Clem's Lullaby
I want a scene where Clem sings her heart out. Do it TellTale.
A big shout out to DomeWing333 for their ideas, here is the post from them that sums up what this idea was supposed to entail.
"I think people are getting the idea that this would be Clem randomly bursting out into song for no reason. That would be dumb and out of place.
But imagine a scene like this:
Clem and Sarah are in a hideout somewhere. Rebecca's baby starts crying (Rebecca herself is either dead actually she's just dead). Clem starts panicking because she thinks that the crying is going to attract walkers. Sarah suggests Clem calms it down by singing to it because it worked in a book she read. Initially, Clem's like "No way, that's stupid! You do it!" but then Sarah tells Clem that she doesn't know any lullabies because her father never sang to her.
Clem thinks for a bit, breathes an exasperated sigh, and then 4 options appear on the screen: "Happy song," "Sad song," "Bittersweet song," and "Refuse to sing." Say you choose the bittersweet one. Clem starts hesitantly singing "You Are My Sunshine" in a quiet voice. Her singing is a bit weak and shaky, but has a pure and sweet quality to it. After she finishes, Sarah turns to her and asks Clem how she remembered all the words even though she must have been so young when her mother sang it to her. Clem looks down sadly and tells her that she didn't hear it from her mother and that it wasn't sung to her. She heard it from Christa."
Oh god no, Beth singing in the tv series was already cringey enough.
Alternate Musical ending perhaps?
Haha.. but no! Seriously want this scene.
I have to mute when she sings but sometimes that not enough,I just have to leave the room, oh the cringiness sometimes it's too much to bear! I pretty much just try and hold on until the scene is over and probably look like this :P
I liked Beth singing! But fair enough on your opinion!
nope, This is The Walking Dead, not a Disney movie.
This is not a world ,where you randomly burst out in to songs, and have animals singing along, and walkers thriller dancing in
the background .Nope, singing attracts walkers, and other bad things.
Oh don't get me wrong she is a beautiful singer,very talented just that the singing seemed really out of place/Corny for a show like the Walking Dead
Walking Dead is truly a game all kind of people like to play. Even people from the LGBT-community like it and OP is proof of that.
I'd be fine with her humming a little bit (maybe humming a theme tune from a different telltale game or something) but full-on singing would be out of place and a bit stupid.
And this would only be once she got out of her spiralling depression.
YES. I'm a huge sucker for the "song around the campfire" scenes in survival movies. Happened several times in TV show Lost, and it always made a strong impression on me.
But I don't know if Clementine knows a lot of good songs at her age. Last time music still aired on radios and all, she was 8, but perhaps her mom taught her a good old song or two.
Anyway later when Clem joins Tavia's group, Becca could definitely play something with her guitar, and the character whose voice actor has the best voice could sing.
I want something like The Sound of Silence for max feels, if Telltale can afford the rights.
I see what you did there
Sees OP:
I could imagine S1 Clem singing a bit to herself while she's coloring or something. Not so much for S2 Clem. What would she even sing?
"Wind Beneath My Wings" while looking nostalgically at Lee's picture.
Did you ever know that you're my hero?
You're everything I wish I could be.
I can fly higher than an eagle,
'cause you are the wind beneath my wings.
C.. Can't hold all these feels
or this
imagine if she sang "take us back" god i would cry a river
Eh, having her singing any songs directly referencing people from her past would be a bit melodramatic for my taste
Now that I think about it, though I can imagine Sarah coaxing S2 Clem into singing with/for her. Maybe you could even choose which song to sing: a happy song, a sad song, a song in between, or just outright refuse to sing at all.
My choice would be something child-like and sweet with a note of sadness under it. Something like "Que Sera Sera." Not the happy Doris Day version though. This one:
I can imagine her singing alone, drowning herself in the sea of feels. But ain't no way there's gonna be a musical, it's TWD - not MTV.
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Not actually my cup of tea...

lol sry
Bet has a beautiful voice and she's only sung what, three times in four seasons?
I think yeah 4 times but even once seems out of place for me bar maybe the first time by the campfire (even though that was cringey as hell)
The Parting Glass. Not sure how they work it into gameplay, but I want it done. Get to work TT.
Clementine doesn't have to sing as if she is in a musical. She can pour her heart out singing very quietly. Maybe a song that meant something to her before the apocalypse
It would be so cute.
A nursery rhyme for Rebecca's baby?
yes...yes...a sweet nursery rhyme is the middle of a zombie apocalypse
I could see it.
why not have her find an electic guitar and grow her hair out and become a rock star and say to hell with the walkers all together
Finally someone on the same page. A bitter sweet moment during the shit storm.
So many possibilities with that! Amazing Grace! Goodnight (The Beatles)!
The simple "Rock-A-By-Baby" could definitely work if it was at night and something bad happened RIGHT after! Just her voice and the wind. There wouldn't even be any music playing.
Given the lyrics and given the fact that it was a song she probably learned from her mother, it's probably more bitter than sweet for her.
Indeed, and I'm fairly sure TTG loves bitter....
Why so many trolls in this thread?
Cool, some people not totally closed minded to consider the options! And I agree, just her singing softly would be wonderful.
Yeah the first time was good an even instigated, she has a good voice but it is sometimes out of place

For clem singing I like the thought of Sarah trying to get her to sing, however I'd feel bad for the voice actor, it must be so hard to sing in character.