Should We Be Concerned ?
Ok so, I know I made a thread bout the release dates before but I just found out that "The Wolf Among us " Episode 2 is coming out in the first week of February (supposedly)*
"The Wolf Among Us" episode 1 came out (according to wikipedia) Oct 11-15.
So that is a almost complete 4 months in between episodes.
Was it supposed to be longer times for TWAU? If it was, than I apologize and you can lock this thread.
If it was supposed to be "monthly" , than I am extremely concerned about what this means for the Walking Dead. I knew we were aiming by AT LEAST mid February but now maybe April?
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TWD always takes priority, don't worry.
The second episode of TWAU wasn't supposed to take 4 months to come out - they were unforeseen delays. Generally there's around 4-6 weeks between each episode of a series, and I suspect that's what we'll get with The Walking Dead.
Regardless, in the end, quality > quantity.
I dont think it matters how long it takes, as long as the episode is great, and worth the wait.
It's isolated and unrelated to TWD. The Wolf Among Us had a poor Episode release date and it got messed up because of delays that Tell Tale had that are probably confidential. I expect Episode 2 of Season 2 out before March.
Season 1 episode 2 for the walking dead took longer than expected too.
That said that is most peoples favourite episode so maybe that says something
There were just delays with the episode is all, TT said it won't happen again. I can still see TWD S2 E2 coming out late Feb
I dont understand is telltale under staffed right now?
This delay was definitely not due to inability to produce artwork in time, the engine is already done, most of artwork too. I bet the delay was because some voice actor got sick or they had to radically alter the story so they had to remake many parts, redo voice acting/writing. We will probably never now. Im pretty confident we will get TWD ep2 in time.
It will be out before March
Im sure TWD will be ok, however if it is released after a long preiod like TWAU then all hope is lost. I've lost all hype for TWAU personally.
Still not a good sign. Say it comes out the last week of February. Aren't they aiming for 4-6 weeks between episodes? That would be 8-9 weeks. I just don't understand why they can't be more open with their fans about where they stand.
TT said it themselves that it's out of the question to release both games in the same month. So i think it's safe to assume we either get the 2nd episode this month, or in march.
Until they give us an update on any changes to the schedule, I'm still expecting The Walking Dead Episode 2 to come out within 4-6 weeks of the first episode, like it says on the Official FAQ. That's what everyone should be expecting it to come out because that's the time frame we were given and they've said nothing indicating that that has changed.
They said that? There is NO way it comes out this month. So I guess March it is. In all honestly I may not even care enough to remember its coming out. Ill have to rely hearing it on twitter or youtube for the release. . .
What are you trying to say? It would be obvious for The Walking Dead to come out in April since TWAU is coming out in FEB and after that rotate each month.
The reason i think there is a slim chance of that happening is because they already delayed the 2nd ep of TWAU by 4 months. If TWD comes out in march, that's 3 months for ep 2. That will be seen as the 2nd consecutive delay. But still, i won't get my hopes up even though there will be some backlash and some angry customers out there.
If TWD is delayed... there is only one that is responsible...
WTF Lee is doing there ? LOL
the fact they said nothing means we should be expecting a delay. A 4-6 week period means that we would have heard an estimate ALREADY if not last week. Every episode for season 1 there was either a new "trailer", new screenshots, or telltale said it will be coming out soon. The fact that they haven't said anything is very concerning.
The fact that they've said nothing means that we should expect nothing other than what they said before and what they said before was 4-6 weeks. If there is going to be a delay, they should tell us. It's not our job as consumers to piece together what is likely to happen based on what they as a company have done in the past. It is their job to keep us informed as to their intentions in releasing their games.
If they tell us that the second episode is going to take much longer than 4-6 weeks, fine. I'll be disappointed, but I'll understand. But if they continue this practice of not informing their fanbase that they won't be meeting their expectations long after they have already failed to meet those expectations, any unrest and discontentment they face is their own damn fault.
