizefall posted: »

    Again define normal, how was she supposed to know how old a girl was? I myself has probably been more wrong than right when it comes to guessi

  • Wonder what will happen if Sarah and Becca ever meet? I'm not a fan of either character right now but their conversations would be hilarious. Even though those two are closer in age (Becca is in her early teens, right?) they are like night and day.

  • edited January 2014

    KIDS!in the sneakpeak of episode 2 when the group were on the road we didnt see Sarah maybe as her dad says?She Would cease to function.maybe she died cuz she had some problems?WHO KNOWS.

    I think she'll take it fine, it's Carlos who I worry about. I think he'll become over zealous in his attempts to keep Sarah sheltered and it will start costing lives.

  • edited January 2014

    The Walking Dead Season 2 - When TT's forums turned from TWD discussion into a argument about psychology and someone's mental disorders.

  • She isn't "crazy" or any of those other derogatory terms- she most likely suffers from autism. That doesn't make her crazy or dumb. She definitely does not act like a modern 15 year old though. She acts more like a traditional 11-year old.

  • edited January 2014

    I'm 15, and I wouldn't ask somebody to be best friends in the first 30 seconds we have met. Plus, you only "pinky swear" when you're like between the ages of 4 and 8... not 15 (that's the same age as a freshman in high school). I don't think she's crazy or anything, and there are a lot of crazier people in The Walking Dead, but she's definitely not normal. And from what Carlos was saying, we know that there is something not right. "I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, but there are a few things you need to know about my daughter. She isn't like you. You may not get that initially, but once you're around her for a while you'll understand."

    Oomi posted: »

    I don't understand why everyone is hating on Sarah. She's been isolated in a cabin with no other children to interact with, so why is it weird that she's excited to see someone closer to her age?

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