How many people said that SE2 Ep1 was not good?

edited January 2014 in The Walking Dead

I saw many people they said its not good well its really better but small in duration but very interesting



  • I think it was a great episode to get the new season started. :3

  • I completely agree, an awesome first episode.

    I think it was a great episode to get the new season started.

  • Well i dont know whats the problem , In my opinion it was much better than the ep 1 of Season 1

  • edited January 2014

    Well... I don't know. I didn't like the fact they had Omid die, then have a time skip and then had Christa die (Or get attacked). It almost feel like none of season one is there anymore, plus the fact that Clem kind of feels like a different person. I really don't know. I feel it's really out of character for Clementine take the watch in the bedroom. Last season, she didn't want to take things she needed to live, and now she takes a watch? I don't know what's happened to her, but hopefully we'll see.

  • I really liked this episode I guess the reason some people didn't like it was because of how over hyped it was by many people they wanted it to just as good as the whole season of season 1 and we know that's imposable and unfair to the game to be judge like that don't we all remember the first episode of season 1 and how much better it got over time so all am saying is wait and see

  • You should probably add a spoiler tag.

  • S2E1 had just as much content or probably more as S1E1, it just feels shorter because you don't spend 30+ minutes talking to 10+ people.

  • You know that it was your choice to take or not the watch, right?

  • I liked it, but it was too short.

  • For me it took about 2 hours. But I spent a lot of time making sure that I looked at every single thing. It's cool how there's a button that can show you all the selectables. And that 'run' feature- amazing.

  • Yes, Clem can run this Season! She has already surpassed Lee, and it's only the first Episode.

    For me it took about 2 hours. But I spent a lot of time making sure that I looked at every single thing. It's cool how there's a button that can show you all the selectables. And that 'run' feature- amazing.

  • Christa must've taught her.

    Rock114 posted: »

    Yes, Clem can run this Season! She has already surpassed Lee, and it's only the first Episode.

  • Clementine needs a machete...

  • edited January 2014

    I think he's saying it shouldn't have been a choice at all because it completely goes against Clementine's established character.

    I completely agree though. Even more so after the harrowing experience of having everyone around her die because they stole from another survivor.

    GrayLee posted: »

    You know that it was your choice to take or not the watch, right?

  • Clementine IS Machete!

    Scytheslay posted: »

    Clementine needs a machete...

  • edited January 2014

    There was very little down time in S2 Episode 1. In S1 Ep1 we had Hershel's Farm, The Drugstore and The Motor Inn at the end where we could talk to the other characters at our own pace. There was nothing like this in Season 2 Ep1 and I feel like I don't know these new characters at all.

    I still love Season 2 so far, though. Everything in Episode 1, especially the pacing, was excellent.

  • edited January 2014

    Yes, I think people get stuck on the fact that it wasn't as long, but it was still much faster in pacing(S1E1 was very slow), and did a better job introducing the cast and the main threat for the Season(Carver).

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Well i dont know whats the problem , In my opinion it was much better than the ep 1 of Season 1

  • Yeah it had much more action , you basically spend 70% of the time in Ep 1 of Season 1 handing out energy bars and lookin for a key

    Zyphon posted: »

    Yes, I think people get stuck on the fact that it wasn't as long, but it was still much faster in pacing(S1E1 was very slow), and did a better job introducing the cast and the main threat for the Season(Carver).

  • Well yes, it is rather short, but its an excellent start to the season. It can only get better!

  • edited January 2014

    Alt text

  • edited January 2014

    Besides the fact that it might have been slow enoguh to put people off of the whole idea for a little while, it also just wasn't as good an introduction to the Season. S1E1 was just a episode that didn't fit too well into the grand scheme of things, where as all the other episodes in the season did. S2E1 clearly fits in the season as the intro, and completes the role of an introduction quite well.

    I think my only problem is that so far, there's no link to the first Season. Hopefully that will be fixed when we see Kenny in Episode 2, and also Christa and possibly Lilly at some point(I'm assuming all of them will show up at different points. Kenny in E2, Christa in E3, and Lilly(?) in E4).

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Yeah it had much more action , you basically spend 70% of the time in Ep 1 of Season 1 handing out energy bars and lookin for a key

  • Well what so your expect? In a word with zombies and people you can't trust, you can't be "nice" or "sweet" but anyway it's up to you if you want her to be nice or mean. My Clementine kinda nice and kinda mean.

  • Agreed, As for me I didn't like the fact that it seemed like they were just trying to get rid of Omid and Christa ( You lose them both within the first 15 minutes of the game) , But it its a good start to the season

    Zyphon posted: »

    Besides the fact that it might have been slow enoguh to put people off of the whole idea for a little while, it also just wasn't as good an in

  • I though it was great! Sure it didn't have the much action or fighting as S1E1 did but it had a good storyline. People just need to give it some time.

