Who's the most annoying?



  • Snow White's little hissy fit after walking in on the interrogation. She walked in to see Bigby clearly restraining Bluebeard, yet accused him of torturing a suspect. Her "I wasn't yours to lose" response was completely uncalled for. The whole conversation came across as her being determined to force an argument. Her reactions seem more like those of a teenager than a supposedly professional adult.

    Beauty, yet more irrational behaviour from a prominent female character. The whole secret job thing is ridiculous. Having a job isn't a dirty little secret. She knows that Beast gets suspicious easily and that he will massively overreact to those suspicions. So instead of having a conversation with her husband about the state of their finances and the need for her to work, she acts as suspiciously as she possibly can.

  • Gren is jealous prick. Wants to replace Bigby. It's obvious.

    Alt text

    Wow, you must be pretty darn sensitive. What did Gren do in episode 2 that made you feel like he was flexing at you?

  • Thanks everyone for your contributions so far in the discussion!

  • Gren has some funny lines for an ugly monster.

    Though you gotta admit, he was pretty funny when he said "Go fuck up on a beanstalk, Jackie boy" if you choose to throw out Jack.

  • That's true. Hell, even Gren the dick and Woody the prostitute beater had a charm to them. Namely, thanks to the fact that they weren't written as 2-dimensional sadists.

    NickL posted: »

    Yeah, I had to reach to find someone that annoyed me. If I had to pick, it would be her. They're all pretty well written characters and no one bothered me all that much.

  • edited February 2014

    The game is tailored to how you play. (/lie)

    Well if youre truthful to him in ep1 he still makes the wrong assumption. I imagined he would give me benefit of doubt if I told him about Beauty in the first place, he didn't, I found that incredibly annoying.

  • I got very annoyed by Holly, well... she kind of redeemed her self in ep. 2

  • What, you mean you weren't won over by that phat troll bootay from the first one? Jesus, you have issues.

    I got very annoyed by Holly, well... she kind of redeemed her self in ep. 2

  • I definitely wanna kill 'em

    Dee and Dum, I want to just kill both of them.

  • edited February 2014

    I think people are being a bit unfair on Snow about that "incident" with Bigby she was up all night working to help solve the case by dealing with TJ and Toad most people tend to be a little bit snippy when denied sleep plus she did apologize after saying that realizing she'd been too hash.

  • edited February 2014

    Snow white is a snappy miserable bitch on her period in episode 2.

  • Your name seems to fit perfectly.

    ShaneWalsh posted: »

    Snow white is a snappy miserable bitch on her period in episode 2.

  • edited February 2014

    I didn't find any of the characters or situations annoying to be honest. Even Jack, I get he was insensitive and everything, but I wasn't annoyed by him. Jack is actually one of my favorite characters in the comics.

    Though, if I absolutely had to choose an annoying character, then I'd have to say Jack, but that's okay, because he's meant to be annoying, so I can appreciate that.

  • I see it more as either lazy or bad writing. Lazy because it seems as though they just didn't bother tailoring Snow's reaction to your interrogation choices. Bad writing if they were going for the effect of Snow being assertive.

    LostSoul86 posted: »

    I think people are being a bit unfair on Snow about that "incident" with Bigby she was up all night working to help solve the case by dealing

  • I don't like Beauty (or Beast). Between her asking me to lie for her repeatedly because she apparently hasn't established enough trust with her "storybook" husband after all these years, and her unhelpful attitude at the sleazy hotel, I find her quite annoying. The things she said in the hotel room were pretty derpy too.

    I don't like Beast because he takes his own insecurities about his wife out on innocent people (i.e., me) and he just seems like a very stupid guy to me. The two of them need to get some marriage counseling and stay out of my way. Oh, and Beauty needs to stop being so snobby considering she's just as damaged and messed up as everybody else...

    I guess I'm not surprised to see Grendel make some people's list, but I actually think he is okay. He might be an outcast and anti-social, but he is loyal to Holly (and The Woodsman), so I don't completely fault him for his bad attitude when the Big Bad Wolf comes snooping around Holly's bar. Like Arrowify points out, he has some good lines in both episodes.... too bad he isn't able to back up his big talk, but then again, not many people are.

  • edited February 2014

    People might thumb you down, but I agree with what you are saying. While I still like Snow okay, her and Beauty both act pretty irrationally in episode 2.

