A few annoying things on this forum that is getting old

So I've been looking at the forum and I keep seeing these annoying things over and over and thought i'd vent a little.
1: "Lee is alive speculation and theories". Sigh, I know he was a fantastic character but his dead. If you leave him, he turns into a walker, ain't no way his going to be alive as a person with a bite. If you shoot him he dies but people think "oh you didn't see it happen or I heard breathing". If Clem missed then Lee would turn into a Walker so there's no way his coming back period. I prefer Lee as the playable character over Clementine but it's Clem's turn to be the main character now after being a support act for Lee, I miss the guy but it's life. If you want to see Lee, go play Season 1 again.
2: "New people on here"- Like a previous thread said, the new people who have come from the start of Season 2 or the End of Season 1 have been deadest dickheads. Starting fights, posting stupid posts, thinking they're experts and know everything yet it's people like me and the others who have been here since the start of episode 1 who know it all. Back then, there were no fights or if there was 1 it be rare, now it's just everywhere. The forum is suppose to be about connection with others who like the game like you do and instead people are abusing people by country, abusing people because they like or hate a character. If you're that bored to start internet fights, go do something constructive rather then abuse people behind a website.
3: - "Kenny confirmed for season 2". So overused and annoying now. I'm the biggest Kenny fan out (I stuck by the guy as soon as he woke me up in the barn), When everyone was saying that we should pick Lily over Kenny, I was with Kenny. You newbies may not know but when S1 started, I would say under 25% of people cared for Kenny, it was all "Lily, Carely" etc. Kenny was only mentioned because people hated Duck, then when Season 1 episode 2 finished, people were hating on him even more then when his family died in Episode 3, that's when people started caring for him. I was with him the WHOLE time so that shows how much of a fan I am but my point is this, 1: People are obsessed with him coming back now, yes it would be great if he comes back but quit going on about it, People are staring to hate him because obsessed fans keep posting about him returning. If he returns, he returns and 2: The Newbies saying it. You guys weren't there when we were waiting for Season 1 episodes to come out, We older fans connect more because we waited all those months and weeks and days to see the story progress so stop going on with it thinking you're such big fans.
4: Clementine fans abusing/downvoting people who disagree with them: This is a big one. Every time some says Clem wasn't their favourite or they say something bad about her, The Clem army comes out and starts abusing or down voting the person, really? How childish can you get? We all have different opinions/preferences, so why should someone be thought lesser off for having a different one? When Ben was alive, people used to talk so much shit about him and they go away with it yet the Clem Army thinks it's wrong to do the same about Clem. Now, I don't hate her (just clearing it up) But why is it ok to trash Ben and not her? People liked Ben, he was a favourite to some people so doesn't that give him equal rights? Sure, Clem connected more and had a bigger part of the season but Ben was a major character He was in 3 and a half episodes out of 5, that's a pretty good effort yet he gets trashed and it's acceptable yet it's a crime to do it to Clem? Hypocrites.
Rant Over.
Mod edit: paragraphs added. Single line breaks unfortunately have to be signalled to the forum by four or more spaces after a line. Tedious, I know.
1) paragraphs
2) the only problem is that episode 2 is still not out
I'd rather it be annoying sometimes and a happy regularly accessed forum than a boring cold serious forum.with barely anyone on it. Its fun and people should be allowed to have their own opinion about things
Also can you cut that up a little bit? Its pretty hard to read
Yeah go away new people! No one likes you!!
Is that the message you really want to send?
So people abusing other people over characters isn't a problem?
I did it but it shows I didn't.
But, I am not saying it has to be boring but what's the point in mentioning things that start pointless fights and aren't going to happen?
Considering all the shit the new people are doing, yes i'd rather then go away.
Never said it was, just some stuff on here shouldn't be on here. The forum is about talking to people about the game, If you disagree with someone about something that's fine, but abusing people just because their opinion is different is pathetic.
