Yes. There is no god, there never was a god, and there never will be a god. God is a man made idea spawned from greed and fear. Religion spoils morality and masquerades as its founder.
Don't worry, you're not getting an argument from me about that. Although haven't you ever wondered about the unknown? Something that not even mankind can comprehend. One thing I've notice is some people believe we matter but really we're unimportant and dispensable compared to the everlasting universe. I guess what I'm asking is do you believe anything is out there?
Yes. There is no god, there never was a god, and there never will be a god. God is a man made idea spawned from greed and fear. Religion spoils morality and masquerades as its founder.
However the fact that something as impossible as zombies are roaming the streets could be an argument that somekind of overnatural being (say a god) is at play.
I'm an atheist IRL, but I don't know what Clem would answer. I love this sort of option in the game, little things that don't impact the overall plot but might change how certain people react to you. What if there was an argument, and Clem could take one side or the other, or try to defuse the situation? It wouldn't even necessarily reflect her actual beliefs, since it seems like this seasons is going to be a lot more about playing politics and figuring out who to trust in order to survive.
This seems like an unnecessarily prickly response to a fairly simple and innocuous question. Being an anti-theist is fine but this kind of response makes you come off as being a bit overeager to pick a fight.
Also, I hate the term "hitch slap." Such a crude phrase poorly captures the man's usual eloquence and oratory prowess.
Yes. There is no god, there never was a god, and there never will be a god. God is a man made idea spawned from greed and fear. Religion spoils morality and masquerades as its founder.
Because I spend many a night asking myself what God is - then I tell myself an all-knowing, all-powerful, all-seeing advanced creature. Then I get into philosophical conundrums over those definitions and decide to just not worship any God(s) until they make their presence known to me in a way that's not a Jesus image on a piece of toast, or the word ''Allah'' in the clouds.
''do you believe anything is out there?''
Only when it's the dead of night and I have to go through a dark hallway into a darker bathroom to take a piss. Then I believe in everything from the Slenderman, to Smile Dog, to the unnameable, shapeless horrors that bare no passing semblance to humanity which drive to unleash unrelenting, unending pain and torment upon us all - one by one.
Don't worry, you're not getting an argument from me about that. Although haven't you ever wondered about the unknown? Something that not even … moremankind can comprehend. One thing I've notice is some people believe we matter but really we're unimportant and dispensable compared to the everlasting universe. I guess what I'm asking is do you believe anything is out there?
"Something that not even mankind can comprehend"... No. There's no reason for me to wish ignorance upon the human race. However, there are things like that now. Dark Matter, Dark Energy-- we don't need a god to fill this void of curiosity. We need science and reason. The only thing that's out there is undiscovered science-- be that god or the natural laws of the universe. It's all science at the end of the day. And we can explain in time.
Don't worry, you're not getting an argument from me about that. Although haven't you ever wondered about the unknown? Something that not even … moremankind can comprehend. One thing I've notice is some people believe we matter but really we're unimportant and dispensable compared to the everlasting universe. I guess what I'm asking is do you believe anything is out there?
"Something that not even mankind can comprehend"... No. There's no reason for me to wish ignorance upon the human race. However, there are thi… morengs like that now. Dark Matter, Dark Energy-- we don't need a god to fill this void of curiosity. We need science and reason. The only thing that's out there is undiscovered science-- be that god or the natural laws of the universe. It's all science at the end of the day. And we can explain in time.
"Hitch slap" is a term that Hitchens actually became fond of during his later years. Scanning through an online thesaurus doesn't impress me. It just makes you come off as verbose and pseudo-literate. Watch any of Hitchens interviews and you will see why that "crude phrase" even exists. While I agree that he was eloquent, I must ask; have you ever watched any of his interviews or read any of his books? He wasn't kind to theist in the slightest.
This seems like an unnecessarily prickly response to a fairly simple and innocuous question. Being an anti-theist is fine but this kind of res… moreponse makes you come off as being a bit overeager to pick a fight.
Also, I hate the term "hitch slap." Such a crude phrase poorly captures the man's usual eloquence and oratory prowess.
