E3 Release Discussion:PC/Mac/PSN/XBLA/iOS/Kindle/Android out now;Vita/PS4/XOne:Nov 4 NA/Nov 7 EU
The place for all your Episode 3 release date discussion needs!
We'll update the OP here when there's new info to share.
- PC/Mac (worldwide) - Tuesday, April 8th - OUT NOW
- PlayStation 3 (North America) - Tuesday, April 8th - OUT NOW
- Xbox 360 (worldwide) - Wednesday, April 9th - OUT NOW
- PlayStation 3 (Europe) - Wednesday, April 9th - OUT NOW
- iOS - Thursday, April 10th - OUT NOW
- Kindle Fire and Amazon Fire TV (worldwide) - Monday, June 2nd - OUT NOW
- Android - Thursday, October 30th - OUT NOW
- PlayStation Vita/PlayStation 4/Xbox One (North America) - Tuesday, November 4th
- PlayStation Vita/PlayStation 4/Xbox One (Europe) - Friday, November 7th
Episode 3 trailer
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Why dude?
I look forward to Episode 3, but I hope it's a little more polished and expeditious.
I also hope to see more of Detective Brannigan!
Oh I get it. At first I thought "Well, why even make this post if there is no info?"
This just lets me "own" the original post in the thread, so I'm not messing with someone else's post when we add the latest info at the top.
I can't wait for episode 3, such a generic statement, but it's true. Hopefully it'll be a bit more fleshed out than the previous one, but either way both episodes have been fantastic so far.
OK, but only if I get to make the Episode 4 one. It's my turn next, gosh darn it!
I really want to see more of Detective Brennigan
The episodic releases of these games is like... starving to death, and being offered the most delicious slice of cake, and you are just going to have to stare at the rest of the cake, not able to eat it....
Don't get me wrong, the slice of cake was amazing, but we are still hungry dammit!
You could always stick your finger down your throat and eat that piece of cake again.....A.K.A play the episode again.
Hopefully this is the episode that breaks the 2 hour mark.
I'm not sure if it does! Comes close though!
Is episode 3 gunna be released at end of March or April or ? Any specific Month?...
Because I've noticed you guys changed pictrue for Episode 3. Before there was that girly cop spying on Bigby, Well now there's Bigby chasing what looks like Crane's vehicle but god knows whos driving it. I already knew that Episode 2 will have some epic twist about Crane as soon as I checked the pictrue , and then when Crane picked you up at the police station I just knew those were the exact same cars.
Anyway this is a really surprising ending so you guys should hurry up because this one... is a real cliffhanger =P
Is there a current deadline for when the entire season should be released? E.g.: no later than Summer 2014.
You don't want THAT many notifications in your feed.
Everyone wants dat likes.
Until you finish every last crumb... and you're still hungry.
Not worth it, I tell ya!
I hope we don't have to wait 4 months for a crooked mile
We could use a spfic month for whene ep 3 is released
I only want 2 things:
1-Faster than before, I mean I don't want to wait more than 2 months.
2-Longer episode. Episode 2 was really short.
Loved it. Good job. If Snow is going to be in all episodes, PLEASE give the poor girl a Personality. Hope the waiting time and updates are handled a little bit better for episode 3.
I thought I might share this. It reminds me of Bigby (a lot).
Monster - Imagine Dragons
Looking forward to episode 3! More than any other Telltale game, anyways.
Hoping that the next episode doesn't get delayed.
According to the season's Steam page, the episodes will release periodically until summer 2014.
Summer ends on the 21st of September astronomically (which is the system the United States follows, which is where Telltale is located). If everything goes according to schedule (and, it should, since that gives a little more than 2 months each for each remaining episode), the season will conclude by that date, at most.
I think this is quite possibly the most excited i've ever been for a game in a long while. Introducing Wolf Among Us tonight among my housemates as they saw me replaying the end of Episode 1 (being a b***** to everyone) hopefully episode 3 will be released soon enough
Wow.That was a really thorough answer.
Yaaaaaay!Imagine Dragons!This one reminds me of Bigby,too.Although i'm sure someone else thought of it already.But i just LOVE this band!
P.S.You know i have raped the replay button on that one 
Prediction time I see this coming out mid to lateish March while for walking dead season 2 episode 3 for early to mid April.
"We'll update the OP here when there's new info to share".
Okay then
Please,let it (episode 3) be in early March
They have to make a trailer with either of these in the background (possibly the episodic finale)! I don't care how much it costs for music rights! Telltale I hope you're listening.
I would say............ Mid march
Hell yeah,bro!High five!
Telltale should make the next episode longer... and why is the Episode 2 preview not connected to Episode 2?
I think it is April
I'm guessing if all goes according to plan we'll see Walking Dead in early march and then the next Wolf episode in early to mid April.
Really keen to see what happens next! Hopefully that mystery guy from episode 1 shows up again soon.
I'm expecting/hoping for TWD before the end of Feb. with TWAU sometime in march.