It's Clementine's parents, they weren't really walkers but were disguised as walkers. Like Lee they figured out walkers wouldn't eat them if they were covered in walker blood. They tried to communicate with Clem but they figured talking would get the walkers attention.
I dont understand how everyone missed it, but its obviously the dog. Under extreme pressure to release the next episodes of TWAU and TWD, the writers are bringing back the dog, who turns out to be Bigby from TWAU. Two games, one episode, brilliant!
Morgan Freeman: ''I thought as well, but things have changed Clementine. Your destiny awaits, follow me and let me show you the path you must walk. It is a treacherous one, but you are the chosen one Clementine. The faith of the world rests in your hands...'' (Morgan Freeman voice).
It's Bill, from Left 4 Dead. During the outbreak, Lee's group met up with the L4D survivors while looking for supplies. They told the group about finding a boat, which is where Kenny got the idea to go to Savannah.
The dislikes bug me a lot so look guys i though I was being funny and I though this person was trolling (yeah I am pretty stupid) but now I feel kinda embarrassed. Sorry I didn't think I would get this many dislikes....sorry again it just that the dislikes really bug me...
The dislikes bug me a lot so look guys i though I was being funny and I though this person was trolling (yeah I am pretty stupid) but now I fe… moreel kinda embarrassed. Sorry I didn't think I would get this many dislikes....sorry again it just that the dislikes really bug me...
Well idk I get this feeling that people will think I am a troll because usually trolls are the one's who get downvotes. I tried to pretend that I did't care but that seems to fail and yeah I decide to try something new I may change it back some day
Actually its the other way around, The trolls are the ones who go around every thread and make sure they dislike every comment so If you want some advice just ignore it, People like that feed off your attention
Well idk I get this feeling that people will think I am a troll because usually trolls are the one's who get downvotes. I tried to pretend that I did't care but that seems to fail and yeah I decide to try something new I may change it back some day
Lately they are targeting specific users rather than just disliking everything (particularly in TWAU forum). I guess they are just trying to single that person out. I invite anyone and everyone to dislike my comments, because a large amount of dislikes on a valid comment usually lead to upvotes to balance the scale. Not to mention that it amuses me how someone thinks that I care enough to warrant the creation of 5+ accounts in futile attempt to rustle my jimmies.
Actually its the other way around, The trolls are the ones who go around every thread and make sure they dislike every comment so If you want some advice just ignore it, People like that feed off your attention
Yeah before they were just disliking everything but now someone told me they are going after females for some reason, And I share your point of view, Downvotes are completely irrelevant so no one should give two shits about how many times they get downvoted
Lately they are targeting specific users rather than just disliking everything (particularly in TWAU forum). I guess they are just trying to … moresingle that person out. I invite anyone and everyone to dislike my comments, because a large amount of dislikes on a valid comment usually lead to upvotes to balance the scale. Not to mention that it amuses me how someone thinks that I care enough to warrant the creation of 5+ accounts in futile attempt to rustle my jimmies.
Its obviously Walt Elias Disney, clem was a disney fan, she grew watching every disney movie, she also knew about the rumors of mr Disney being frozen, days b4 the outbreak they revived him, clem thought walkers ate a Disney lollipop, but in S2E2 she saw him,
Clem: i thought you were dead. WED: No im alive, me and mickey will live forever! carlos: goddamnit he is carver!
Glenn, Kenny, Nate, Clementine, Nick, Gary, Drew, Eddie, and Johnny all took off their hats at the same time and created a weird world where everything is reversed and completely random:
Lee is white, Kenny is asian, Ben is black, Duck is bald, Travis' hair is blue, Clementine grows 1 inch taller every 20 minutes, Andy St. John takes a poop and the poop grows in size and explodes everywhere, and a lot more.
Well, we know that people in Fabletown can live for centuries, right? Maybe Bigby's glamour failed and in the process of getting a new one he accidentally picked the hair off the shirts of a member of Sam's family, which was actually his hair, and caused Bigby to turn into a dog like Sam. Then, 'Sam' wandered the world as a dog for a day and got used to living the simple life as a dog, which let him keep his wolf instincts. Eventually, he got a ton of glamour that allowed him to disguise himself as 'Sam', and became the pet dog for another family, the one we meet as 'Sam' in the game. Then, having forgotten is non-dog instincts after years as a dog (and having to move from family to family as he did not age), the scene in Ep1 happens. Then, the glamour wears off and Bigby realizes what he did (since mere tent spikes aren't enough to kill a Fable). Thus, to redeem himself, he takes a drop of juice from the juice box clem took, and glamours into the juicebox, and stays that way to infinitely provide clem with juice for the rest of the game.