This thread is gonna go down in flames very soon. When I wake up tomorrow I wouldn't be surprised to see like 300 replies and religious debates galore.
Good, 'cause you're definitely a fedora tipper. Did you discover atheism (or rather, anti-theism in this case) just yesterday - because you're acting just as self-righteous as the imagined religious people you condemn, Skullzz.
I'm fully aware how ardent Hitchens was in his arguments against religion, but those were in forums where people specifically requested his presence to have a debate with him. The other user just wanted to specify whether you were referring to a specific notion of God or another higher power. Immediately launching into how religion spoils morality and how God spawned from fear strikes me as a being, well, preachy. (I should also add that it could be argued that morality also spawned from fear, but that's a side point.) And reliance on the tirelessly quoted words of dead/fictional people to bolster your own claims on the subject matter...I think you know where I'm going with this.
As for the hitch slap thing, that was just a statement of personal preference. I never claimed that Hitchens disliked it himself.
"Hitch slap" is a term that Hitchens actually became fond of during his later years. Scanning through an online thesaurus doesn't impress me. … moreIt just makes you come off as verbose and pseudo-literate. Watch any of Hitchens interviews and you will see why that "crude phrase" even exists. While I agree that he was eloquent, I must ask; have you ever watched any of his interviews or read any of his books? He wasn't kind to theist in the slightest.
Here's one of my favorite videos of him:
Look, I really don't give a shit if you're upset or not. I've been an Atheist since birth, and boy am I glad. It's proven that we have higher IQ's, and I'm glad I don't feel like I'm in debt to a being that doesn't even take the time of his eternal day to say hello to me. I know that continuing on with you religious folk is pointless... If religious people could be reasoned with-- there would be no religion. But do know-- that your feelings will get hurt if you continue on this path with me.
Good, 'cause you're definitely a fedora tipper. Did you discover atheism (or rather, anti-theism in this case) just yesterday - because you're acting just as self-righteous as the imagined religious people you condemn, Skullzz.
''with you religious folk'' There. Right there. That's where you dun goofed, you obvious 8th grader, you - I'm not religious (unless you count me worshiping Garth Ennis' writing), I'm an atheist. I'd suggest dropping Thunderf00t, TheAmazingAtheist and whatever else e-crusader you have on your YT subscriber list until you're not as vitriolic and can handle people not having the exact same ideas as you.
Look, I really don't give a shit if you're upset or not. I've been an Atheist since birth, and boy am I glad. It's proven that we have higher … moreIQ's, and I'm glad I don't feel like I'm in debt to a being that doesn't even take the time of his eternal day to say hello to me. I know that continuing on with you religious folk is pointless... If religious people could be reasoned with-- there would be no religion. But do know-- that your feelings will get hurt if you continue on this path with me.
Morality didn't spawn from fear. Morality spawned from empathy. Being able to relate to other human beings is why morality even exists-- which is why sociopaths and psychopaths don't do well in modern society. Religion takes claim to morality; but preaches against anything that it doesn't like-- the exact opposite of what morality should be. This debate can go on forever because religious people never take the time to actually listen. They just see someone who doesn't believe in god and start foaming from the mouth; throwing oil and holy water everywhere. If you're going to present another rebuttal, please take the time to present valid arguments to my posts. It seems like all you're doing is responding with open insults that present no arguments. I've heard that "preachy" line so many times now. Religious people can't present intellectual arguments so they try to break you down to their level of understanding. It won't work on me. Either talk like an equal, or get treated like a religious person.
I won't be dragged down. Hopefully by the end of this, I can drag a few of you religious people up a few steps. Though the chances seem slim, considering the close mindedness of believers.
EDIT: The mod locked the thread at the worst possible time. Just when Jabba decided to be an idiot. @JabbaDaHuttX7 Atheism can claim most of the past geniuses you moron. Religion can claim most of the past murderers.