  • I thought it was pretty good at setting the tone and showing the ruthlessness of Zombie Apocalypse. I never felt bored during my playthrough(s), and I was constantly on edge and very well-entertained. I think the main complaint was the forced guidance of the episode and not being able to talk to the others voluntarily. I'm pretty sure there'll will be more time to do this in the next episodes since this episode seems to have wanted to bring the players back up to speed as quickly as possible

  • i kinda miss the moments where you just go around and talk to everybody but it was a good start

  • edited January 2014

    I have to admit.. on my first play through, i was extremely dissapointed... The reason for this was after waiting a year, i read ALOT of theories on here, read articles all over the net and joined in a lot of the hype around the ambiguous nature of kennys death... Was christa pregnant or not?... if so was she going to die by the baby ripping out of her or what angle will they take with her pregnancy to have dramtic deaths and situations, how did my choice in 400 day and who went with tavia effect who we bump into, were those mysterious shadows on the hill omid and christa? god i hoped so!... then when i played it after the immense build up of release date.... No sign of kenny.. no sign of 400 days characters.. the shadows kinda got over looked as a good opener, the obvious christa/omid events in 5 mins.. time skip.. no sign of baby (which looked promising with the introduction of heavily pregnant christa)... basically everything i had hyped about for a year.. NON of it got answered.. and of course the shortness of the game. HOWEVER after playing through 3 times, i took it for what it was and now i absolutely love the dynamic of the episode. A lot of those questions we all hyped about have potential to unfold along with various new questions and theories and character development. So i believe my first reaction was due to disapointment over so much hype.. but once i overlooked the nitty gritty. i fell in love all over again and cant wait to see what happens!

  • Infact to sum it up in a short statement.. i felt like a lot of people would if "i thought you were dead" turns out to be riverbank bandit or a shoe

    dannybliss posted: »

    I have to admit.. on my first play through, i was extremely dissapointed... The reason for this was after waiting a year, i read ALOT of theor

  • I think that the exact feeling that TTG wanted to gave us. We don't know this people,we don't know if we can trust them (at least,not all of 'em),we don't know why they're chased by this guy,Carver. Whe are strangers,coming in a new group and we have seen only few hours of their life. I think that's what the developers wanted.

    There was very little down time in S2 Episode 1. In S1 Ep1 we had Hershel's Farm, The Drugstore and The Motor Inn at the end where we could ta

  • edited January 2014

    I'll be honest and say that I thought that it was a disappointment. The problem that I had with it is that nearly everything bad that happens is your character's fault, but it's taken out of the players hands (If you're afraid of SPOILERS, don't be reading this):

    Setting the gun down and wandering after the bottle of water -- not only is this not something that an experienced survivor would do, it was an action that my character is to blame for that I saw coming and WANTED to stop, but it was out of my hands. This is a huge problem.

    Conversely, being attacked by the dog, whether or not you feed it was a time it wasn't a problem, because we're dealing with a wild animal. Sure, it's out of our hands, but it's not my character being completely an utterly obtuse for no reason I can fathom.

    Neither a hunter nor a doctor can tell the difference between a large dog latching onto a person's arm (which would leave a long, narrow set of two rows of teeth) and a human bite (which would be a short crescent shape)? Have neither of them ever seen a dog before, or what a human bite looks like?

    The knife you're carrying breaks when you jimmy open the trapdoor. Why? I don't know! Instead of just sliding it in and opening the door, which Clem does, for some reason she decides to put all of her weight onto it, for no reason whatsoever and...the blade snaps? What is that knife made of? Yes, they want to get rid of the knife for later drama, but seriously?

    You climb back into the shed and instead of nailing it back up, as I tried to do, you have to let a walker crawl through. Um. Why? Are we to believe that this girl who has survived a good year and a half of the apocalypse, who had a mentor who tried to make sure she was instilled with how to survive with his dying breath is so stupid as to see woods with walkers wandering around and NOT nail up a huge hole?

    Is an unarmed little girl REALLY going to be blamed by anyone for the death of someone she wasn't close to when she runs to the other person who specifically tells her to run to him? No. She isn't going to be. At all. By anyone.

    There were some great things here, and some wonderful dramatic moments with Clementine, but we don't get to really meet any of the characters very well and almost all of the drama is not only out of our hands, but it is blamed on us at the same time. Bad things happen that we can't control (bandits, dogs, zombies, etc., etc.) but to make it the fault of our character without letting our character do anything about it is just frustrating--conversely, should I CHOOSE to help someone over the other, if I'm blamed for who I choose, even though I was forced into a binary choice, at least that blame makes sense.