  • I really don't like Beauty she wasn't truthful to Beast and Bigby got caught in middle of things. she thinks that she will get what she wants, she tells Bigby to lie on police report that she works there. right bending the truth leave stuff out, not cool. I don't mind Grendal so much he isn't really a bad guy, he is just hates the government, how things are run, and when others are too scared to speak up he dose. if I was a fable I would be pissed off too, something bad happens to me and I don't get help from people who run things, that sucks.

    I really don't like Toad thro, he lies about everything even when you try and help him.

  • Finally someone who doesn't hate Gren.

    I really don't like Beauty she wasn't truthful to Beast and Bigby got caught in middle of things. she thinks that she will get what she wants,

  • lol I aint no bitch.

    Zyphon posted: »

    Your name seems to fit perfectly.

  • edited February 2014

    Yeah he isn't really a bad guy, just pissed off at how things are run, you cant blame him for that. The way Crane runs things, as Snow stated, that if you come throu the front door she has to turn you away, and the people with all the money get to pull things their way, that's really corrupted. And the people who abay the law don't feel like people are hearing their crys for help. But now crane runs away and maybe bluebeard takes over, I think things are going to become worse for the fables

    Arrowify posted: »

    Finally someone who doesn't hate Gren.

  • Wut? : D

    ViralType posted: »

    What, you mean you weren't won over by that phat troll bootay from the first one? Jesus, you have issues.

  • The thing is Snow could easily misinterpret that scene in the interrogation room I mean she walks in after Bluebeard punched Dee or the Woodsman whoever you choose with Bigby angry and restraining Bluebeard. Being the Sheriff and supposed to be in charge of the prisoner Snow could easily of thought he instigated it and was now having a go at Bluebeard.

    I see it more as either lazy or bad writing. Lazy because it seems as though they just didn't bother tailoring Snow's reaction to your interrogation choices. Bad writing if they were going for the effect of Snow being assertive.

  • To be honest i think snow is beacuase say i want to do an asshole play through she always has to complain. hre comes the dislikes

  • i wish she actually did die like holly said

    NickL posted: »

    Yeah, I had to reach to find someone that annoyed me. If I had to pick, it would be her. They're all pretty well written characters and no one bothered me all that much.

  • Well, I kinda get him, I live in a country where the goverment doesn't give a shit about everyone, if I had the opportunity I would be an asswhole to everyone that has ties to the goverment...

    Butt-head posted: »

    Gren is jealous prick. Wants to replace Bigby. It's obvious.

    1. Ichabod
    2. Dee
    3. Woodsman
  • edited February 2014

    Jack's an irritating little prick, no hesitation on chucking him out. Beast pissed me off a lot, being all possessive/insecure/irrational to the point of it being a bit creepy. Followed by straight-up snobbery re: Beauty's work. Lol no ta.

    Oh and there's no way Georgie didn't deserve that smack in the mouth for the horrible shit he was hitting out with.

    Good job on these characters though.

  • edited February 2014

    Jack.... Throwing him outside was the easiest choice ever

    You know the option to throw Jack out? Well if you click on that and don't punch him he just gets intimidated and walks out by himself. It is amusing to watch.

    Regarding the OP question, none of the charaters in the game are considered annoying to me as they are very well written and not one dimensional.

    Jack.... Throwing him outside was the easiest choice ever Also Beast and Toad are annoying in their own way

  • I meant in the sense that you are acting very much like Shane.

    That is to say, rude.

    ShaneWalsh posted: »

    lol I aint no bitch.

  • dam that was harsh. but very good impression, lol.

    Ugh.. don't start this shit again, Shaundi. I don't know why the moderators just let you create a new account and stay, but it should have bee

  • Agreed.

    Ugh.. don't start this shit again, Shaundi. I don't know why the moderators just let you create a new account and stay, but it should have bee

  • I would say I dislike crane since he is a pervert and just annoying. I also dislike Jack in episode 2 as he was a prick and didn't show much consideration for holly at all and gives off the impression he can take on Bigby, bitch please I threw him out without any hesitation as he just annoyed me.

    I also dislike how beauty acts like I will just do what she says. Bigby is the boss not her and I expect a little respect, I was nice and lied for her as I tried to believe that she was hiding something from beast for a good reason and even if it was a good reason she can't go expecting me to not do my job and to cover for her after my putting my trust in her once ended in my having to fight beast, if she opened her mouth a little faster the fight could of been avoided or she could of told beast the truth from the start as she wasn't whoring herself out so I wouldn't think that beast would react too negatively. I mean he wouldn't be exactly too happy about it but I would assume he would be less likely to flip out if she was honest with him from the start instead of him having to find out the way he did.

  • For me Grendal trying to intimidate me and kill me so ripped his arm off

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