I'm fully aware how ardent Hitchens was in his arguments against religion, but those were in forums where people specifically requested his pr… moreesence to have a debate with him. The other user just wanted to specify whether you were referring to a specific notion of God or another higher power. Immediately launching into how religion spoils morality and how God spawned from fear strikes me as a being, well, preachy. (I should also add that it could be argued that morality also spawned from fear, but that's a side point.) And reliance on the tirelessly quoted words of dead/fictional people to bolster your own claims on the subject matter...I think you know where I'm going with this.
As for the hitch slap thing, that was just a statement of personal preference. I never claimed that Hitchens disliked it himself.
"Obvious 8th grader". There. Right there. That's where you dun goofed, you obvious religious tard. I'm 19.
Of course you're an Atheist. I'll believe it when you post a video of you committing the only unforgivable sin (damning the holy spirit). Something I've done plenty of times. TheAmazingAtheist is an annoying twat, to be honest. I liked his early videos but now he's just full of rants. I have no idea who Thunderf00t even is; but judging by your contempt for them both-- I'd say you're a liar. You're a religious person trying to appear as an Atheist. I've seen this done so many times.
As if an Atheist would ever say "tips fedora"; a stigma that religious morons have tried to stamp on all free thinkers, including agnostics. If it wasn't for that, I'd actually believe you. But Atheists seldom attack other Atheist for presenting valid facts. Try harder next time.
''with you religious folk'' There. Right there. That's where you dun goofed, you obvious 8th grader, you - I'm not religious (unless you count… more me worshiping Garth Ennis' writing), I'm an atheist. I'd suggest dropping Thunderf00t, TheAmazingAtheist and whatever else e-crusader you have on your YT subscriber list until you're not as vitriolic and can handle people not having the exact same ideas as you.
Are you serious? That video fad was like three/four years ago and was only done by those who wanted to shirk the assumed religious fervor of the world around them. It was fun when it was just beginning, but now that the fad is over it all seems so trite and immature. Just because I don't run around with A slapped on my forehead saying ''fuck Jesus'' (like you on Sundays, I imagine) does not mean I'm not an atheist.
Actually, ''tips fedora'' originates from imageboards that like to make fun of zealous anti-theists like youself.
''But Atheist seldom attack other Atheist for present valid facts.''
Are you kidding me? If Atheists are like cats, then there's infights aboud, sonny Jim. And you're not presenting valid facts, you're being a rude little sunshine.
"Obvious 8th grader". There. Right there. That's where you dun goofed, you obvious religious tard. I'm 19.
Of course you're an Atheist. I'l… morel believe it when you post a video of you committing the only unforgivable sin (damning the holy spirit). Something I've done plenty of times. TheAmazingAtheist is an annoying twat, to be honest. I liked his early videos but now he's just full of rants. I have no idea who Thunderf00t even is; but judging by your contempt for them both-- I'd say you're a liar. You're a religious person trying to appear as an Atheist. I've seen this done so many times.
As if an Atheist would ever say "tips fedora"; a stigma that religious morons have tried to stamp on all free thinkers, including agnostics. If it wasn't for that, I'd actually believe you. But Atheists seldom attack other Atheist for presenting valid facts. Try harder next time.
And what is empathy? The ability to experience the feelings of others' as your own. Empathy drives morality because we feel the pain and suffering of others as our own, which is only significant if we fear our own pain and suffering. You know what's interesting about sociopaths and psychopaths? They don't feel fear over their own pain and suffering. No fear. No empathy. No morality.
From what you've posted so far, I can tell that you might not be someone worth having much further conversation with. I'm just going to quote what you said without any commentary and let you find the hypocrisy in your own words.
Either talk like an equal, or get treated like a religious person.
I won't be dragged down. Hopefully by the end of this, I can drag a few of you religious people up a few steps. Though the chances seem slim, considering the close mindedness of believers.
