When do you think we'll see christa again?
Clementine and chrsita get seperated at the beginning of the episode and I'm hoping the "I thought you were dead" character is either lily or kenny, the reason I don't want it to be christa is because it wouldn't be as surprising but if it were kenny or lily I'd be a lot more satisfied, so I think sometimes clementine well run into her, my predicition is that once clementine and who ever else survives when they get captured because the episode 3: in harms way picture clearly looks like they've been captured, so once they escape an clementine and who ever else is with her they're just walking away maybe they're going back to the cabin or something and then out of nowhere some yells out "clementine?!" And then we'll see christa and maybe she met up with the 400 days characters, so what do you think of my prediction? And when do you think we'll see christa again.
Holy 3 threads batman! Anyways I think the soonest we will see her is episode 3. Episode 2 will more than likely be focusing on Kenny and will leave you wondering about Christa for awhile.
I wasn' sure which one to click on!! I think the end of episode 3, after Rebecca has the baby.
Yeah either right before or right after that point. After does seem better since it seems like they are going to be imprissoned and once they escape they'll run into Christa on the way to Wellington.
Shit did I post it three times? I'm using my phone and so it takes awhile to load so I must've pressed the "post thread" more than once my bad you guys.
hehehe no prob it's all good
Ya they'll probaly be in bad shape when they get out of there, I think that's the episode most of the cabin survivors well die but I think Sarah well make it also and I'm hoping Luke does too.
Change your nasty ass avatar.
Shoo! Go away!
What if she doesn't come back until next season. Everybody will be wondering what happened to Christa and if shes still alive. Re-introduced in the 2nd episode of season 3. Or will that be kinda predictable since Kenny or Lily are coming back in the 2nd episode
She is dead. even if the gunshot that we heared missed they could of at least got her in the leg or arm witch would cause her to stop.
I would write a strongly worded letter to TTG!
If you chose to sneak away, she gets stabbed in the leg with a spear. Meaning most likely she is dead.
I'm hoping we see her again in season 2 sometime. We don't really know if shes dead or not, since we only heard gunshots as she was trying to get away. I hope she isn't dead.
Maybe episode 3 or 4 we'll see her, and i think that she will die by gunshot
People like that are why we can't have nice things.
I think she'll show up at the end. Christa's plan was to move north. And by the episode slides Clems ends up north somewhere. I think Wellington is where the community from 400 days is. I think the ending will be semi happy with Clem and Christa finding each other. Then season 3 will explore the community.
That is actually what I assume would happen in my predictions thread. Sarah and Luke will be the only ones who will survive until at least near the end of episode 4 or later and I think whoever is left of the cabin group (possibly Nick) besides them will die in this "war" that seems to about to happen according to the episode 4 slide. I actually think we should get a good amount of people alive in the ending of this season. I'm going to bet on Kenny or Christa (only one of them and i'm guessing Christa) , Luke and Sarah (although Luke might be the "Kenny" of this season dieing near the end of episode 5) , Bonnie and Vince (or possibly Russell but only two of the 400 Days characters)
Ugh, I hope her fate is not left ambiguous.
I want to know whether she lived or not.
She's shot regardless of Clem's decision, but was it fatal? :c
I don't think we'll see christa till episode 4 or 5.maybe season 3?? for surprises like lily or Kenny reappearing in season 2.
too happy ending, this is still TWD
No, we don't need a good amount of people alive this season, we need a good amount of people saveable and possibly alive at the end of this season.
Christa was annoying last season i didn't like her at first she reminded me of Lilly I hope she's doesn't come back
It's dat face!
Someone found a game file called christa202pregnant
We don't know what happened though. I think Christa survived, because if you fail the QTE with Winston as Clem, that other guy comes saying that something happened and they need to go. So Winston shoots Clem. It could have been that Christa escaped, and that is what came up and why they need to go.
Even if she was stabbed in the leg, it was dark and she could have easily pushed one of them and ran and they fired at her but missed.
Branching stories are hard to do.
From when she was pregnant?
Perhaps they'll bring Christa back, but I don't think it'll be in the 3rd episode, perhaps the 4th. All I know is, If I had to write the plot, I would let the dust settle around Christa's speculation and then bring her back.
If I had the final choice in the matter I would never bring her back. Aside from Kenny, Lilly, and perhaps a little bit Molly, we don't really have many "I wonder what happened to so so," situations. Since it seems in E2 one of the characters will be returning we have even less of those situations. Personally I think 'not knowing' should play a bigger role in end of the world stories like TWD.
I think she will come back around episode 3 or 4, if she is brought back at all.
One thing about the walking dead is if you didn't see a character get bitten or see them dead then there's a chance she's still alive
That all of that
They left her fate up in the air no matter what and Clem does keep bringing her up given you pick the correct options so if we don't know what happened to her before the cabin group leaves for the mountains expect her back.
I see her coming back in episode 3 cliffhanger or somewhere in the middle of the episode.
Yes I am certain episode 4 will show the group from 400 days. Tavia's settlement was stated as "up north" and this is where Clem/Christa were heading so we can bet on seeing those characters again or maybe only the ones who went to the settlement?
Indeed. That was her pregnant model from the game's opening.
Figured. Thanks for confirmation.
Why does it say 202 then ? Also there was a model called sk54_kenny202 what is that about hmm?