If new people wouldn´t come here, at the end, there is almost no one on this forum. Just gotta ingore annoying people.
you joined july tho....... that's like episode 3 lol. And some 'newbies' might've joined this forum late but have been waiting just like 'you'. I just joined after hearing about it in season 2 lol. So it's not alright to classify people as 'noobs' if they just joined this site.
I was actually pretty hesitant to join first of all, since I was afraid THIS would happen.
Only post find offensive are these posts designed just to moan or seem of higher class then newer members instead of moaning use your discussion to create questions you would find interesting or want to answer simple
To be honest ever since big forum layout change it has been going down hill and a lot of the community that was around for season 1 left.
People have the right to post their opinions to others isnt that the point of this? I agree with you about all the fighting and downvoting that been going on but paragraphs 1-3 are ridiculous.
1) I agree with you
2)Well I join in barley a month ago and I am trying not to be like them...
3)Really? Didn't know that
4)Psh year I also agree. Those "Clem obsession fans" think that Clem is like a goodness or something (Not saying I hate Clem but some people take things too far)
I also wanted to add that lately people keep posting thing like "Will Clem die?"or " If Clem dies we riot" and stuff like that -_-
Im new here and I take offense to that. Honestly from what ive seen its really only been a couple users thats been causing real problems on here
Clem Army. That has a nice ring to it. Where do I enlist?
Look, this is the Internet. There's going to be rude motherfuckers. There's going to be even more idiots. Any place that contains a "www" in the URL and includes a comments section on its page is going to have trolls. You do your best to use tunnel vision and keep coming back for the people that are actually polite, insightful and that you enjoy discussing the game with. When something gains popularity, you're going to get an influx in fans. Like anything else, some will be intolerable, some will be fine, some will leave after a day or two, some may go on to be the next staple of a discussion board. This place is no exception to the rule.
I only joined in November, though I've been a walking dead fan since episode 1. I stumbled across a video of PewDiePie playing the walking dead and said: "I need this game." I have played through season 1 multiple times, and I have also played all that remains twice. I agree that some people who are like "LLOLZ I join forum jsut today but this is a post on why The person she thought was dead is probz Nick LOLZZZZZ" they are annoying. but some people, e.g. myself, have been loving walking dead for awhile and only recently joined the forum, or recently discovered the game and joined the forum are all right.
T_T that hurts man
Lmao with the "New people can't be as big a fan" and the assumption that joining after S1 implies you didn't play it when it was first available
It could be him after all, but I agree
While you definitely have a point and I agree with you on most things, Judging people by how much time they have been around is a mistake on your part, I know a lot of people who joined in the last month and are great members and like you are horrified by the conditions the forum is in Thanks to Certain People, A Troll is a Troll no matter how long they have been a part of this community
Just because I wasn't on the forums doesn't mean I wasn't waiting for the game to come out episode to episode in season one. I probably heard about the game before you did, I just had no interest in joining the forums. The date someone joins the forums does not equate into the date they discovered the game. As for the constant spamming of the same topic threads, I agree, that's obnoxious.
If anything is getting old, its the trolls and how they ALLWAYS win, thanks to the mods atleast, (no disrespect intended) perhaps if they listened to us, things would be better, i know they are doing the best that they can, but truth be told they are only doing what they "think" they can, snip were tired of the trolls, and yeah, they got angry, but with good reason, tell me blind sniper, have you forgotten whats happened in these past few weeks? first the downvotes, then rule 34, now this? snip were tired of the bullcrap that has been running rampent through the forum, so what if they insulted them? we all want to insult them, we all are tired of them, and quite frankly, with all due respect, and i mean this in the niceist way possible, you and the other mods have done nothing but ban the wrong people, though atleast you did handle the rule 34 situation, i will give you that.