You want a stupid prediction?A stupid and random prediction?Okay,then.The person Clem thought was dead is Kenny's mustache.She was so sure TellTale shaved it.BUT what she doesn't know is that i have the power to do a crossover with TWAU.Soooo...It was actually Colin trying to mindfuck people with a quadruple layered glamour,sitting on Kenny's face.Oh,but Kenny knew better.He knew what Colin wanted to do,so he hired Gandalf to meddle with the glamour,making it unusable for pigs.As soon as he realized it,Colin ate some cheese and BOOM he's Maybelle.Ceiling Larry stalked her and took out the massive portal gun and averted the oncoming apocalypse,BUT SUDDENLY PINEAPPLES!And everyone was dead.Then a duck came along and resurrected them because METH.Clem went and replaced Lee's arm with a Barbie doll,and Grendel became a walrus.Jesus then took the wheel and this became a long-ass comment.I'm gonna shut up now.
Glenn, Kenny, Nate, Clementine, Nick, Gary, Drew, Eddie, and Johnny all took off their hats at the same time and created a weird world where e… moreverything is reversed and completely random:
Lee is white, Kenny is asian, Ben is black, Duck is bald, Travis' hair is blue, Clementine grows 1 inch taller every 20 minutes, Andy St. John takes a poop and the poop grows in size and explodes everywhere, and a lot more.
Well, we know that people in Fabletown can live for centuries, right? Maybe Bigby's glamour failed and in the process of getting a new one he … moreaccidentally picked the hair off the shirts of a member of Sam's family, which was actually his hair, and caused Bigby to turn into a dog like Sam. Then, 'Sam' wandered the world as a dog for a day and got used to living the simple life as a dog, which let him keep his wolf instincts. Eventually, he got a ton of glamour that allowed him to disguise himself as 'Sam', and became the pet dog for another family, the one we meet as 'Sam' in the game. Then, having forgotten is non-dog instincts after years as a dog (and having to move from family to family as he did not age), the scene in Ep1 happens. Then, the glamour wears off and Bigby realizes what he did (since mere tent spikes aren't enough to kill a Fable). Thus, to redeem himself, he takes a drop of juice from the juice box clem took, and glamours into th… [view original content]
Maybe it's a new Sam and Max game.
I know...I was also trying to be funny but that fail I guess also what up with the dislikes? 6
You came off as aggressive. Extremely subtle sarcasm can be difficult to detect over the internet.
It's Clementine's parents, they weren't really walkers but were disguised as walkers. Like Lee they figured out walkers wouldn't eat them if they were covered in walker blood. They tried to communicate with Clem but they figured talking would get the walkers attention.
It would be a big twist
I'd like to thing larry corpse would return and be something like these two images combined

The person who clementine thought were dead is clementine.
Legless Lego Legolas
I dont understand how everyone missed it, but its obviously the dog. Under extreme pressure to release the next episodes of TWAU and TWD, the writers are bringing back the dog, who turns out to be Bigby from TWAU. Two games, one episode, brilliant!
It's Revan. He used fold space to get out of the Foundry, sparing his life after the Imperial encounter in SW: The Old Republic.
It is actually Morgan Freeman.
Clem: ''I thought you were dead?''
Morgan Freeman: ''I thought as well, but things have changed Clementine. Your destiny awaits, follow me and let me show you the path you must walk. It is a treacherous one, but you are the chosen one Clementine. The faith of the world rests in your hands...'' (Morgan Freeman voice).
It's Bill, from Left 4 Dead. During the outbreak, Lee's group met up with the L4D survivors while looking for supplies. They told the group about finding a boat, which is where Kenny got the idea to go to Savannah.
Its going to be Obama. I thought you where dead ..... Mr President...
well then I guess people are stupid haha well whatever it's my mistake
The dislikes bug me a lot so look guys i though I was being funny and I though this person was trolling (yeah I am pretty stupid) but now I feel kinda embarrassed. Sorry I didn't think I would get this many dislikes....sorry again it just that the dislikes really bug me...
Why are you worried about downvotes? Its not like they are gonna show up on your profile so just ignore it, Btw I was so used to your Carley avatar..