Morality didn't spawn from fear. Morality spawned from empathy. Being able to relate to other human beings is why morality even exists-- which… more is why sociopaths and psychopaths don't do well in modern society. Religion takes claim to morality; but preaches against anything that it doesn't like-- the exact opposite of what morality should be. This debate can go on forever because religious people never take the time to actually listen. They just see someone who doesn't believe in god and start foaming from the mouth; throwing oil and holy water everywhere. If you're going to present another rebuttal, please take the time to present valid arguments to my posts. It seems like all you're doing is responding with open insults that present no arguments. I've heard that "preachy" line so many times now. Religious people can't present intellectual arguments so they try to break you down to their level of understanding. It won't work on me. Either talk li… [view original content]
Yes, because I look exactly like the man in the picture... Even though I'm a woman... wat? And reddit fucking sucks btw.
Let's move on to correcting, and revising some of your idiotic statements.
That video fad was like three/four years ago and was only done by those who wanted to shirk the assumed religious fervor
CORRECTION: That was done as a book promotion by an Atheist author, who gave out free autographed books for the first 500 people who did it. Research next time.
Actually, ''tips fedora'' originates from image boards that like to make fun of zealous anti-theists like youself.
CORRECTION: "Tips fedora" was originated on the image board 4chan to mock passionate free thinkers who presented intellectual arguments. By using terms like "euphoric" which have no parallel meaning to Atheism; they've only embarrassed themselves. Zealous anti-theist happened to make it into the mockery, but you can't even say you're an Atheist online without seeing one of those stupid "tips fedora" pictures.
And you're not presenting valid facts, you're being a rude little sunshine.
CORRECTION: Rude? Oh, that's the quarrel you have with me. I'm a rude Atheist. I guess the crusades, the unwarranted murder of blasphemers, heretics, and questioners wasn't enough to piss a few people off. Being rude is worse than the slaughter of millions of Atheists, and the social prejudice we receive now. Good to know.
Even though I don't expect all Atheist to think the same way as me; you are by far the most misguided Atheist I've ever come across- which leads me to my speculations. As I continue on with you, your transparency becomes more and more apparent. You aren't an Atheist.
From Hitchens himself. Is he also a "rude little sunshine"?
Are you serious? That video fad was like three/four years ago and was only done by those who wanted to shirk the assumed religious fervor of t… morehe world around them. It was fun when it was just beginning, but now that the fad is over it all seems so trite and immature. Just because I don't run around with A slapped on my forehead saying ''fuck Jesus'' (like you on Sundays, I imagine) does not mean I'm not an atheist.
Actually, ''tips fedora'' originates from imageboards that like to make fun of zealous anti-theists like youself.
''But Atheist seldom attack other Atheist for present valid facts.''
Are you kidding me? If Atheists are like cats, then there's infights aboud, sonny Jim. And you're not presenting valid facts, you're being a rude little sunshine.
This here be you, Skullzz.
We better stop before the priests come and say were possessed by Satan!
Are you indicating there is no God or no higher power in general?
If you're up for a debate- prepared to be hitch slapped.
Who am I? I guess C given that the world has ended and all.
Yes. There is no god, there never was a god, and there never will be a god. God is a man made idea spawned from greed and fear. Religion spoils morality and masquerades as its founder.
Don't worry, you're not getting an argument from me about that. Although haven't you ever wondered about the unknown? Something that not even mankind can comprehend. One thing I've notice is some people believe we matter but really we're unimportant and dispensable compared to the everlasting universe. I guess what I'm asking is do you believe anything is out there?
However the fact that something as impossible as zombies are roaming the streets could be an argument that somekind of overnatural being (say a god) is at play.
I'm an atheist IRL, but I don't know what Clem would answer. I love this sort of option in the game, little things that don't impact the overall plot but might change how certain people react to you. What if there was an argument, and Clem could take one side or the other, or try to defuse the situation? It wouldn't even necessarily reflect her actual beliefs, since it seems like this seasons is going to be a lot more about playing politics and figuring out who to trust in order to survive.
Thanks, I'm here to fuck shit up
You expect me to believe i was one of these?! Yuck fuck no!
Can we all just chill...
On the topic.. i think luke would be the one to ask us that question and it would be cool for us to create what clem believes in..
This seems like an unnecessarily prickly response to a fairly simple and innocuous question. Being an anti-theist is fine but this kind of response makes you come off as being a bit overeager to pick a fight.
