Does a child like Clementine really exist?



  • Hell, Clementine calls out Alvin for swearing while she's blackmailing him.

    Ellie needed to cuss to be a badass, Clem doesn't even need to cuss! She's already a badass!

  • You're a child? ._.

    I'm right here people.

  • Okay, well for example, both the comics and show have some of the best and most iconic villains of the franchise(The governor, Neagan, etc.). The comics have a very good dark tone that is kept throughout, and feels very mature. The interactions between characters are real, and also very interesting. It does a fantastic job of changing your views on certain characters, and is perhaps one of the best series' within the franchise for building drama and suspense(For example, the entire of Volume 11, Fear the Hunters). It does fall a bit short on characters, but at least it's consistent. Which is the opposite of the TV which has some of the franchises best written characters, but at the same time, also has the two worst written characters in the franchise(Andrea and Michonne, which is strange, as their comics counterparts are fantastic). The TV shows basically does everything the comics does, but is a little less consistent. That being said, the best parts of the TV far surpass the best parts of the comics.

    I honestly think Telltale's Walking Dead is probably the BEST written story of any media ever. So that means it's much better than the TV show or Comics. Still, I consider the TV show to be the best show on TV, and the Comics to be on of the best book/graphic novel series ever. They're both great, and each have their highs and lows, but if you saw a couple boring episodes of the TV show, or couldn't get into the book,s then I'd urge oyu to try them both again.

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    Why not? Trust me, with the right evidence, I really do switch sides. For example, I used to stubbornly hate hip hop, then I was shown the person that I was thinking was the worst of the worst, and I completely flip-flopped.

  • If there was I would love them forever!

  • Me too! Only one can dream

    If there was I would love them forever!

  • As a teacher who has worked with students ranging from 5 years old all the way up to 40 years old and everything in between, I can tell you that children like Clementine do, in fact, exist! Though they are rare, I chance to have the honour of teaching these brilliant students every now and then. High intelligence, inner strength, independent, childlike naivety yet with an extraordinarily mature mind as well. They do exist, and I have met a few that share similarities to Clem, but again, so rare. these children usual possess a very high intellect-much higher than those of their peers. They are also aware of it. For every 20 "normal" students, there will usually be one "Clem," in the mix. I don't believe it has anything to do with parenting or media. I believe that children like this are simply born this way...though their attitude drastically changes with time and circumstance, but the qualities remain the same. One such child is named M.. I've been his private teacher for 3 years and counting. I began teaching him when he was 11 years old, and he was like a male version of Clem. Now he is 14 and a bit of an arrogant douche, but also saddened that he has difficulty connecting with other people, due to his unique personality. I imagine that, had the apocalypse never happened in the Walking Dead universe, Clem would be the same way....though maybe not so arrogant :)

  • edited January 2014

    Eh... I don't like the Governor much, but his story isn't really over yet where I'm at (currently have volume 8, haven't read it yet). I agree that the tone is dark, but it doesn't have the flashes of happiness that the game managed to capture. Alright, it does, but... There's just a sort of shadow over them that the game didn't. A sort of cloud that says, "Yeah, this won't last long." I think I managed to go one tile in the comic where I wasn't shaking my head, going, "Too bad they're all gonna die soon..." Then, y'know, "KILL THEM ALL!" Says the one eyed one armed Governor. And his tanks. Can't forget those. The game gave me a sense of happiness when I saw Clem Clem being happy and fun.

    "Did you put a bug on his pillow?"

    "... Yes."

    I agree wholly on the best story part. Maybe Mother 3 is a contender, for it's charm, and happiness, backed by sadness and depression. Forrest Gump is also a good contender. Also, I liked the first episode of the show. The second one bored me, and I heard it was just a downward spiral from there...

    Edit: Alt text

    Alt text

    Zyphon posted: »

    Okay, well for example, both the comics and show have some of the best and most iconic villains of the franchise(The governor, Neagan, etc.).

