Useless Character Ever in the Game

Well, the thing I need to precise is Useless Character means someone who is useless to the group, noob, noob, piece of shit (not attitude)...
Can you give a name? (Season 1 and Season 2)
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Story wise, not, but gameplay wise I'd have to say Omid. Other than him helping you out with cutting the tank loose, what else does he do for you? He jumps/get's pushed off the bridge, stays hurt for a full episode, and basicly does nothing out of the ordinary for the rest of season 1. Then in Season 2, he dies fairly soon.
Sure, storywise he has taken care of Clementine, and Omid might have been one of my personal favorite characters, but let's be honest. He didn't bring much awesome on the table gameplay wise.
Same goes for Christa, but she was more useful in Season 1, since she wasn't hurt. But since we don't know that she is dead ( I think she probably is) , and COULD be of more use later on, I will rule her out
Story wise, not, but gameplay wise I'd have to say Omid. Other than him helping you out with cutting the tank loose, what else does he do for you? He jumps/get's pushed off the bridge, stays hurt for a full episode, and basicly does nothing out of the ordinary for the rest of season 1. Then in Season 2, he dies fairly soon.
Sure, storywise he has taken care of Clementine, and Omid might have been one of my personal favorite characters, but let's be honest. He didn't bring much awesome on the table gameplay wise.
Same goes for Christa, but she was more useful in Season 1, since she wasn't hurt. But since we don't know that she is dead ( I think she probably is) , and COULD be of more use later on, I will rule her out
I would say Katjaa, she's fat and dumb...
If "she's fat and dumb" is your only argument for why she's useless then you need to rethink things...
Food for thought, lets discuss food.
For what we saw Larry. Maybe he was more useful in between the three months but all the bad things he caused negate the few things he did in the game. Leaving lee, Causing the meat locker problems and Lillys insanity. Needing heart pills.
The only real thing he can do is save Lee and thats only with Doug and if given the axe
At least Ben told them the reality about walkers
Everybody picked Carly anyway (76%)
They could have cut him out of the entire game .Just put Kenny or Lily out by the gate,and instead of some nerd using tv codes, they could
just turned the radio up and threw it across the street .
Ben, for Season 1. Rebecca, for Season 2.
He saved Lee's life in the first twenty minutes of meeting him. Pretty sure that marks him pretty high on the; "This guy is pretty important" list. Plus, he took care of Clementine for quite some time.
Sarah in S2
Crawford Residents they're mean to mothers with children.
Accualy I picked Doug, that was before I realized the socks with sandles! Lol
Season 1: Travis (even though his dad was special forces)
Runner up: Ben, even though he was an interesting character
Season 2: Michelle (nasty cunt who should have died a much slower death)
Runner up: Rebecca
1: kat had some medical experience even thought she was a vet so some use there
2: Omid took care of Clem for some time and that is good enough for me
Useless to Lee perhaps and doomed due to his sickness, but other than that he was a pretty capable character. Who just didn't really want to help much. I don't think a rival qualifies for uselessness just because he isn't helping you.
As for Ben the group would have found out soon enough anyway, in terms of uselessness no one beats Ben.
Immediately thought of a pic on the Memes thread saying something like "Bitch please, my dad was in special forces, I know what I'm doing"
Carley and Mark. Carley doesn't do anything. I only saved her because i wanted to see what would happen.. Mark does nothing at all but get his legs chopped off. Others would be Travis, Mr. Parker. Season 2 HAS JUST CAME OUT. There really isn't anybody. So far they all have a purpose. But i guess Winston seems like the guy i'd pick. The only 2 things i liked about him were:
I like Ralph, the guy with the hood, who is voiced by the music director which is awesome. I hope he comes back.. Victor seemed like he was dead/dying. I still wanna see him alive or as a walker..
I do like Carley and Mark, i just think they didn't serve a purpose other than:
1. A lovestory
2. And a guy who tells your enemy what you've said behind his back. And getting his legs chopped off.
I pretty much like all TWD characters.. Not once i've seen a character that was not interesting at all..
He is anti-useful. His failed attempts at being useful are hurting the group.
As a doctor, he tries to make someone with an open wound sleep in a shed overnight. SWEET. So if she's not a zombie she can possibly get an infection and die! Good thinking.
As a father, he makes his daughter stay inside, read, and have nothing to do with the mean 'ol zombies. I wish Chuck was around to introduce his shovel to Carlos' big, stupid head. >:(
And finally, he's a little snarky in the way he interacts with people. After taking Clem out of the shed; "Well, her suturing skills could use some work..." OH, I'M SORRY! I'll be sure to work on that the next time an incompetent physician refuses to heal me and forces me to sew up my own arm!
Rebecca gets a lot of flak, but at least she never claims to be anything more than a bitchy pregnant lady. She's even rather good at it! But Carlos is inadequate as a doctor and a father, so he's both antagonistic AND disappointing as a character.
ahem....the dog. that is all.
Mine is definitely the cancer group, they do little to no help and steal your boat, how is that for lending a hand!
How is this even a contest? The fricking Saint Johns did less damage to our group than Ben did.
those are 2 easy
Chet and officer Mitchell
Ben Obviously, He ruins everything.
His Dad covered wars you know.
Katjaa was basically the closest thing to a doctor that they had. That goes a long way in this kind of apocalypse.
Seriously like Kenny said, although I don't support his choice when he called me useless, we are about to be stuck in a meat locker with a 300 pound seriously [ticked] off walker. He obviously had shown them his might in the past.
Because he literally did nothing while Shawn and Lee pushed the car, then ran home...
That or he died.
Really? Because last I checked, the entire first episode is based on that Dog bite.
I'd say that even made the episode; far from useless.
But if you mean character wise, then yes, I see your point.
Anyone who says Ben I strongly disagree with, he was young and scared, and anyone useless? Everyone contributed to the story one way or another.
No, he didn't mean to, bro
Ben, obviously.
He was a coward and his blunders got multiple people killed.
Except for Chet.
Absolutely true. They both owed him a debt.
From a narrative point of view, every character played a role as far as creating or driving conflict.
But from practical perspective? Ben's age doesn't excuse all of his actions.
Their only "doctor" was useless?
yes i mean character wise -_-
Sam is the most useless mutt.and will be if he still alive