Also, I hate the term "hitch slap." Such a crude phrase poorly captures the man's usual eloquence and oratory prowess.
Because I spend many a night asking myself what God is - then I tell myself an all-knowing, all-powerful, all-seeing advanced creature. Then I get into philosophical conundrums over those definitions and decide to just not worship any God(s) until they make their presence known to me in a way that's not a Jesus image on a piece of toast, or the word ''Allah'' in the clouds.
You seem to be in need of guidance, friend. If you don't mind, I'd like to leave some pamphlets behind, which you can browse through at your leisure.
I like to think Clementine is an old school Baal type of gal.
''do you believe anything is out there?''
Only when it's the dead of night and I have to go through a dark hallway into a darker bathroom to take a piss. Then I believe in everything from the Slenderman, to Smile Dog, to the unnameable, shapeless horrors that bare no passing semblance to humanity which drive to unleash unrelenting, unending pain and torment upon us all - one by one.
Boah, you best pack yer belongin's and scoot on out o' here fast as you can, 'cause we don' tolerate yer kind 'round these here parts.
"Something that not even mankind can comprehend"... No. There's no reason for me to wish ignorance upon the human race. However, there are things like that now. Dark Matter, Dark Energy-- we don't need a god to fill this void of curiosity. We need science and reason. The only thing that's out there is undiscovered science-- be that god or the natural laws of the universe. It's all science at the end of the day. And we can explain in time.
Tips fedora
"Hitch slap" is a term that Hitchens actually became fond of during his later years. Scanning through an online thesaurus doesn't impress me. It just makes you come off as verbose and pseudo-literate. Watch any of Hitchens interviews and you will see why that "crude phrase" even exists. While I agree that he was eloquent, I must ask; have you ever watched any of his interviews or read any of his books? He wasn't kind to theist in the slightest.
Here's one of my favorite videos of him:

I'd much rather "tip my fedora" than believe in a cosmic jewish zombie that's his own father and reads our minds.
It's in-game, it's not asking for our life stories
Nothing we can do about that though
Good, 'cause you're definitely a fedora tipper. Did you discover atheism (or rather, anti-theism in this case) just yesterday - because you're acting just as self-righteous as the imagined religious people you condemn, Skullzz.
Self fulfilling prophecy. You were working HEAVILY towards it.
I'm fully aware how ardent Hitchens was in his arguments against religion, but those were in forums where people specifically requested his presence to have a debate with him. The other user just wanted to specify whether you were referring to a specific notion of God or another higher power. Immediately launching into how religion spoils morality and how God spawned from fear strikes me as a being, well, preachy. (I should also add that it could be argued that morality also spawned from fear, but that's a side point.) And reliance on the tirelessly quoted words of dead/fictional people to bolster your own claims on the subject matter...I think you know where I'm going with this.
As for the hitch slap thing, that was just a statement of personal preference. I never claimed that Hitchens disliked it himself.
Look, I really don't give a shit if you're upset or not. I've been an Atheist since birth, and boy am I glad. It's proven that we have higher IQ's, and I'm glad I don't feel like I'm in debt to a being that doesn't even take the time of his eternal day to say hello to me. I know that continuing on with you religious folk is pointless... If religious people could be reasoned with-- there would be no religion. But do know-- that your feelings will get hurt if you continue on this path with me.
''with you religious folk'' There. Right there. That's where you dun goofed, you obvious 8th grader, you - I'm not religious (unless you count me worshiping Garth Ennis' writing), I'm an atheist. I'd suggest dropping Thunderf00t, TheAmazingAtheist and whatever else e-crusader you have on your YT subscriber list until you're not as vitriolic and can handle people not having the exact same ideas as you.