According to what I read it was the perfect shit storm for the TWAU episode two. Plenty of glitches not to mention holidays going on. I wouldn't worry bout it.. there might be some delay for games but I don't think another 4 months on either game is going to happen again. Unless it happens again no one can really say for sure. Not to mention it was a 6-8 weeks at most estimate on how long it will take to come out with each episode. Here's to hoping.
They have two weeks tops then to have it out in that radius. Do you really think we'll be getting it?
If I were a gambling man I certainly wouldn't bet on it. But as a consumer who's already sunk my money into a Season Pass, that's what I'm expecting until I am officially told otherwise.
Exactly, Telltale needs to tell people when the next episode is due. As the gap between is ridiculous. Would be like me taking a PC in for repair, and not telling the customer when it's due to be ready.
Next time I shall just say to a customer, oh I don't know when your PC will be ready. All I can say is 'very soon'. I will leave it up to you to speculate when that means.
If I did that, I wouldn't be in business very long and neither will Telltale if they carry on.
Well, they were hiring last month.
As long as it's out before March, I'll be satisfied.
Oh great I completely forgot about the season pass I bought too. Ugh. I just don't think its really unfair that we are "investing" money into this game and they can't even be straight with us. I would appreciate it a lot more (even though I am sure many will get mad) if they came out and said "we are experiencing difficulties, the next episode should be out in 2- 3 weeks"
28 jan would be great fro twd ep2
"TT said it themselves that it's out of the question to release both games in the same month."
I never heard that, where is your source?
TWD had a pretty similar delay leading up to episode 2 in the first season. It took over 3 months to release if I remember correctly. But they soon managed to keep a strong schedule for the last 3 episodes.
I'm hopeful that they don't make us wait for so long again. I don't think I could handle another delay
It will be either middle or late February, 2 months after the first episode, just like it was the case with Season 1. TWAU came out later simply because there were some unforeseen problems, it doesn't mean that TWD will get delayed. So don't worry, be happy:
Where did you hear that? What's your source? TELL ME NOW!
Lee and Cry are investigating the shortage of staff. Unicorns did it!
EDIT: nvm
In many interview Telltale was said that they have 180 staff working on games and that each game has individual team assigned to it so I don't see how release of TWAU should affect the release date for TWD franchise. Also 180 staff is a lot, I have some experience with game development myself so I can say that its more than sufficient.
It's a shame about the delay. I have a seasonal job that starts back the start of February, just wish there wasn't this long delay as I won't have much free time to play it soon! arghhh
Same. School starts for me Tuesday . . .so fingers crossed for tomorrow!
Uh, no. Waiting four months for two hours worth of gameplay (that most likely will end in a cliffhanger) ain't worth it. It's like your girlfriend not giving you any for months, only to give you a blowjob and then stop before you orgasm, promising she'll finish it later.
Alright I wouldn't really put it that way,but I agree with you.Barely two hours of content each 2-3 moths?
You fail to realise the most important thing. This is a game, you went into this knowing that there could be a delay. Besides, if the gaming industry has proven anything, its that it doesnt take much to justify a purchese, thats like buying sonic or mario and saying "its to short so it wasnt worth it"
Gaming has a way of impacting those who expireance it unlike any other form of entertainment, time isnt an issue, your ability to wait, is.
Look at Battlefield 4, a game that many were excited to play, it wasnt delayed and it released on time. And look what happened, the MP is broke and DICE still arent finished fixing it, if they spent more time on it, the wait would have been worth it, as the game would have had a much better release.
My point is, games have a way of making 1 - 2 hours awesome and sometimes mind-blowing, If you want TTG to start releaseing it before its good and ready, i suggest you make a petition for EA to take over, then you will get your "frequently released bad and buggy" episodes you so desire.
Lets be honest, i know you dont want that, but my points still stand, if we were talking about a TV show i would understand, but this is a game, and a game can do quite alot in 1 - 2 hours.