Well idk I get this feeling that people will think I am a troll because usually trolls are the one's who get downvotes. I tried to pretend that I did't care but that seems to fail and yeah I decide to try something new I may change it back some day
Actually its the other way around, The trolls are the ones who go around every thread and make sure they dislike every comment so If you want some advice just ignore it, People like that feed off your attention
Lately they are targeting specific users rather than just disliking everything (particularly in TWAU forum). I guess they are just trying to single that person out. I invite anyone and everyone to dislike my comments, because a large amount of dislikes on a valid comment usually lead to upvotes to balance the scale. Not to mention that it amuses me how someone thinks that I care enough to warrant the creation of 5+ accounts in futile attempt to rustle my jimmies.
Yeah before they were just disliking everything but now someone told me they are going after females for some reason, And I share your point of view, Downvotes are completely irrelevant so no one should give two shits about how many times they get downvoted
Its obviously Walt Elias Disney, clem was a disney fan, she grew watching every disney movie, she also knew about the rumors of mr Disney being frozen, days b4 the outbreak they revived him, clem thought walkers ate a Disney lollipop, but in S2E2 she saw him,
Clem: i thought you were dead. WED: No im alive, me and mickey will live forever! carlos: goddamnit he is carver!
Meh this is really old but it still gave me a laugh.
Back when TWD Season 1 Episode 3 was released, people speculated on what would happen after leaving the train and entering Savannah.
Ridiculous Theory Here: Obviously as Lee and Co. get off the train, they meet Larry with a salt lick for a head, screaming "Where's my Daughter?
Glenn, Kenny, Nate, Clementine, Nick, Gary, Drew, Eddie, and Johnny all took off their hats at the same time and created a weird world where everything is reversed and completely random:
Lee is white, Kenny is asian, Ben is black, Duck is bald, Travis' hair is blue, Clementine grows 1 inch taller every 20 minutes, Andy St. John takes a poop and the poop grows in size and explodes everywhere, and a lot more.
It's Hershel Greene with his sexy suspenders doing 'I'm sexy and I know it' dance. One can dream.
Well, we know that people in Fabletown can live for centuries, right? Maybe Bigby's glamour failed and in the process of getting a new one he accidentally picked the hair off the shirts of a member of Sam's family, which was actually his hair, and caused Bigby to turn into a dog like Sam. Then, 'Sam' wandered the world as a dog for a day and got used to living the simple life as a dog, which let him keep his wolf instincts. Eventually, he got a ton of glamour that allowed him to disguise himself as 'Sam', and became the pet dog for another family, the one we meet as 'Sam' in the game. Then, having forgotten is non-dog instincts after years as a dog (and having to move from family to family as he did not age), the scene in Ep1 happens. Then, the glamour wears off and Bigby realizes what he did (since mere tent spikes aren't enough to kill a Fable). Thus, to redeem himself, he takes a drop of juice from the juice box clem took, and glamours into the juicebox, and stays that way to infinitely provide clem with juice for the rest of the game.
it's mark,he attached himself with robotic legs
ITS CHRISTAS BABY Even though she isnt even 2 years old yet!
It's Clementines hamster, back for cookies!
The Omid that walked into the bathroom stall didn't say anything. This means it could have been somebody else disguised as Omid!
SUPERNATURAAAAAL!!!!!And Spongebob.Yay.
You want a stupid prediction?A stupid and random prediction?Okay,then.The person Clem thought was dead is Kenny's mustache.She was so sure TellTale shaved it.BUT what she doesn't know is that i have the power to do a crossover with TWAU.Soooo...It was actually Colin trying to mindfuck people with a quadruple layered glamour,sitting on Kenny's face.Oh,but Kenny knew better.He knew what Colin wanted to do,so he hired Gandalf to meddle with the glamour,making it unusable for pigs.As soon as he realized it,Colin ate some cheese and BOOM he's Maybelle.Ceiling Larry stalked her and took out the massive portal gun and averted the oncoming apocalypse,BUT SUDDENLY PINEAPPLES!And everyone was dead.Then a duck came along and resurrected them because METH.Clem went and replaced Lee's arm with a Barbie doll,and Grendel became a walrus.Jesus then took the wheel and this became a long-ass comment.I'm gonna shut up now.
lee is dead that is for sure so the chines boy is what we will see
... The fuck did I just read.
Bigby doesn't use a glamour. His human form is natural.
The entire zombie apocalypse is actually an elaborate set up for a gangbang.
Maybe it's Michael Jackson
The person Clem thought was dead is... Brie!
Fat kept her from dying
She saw Lilly AND Kenny together. They're in a relationship.