    I have hopes that this will get better, but so far the second season has relied on gimmicks and tricks to further the action instead of choices to define characters, which is what season 1 excelled at. I know that no one at telltale is really reading through pages of these for narrative critiques, and that most of the writing is already done, but I hope that these are lessons that they have already thought of internally, or else this season will only be a shadow of the first.

  • I enjoyed the first episode, but I don't think it was a patch on what came previously............yet.
    Like many have already said, I didn't like the time skip. Yes I understand why it was done, but I don't like unanswered questions. Hopefully said questions will be answered later on in the series.
    Then there was Omids death. Again, I understand why it was done. I just think it was too quick. Plus Christa shooting that unarmed girl, for me was out of character for her. Or it could be a culture thing. Maybe that's how things are resolved in the states. Shoot someone, problem solved.

    The dog situation was for me, totally unrealistic for reasons that I have already explained, and could have been much better handled.
    Next we come to the other survivors and they way they treated Clementine, bar a couple who were at least civil.
    I don't care what has happened to the world, zombie apocalypse or no. There is no way adults would treat a child like that. Not unless they were sick in the head. But again this could be a culture difference.

    Finally Clementine herself. Yes I know time has passed since and she has gotten older and wiser about the world around her. I just think that at the moment, we haven't seen a glimpse of the girl many of us came to love and protect in the first game.
    It's the same voice, face and body. But her personality has changed too much. I hope we see more of the Clementine she used to be. Hopefully in subsequent episodes there will be a chance for that to happen.

    As for the episode itself, I did find it to be over far too quickly. Specially after all the hype, expectations and waiting. Plus we are still waiting for episode two. That I find the biggest bugbear of them all. Episodic gaming should be the same as episodic television. For example, with a television series, we know exactly when the next episode is on. With this game, we haven't a clue when the next installment is to be released.
    So any tension and excitement that's built up inevitably wains over the course of the weeks and months that go by. Course what happens then, is people turn on each other, arguments and different opinions turn nasty and before you know it, people are at each others throats. You only have to look at this forum to see the evidence of that.

    Telltale really need to overhaul the way they release episodes. At least give an estimated date of when to expect the next one. If things are delayed, then be up front about it. Otherwise people will just move on to something else. I don't think for one minute anyone at Telltale reads this forum, but maybe they should.

  • Well lets be honest, she probably doesn't have the same view of survival she did a year and a half ago.

  • Telltale you are on a good path , Just bring Kenny back , Give him a heroic death, and make sure our decisions matter for a couple of things at least and I guarantee you this is gonna be an even bigger success fhan Season 1

  • edited January 2014

    That was a fantastic read, almost ashamed that I never thought about those things thoroughly. Though I did often get the feeling of "I'm pretty sure I should..." while playing the game. TIL!

    Dragonfliet posted: »

    I'll be honest and say that I thought that it was a disappointment. The problem that I had with it is that nearly everything bad that happens

  • I thought I was the only one who thinks that Clem's personality changed a lot. I mean, sure it's the freakin ZA and she saw a lot of shit in her last couple of years, but her personality is now very different from what we saw in S1. The only time it has came remotely close to that from S1 was when she was playing catch with Sam. I too hope that we see some S1-like moments of Clemmy in the future episodes.

    I enjoyed the first episode, but I don't think it was a patch on what came previously............yet. Like many have already said, I didn't l

  • I love how you can actually just ignore some people in those sequences. for example, in all of my playthroughs of the game, I don't think I've once gone out of my way to talk to Larry and Lilly at the St. John's Dairy.

    SKIllVA posted: »

    i kinda miss the moments where you just go around and talk to everybody but it was a good start

  • I'm still not sure that Kenny should die in this season, but other than that, Agreed.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Telltale you are on a good path , Just bring Kenny back , Give him a heroic death, and make sure our decisions matter for a couple of things at least and I guarantee you this is gonna be an even bigger success fhan Season 1

  • I guess, but that might kinda go with if you stole from the car or not in season 1. If you did, Clem might just think it's okay because Lee did it what he did. But if you didn't, although what she's been through, she probably has some common sense not to steal something that won't even help you live, and might mean something to someone. Come on Clem, it's like if someone stole the picture of Lee from her.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Well lets be honest, she probably doesn't have the same view of survival she did a year and a half ago.

  • But thats just it, they give you the option to have your Clem learn from the car situation (among other things). If your Clem learned not to take things from others then don't hit the button to take it. If you think your Clem was inclined to pick up on the "whatever it takes to survive" vibe from season 1 then you can decide to hit the button.

    Sxphyre posted: »

    I guess, but that might kinda go with if you stole from the car or not in season 1. If you did, Clem might just think it's okay because Lee di

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