  • edited January 2014

    The Governor in the comics is more iconic, but he's not actually a very well written character. He has no humanity, no reason for what he does. The Stranger was one of the most forgivable villains in a story(for me anyway), but the Governor in the comics is a downright psycho. To fully understand his character, I feel like you've almost GOT to read the novels(The Rise of the Governor, The Road to Woodbury, etc.), which is a bad thing. He should've had more development in the comics. The TV show Governor is actually much better, and he's one of the franchises most well-written characters. He's got a lot more humanity, and in Season 4 there may even be times when you're rooting for him(The TV show does things like that very well). I think the first season is probably the worst, but they actually changed the showrunner after that, and anyway, once you get to episode 4, the plot lines are different enough that it's worth watching. Season 2 stretches out a bit because all 13 episodes are only for Volume 2. Seasons 3 and 4 have been the best, and they've really moved things around a little so it was at least worth watching because it was interesting to see the different plot lines and interactions between characters(For example, minor spoiler, Tyresse comes in a lot later, so an original character, Daryl, took his spot, where in the comics, Tyresse was Rick's right hand man. This made Tyresse a very different character in terms of his place in the story, but they kept his personality the same). That being said, Season three had the worst written characters in the franchise as a large part.

    Like I said, with the show, it's a case of there's a lot of times when it seems so much better than the comics, but then there are a couple boring parts, or you meet some cringe worthy dialogue in an episode, but all in all, it evens out. Still, the comics have got more consistency.

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    Eh... I don't like the Governor much, but his story isn't really over yet where I'm at (currently have volume 8, haven't read it yet). I agree

  • It was a joke. I'm younger than most people on the forums, but I'm still a teen.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    You're a child? ._.

  • Oh I know. Just wanted to annoy you, lol :)

    It was a joke. I'm younger than most people on the forums, but I'm still a teen.

  • well if you go near macon maybe you will see a child like clementine. lol

  • I agree with the part about the Governor in the comics. He kinda sucks. But what I like about him was that there were many assumptions to be made about what brought him there... Though the kissing the toothless zombie child was too far. I just read volume 8, and I gotta wonder where Dale is. He's my favorite character yet, and he's just kinda gone. Also... AXEL! AXEL WHY!? One of the three characters that I don't hate or at least dislike, and he gets the worst death of them all. At least Alice got a few panels before biting the dust. Axel was just BLAM and he died. At least his was more noticeable than Patricia's, beause I don't fucking remember hers. Anyways, yeah, the TV show Governor sounds more interesting. And I thought the governor's death would be more drawn out than just, "MONSTER!" BANG!

    At least you can't say the same about the game, where everything is precise, and nice, and great, and fuckin... Genius. At least until the death of Lee. Yeah, only until the death of Lee. Granted, I liked the small talk in the intro to season 2, but that's all it was. Small talk. Then Nick and Pete. Nick and Pete were the best choice I've seen in the whole Walking Dead game so far. Season 1 and all. That is, unless you know Nick survives either way...

    Zyphon posted: »

    The Governor in the comics is more iconic, but he's not actually a very well written character. He has no humanity, no reason for what he does

  • Duck was also silent when he needed to be

    Skyden64 posted: »

    I feel like any kid would be like Clementine in a zombie apocalypse. She was put into a position were her parents were missing, her once regul

  • I'm not going to say anything about Dale, as you haven't gotten to that part yet. I do like the Governor's death in the Comics, because it felt that it was his punishment for doing all the things he did, it was just great that eventually his own people saw what a monster he was, and turned on him. The comics biggest problem is that it doesn't seem all too great most of the time. The TV even has moments when you think it's pure genius, and in this way, the comics consistency is a flaw. Sure, it means it never gets too bad, but it never gets as good as the show, and it's never anywhere NEAR as good as Telltale's.

    I actually don't think All That Remains was that far behind the Season 1 finale, but it was definitely a little too short, especially considering the massive delay it had.

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    I agree with the part about the Governor in the comics. He kinda sucks. But what I like about him was that there were many assumptions to be m

  • Thank you now im on a trip to adopt a clem XD

    James101 posted: »

    well if you go near macon maybe you will see a child like clementine. lol

  • really. you had to dig this up after 6 months?

    kesar1525 posted: »

    Thank you now im on a trip to adopt a clem XD

  • edited July 2014

    Me: In my opinion I like Ellie more than Clem!

    You:Alt text

    nasmadoodle posted: »

    Same here!

  • If you want to make a Clementine you first need a African American and an Asian woman. There you go :)

  • edited July 2014

    There's gotta be kids that are kind, caring, respectful and adorable in they're own way. One time I saw this little girl at a with green eyes and pigtails just like Clementine.

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