Morality didn't spawn from fear. Morality spawned from empathy. Being able to relate to other human beings is why morality even exists-- which is why sociopaths and psychopaths don't do well in modern society. Religion takes claim to morality; but preaches against anything that it doesn't like-- the exact opposite of what morality should be. This debate can go on forever because religious people never take the time to actually listen. They just see someone who doesn't believe in god and start foaming from the mouth; throwing oil and holy water everywhere. If you're going to present another rebuttal, please take the time to present valid arguments to my posts. It seems like all you're doing is responding with open insults that present no arguments. I've heard that "preachy" line so many times now. Religious people can't present intellectual arguments so they try to break you down to their level of understanding. It won't work on me. Either talk like an equal, or get treated like a religious person.
I won't be dragged down. Hopefully by the end of this, I can drag a few of you religious people up a few steps. Though the chances seem slim, considering the close mindedness of believers.
EDIT: The mod locked the thread at the worst possible time. Just when Jabba decided to be an idiot. @JabbaDaHuttX7 Atheism can claim most of the past geniuses you moron. Religion can claim most of the past murderers.
"Obvious 8th grader". There. Right there. That's where you dun goofed, you obvious religious tard. I'm 19.
Of course you're an Atheist. I'll believe it when you post a video of you committing the only unforgivable sin (damning the holy spirit). Something I've done plenty of times. TheAmazingAtheist is an annoying twat, to be honest. I liked his early videos but now he's just full of rants. I have no idea who Thunderf00t even is; but judging by your contempt for them both-- I'd say you're a liar. You're a religious person trying to appear as an Atheist. I've seen this done so many times.
As if an Atheist would ever say "tips fedora"; a stigma that religious morons have tried to stamp on all free thinkers, including agnostics. If it wasn't for that, I'd actually believe you. But Atheists seldom attack other Atheist for presenting valid facts. Try harder next time.
Are you serious? That video fad was like three/four years ago and was only done by those who wanted to shirk the assumed religious fervor of the world around them. It was fun when it was just beginning, but now that the fad is over it all seems so trite and immature. Just because I don't run around with A slapped on my forehead saying ''fuck Jesus'' (like you on Sundays, I imagine) does not mean I'm not an atheist.
Actually, ''tips fedora'' originates from imageboards that like to make fun of zealous anti-theists like youself.
''But Atheist seldom attack other Atheist for present valid facts.''
Are you kidding me? If Atheists are like cats, then there's infights aboud, sonny Jim. And you're not presenting valid facts, you're being a rude little sunshine.
And what is empathy? The ability to experience the feelings of others' as your own. Empathy drives morality because we feel the pain and suffering of others as our own, which is only significant if we fear our own pain and suffering. You know what's interesting about sociopaths and psychopaths? They don't feel fear over their own pain and suffering. No fear. No empathy. No morality.
From what you've posted so far, I can tell that you might not be someone worth having much further conversation with. I'm just going to quote what you said without any commentary and let you find the hypocrisy in your own words.
BTW, I'm an atheist, sweetie.
A i never did and i will never do
Yes, because I look exactly like the man in the picture... Even though I'm a woman... wat? And reddit fucking sucks btw.
Let's move on to correcting, and revising some of your idiotic statements.
CORRECTION: That was done as a book promotion by an Atheist author, who gave out free autographed books for the first 500 people who did it. Research next time.
CORRECTION: "Tips fedora" was originated on the image board 4chan to mock passionate free thinkers who presented intellectual arguments. By using terms like "euphoric" which have no parallel meaning to Atheism; they've only embarrassed themselves. Zealous anti-theist happened to make it into the mockery, but you can't even say you're an Atheist online without seeing one of those stupid "tips fedora" pictures.
CORRECTION: Rude? Oh, that's the quarrel you have with me. I'm a rude Atheist. I guess the crusades, the unwarranted murder of blasphemers, heretics, and questioners wasn't enough to piss a few people off. Being rude is worse than the slaughter of millions of Atheists, and the social prejudice we receive now. Good to know.
Even though I don't expect all Atheist to think the same way as me; you are by far the most misguided Atheist I've ever come across- which leads me to my speculations. As I continue on with you, your transparency becomes more and more apparent. You aren't an Atheist.
From Hitchens himself. Is he also a "rude little sunshine"?
E: Sad eyes