Make an exception an actually talk to us about why you banned them when they were rightfully angry, we are all angry, and sadly you are the only one who can do anything about this nonesense, atleast untill the other mods get on, but i doubt they will be much help either. We all want peace, and we all believe you were wrong in banning snip, regardless of what the rules say. Stop keeping us in the dark and give us answers, i dont call members out unless i feel its justified, and right now, is one of those times, we all share the same enemy, and its the trolls, i ask you, why can't you see that? if you were in our position, you would be asking these same questions.
I await your reply, assumeing you do. Remeber, i have nothing against you Blind Sniper, i just want answers, and im asking you do what everyone here wants you to do, help us, and stop hurting us.
I agree. People, if you want Lee back so much, this is what fan-fiction is for. I'm sure there are a few good "Lee never died" stories out there somewhere. Go read one of those. Better yet, go write your own. But you're sure as hell not going to have any chance of seeing him back alive in Season 2.
Things have gotten more hostile and argumentative here. That's true. But blaming it all on "the newbies" is stupid. I got here last July. Does that make me a newbie? And if it does, does that mean I have any less to contribute than anyone else? Jabba's been here since before you were. Does that make him a valued member of this community? Hell the fuck no! Many of the best users I've seen on here have been newbies who very recently joined. A lot of trollish pricks have also joined and that's a shame but don't lump those two groups together like they're one single entity.
While I agree on principle, you constant insistence that "I'm a better Kenny fan than you because ______" makes you sound ridiculous.
This is the Telltale Walking Dead forums. The Clem Army will always be out in full force. It was like this before the forum change and it's like that now. Sure, it's gotten more apparent with the whole downvoting thing but it was always here. And it'll never go away.
I completely agree with you OP,however you forgot one thing. TEXT EDITING! Gooood,the horror....
The members in question, which remain anonymous for the duration of their TEMPORARY ban, have hurt themselves with absolutely unacceptable etiquette.
It is clearly outlined in the forum guidelines what to do when you feel insulted by another member. And what you absolutely do NOT do.
The trolls win when the non trolls react by becoming trolls, it's as easy as that.
And the openly insulting members will always be kicked out of the forum faster than the passive aggressive ones.
The rest is silence.
Not ever new person is a complete dick head. But most are /:
Yeah, I agree with you on all accounts, man.
I can't tell you how much hate I've gotten in this sub-forum by just saying that I disliked the "new" Clem or the season two premiere. Isn't it a completely valid opinion?
I agree with you in point 1-3, but you shouldn't complain about the so-called "offending-button". It's just a mean to express ones opinion without having to declare why.
i'm not even half way through your reply and it's so unreadable and annoying.. learn how to use punctuation please. Not trying to sound rude at all.
1-3 is pretty true but number 4 is no different than Kenny fans or Lee or even Lilly fans. It all just depends on the person.
I don't really agree. Sure there are some bad ones but for the most part we are just here as fans, like the old comers.
In fact have you put any thought into the idea perhaps many of these bad 'new' people are only new because they can't get on their 'old' accounts? Just a thought.
Ok I've played this since Season 1 episode 1 but just joined the forum. Am I okay or should I get my coat?
Your fine, just need some.... Lee
No girls allowed, this is a private only men treehouse.
Same here OP has to remember that it not very new person
It get's kinda annoying when a new comer goes around disliking everyone's comments because they don't like they way they talked about their favorite character.
We were all new once, and by that I mean at one time we all complained at the lack of release information. After a while you just accept it. Crying isn't gonna help, they'll tell us when the next episode is coming out when they're allowed to.
Just please don't let it corrupt my saves again.
[Takes off 'mod hat' and skims through list as normal user]
1 - ... yeah. They get old. S1 was the story of Lee and Clem, and nor S2 is the story of Clem on her own. I do get annoyed that people can't accept this and move on, but at the same time, I do sort-of understand where they're coming from. Lee was... he was awesome and it does seem a shame to have him gone, but that's the way the story's gone and... yeah, people need to move on.
2 - I don't have a problem with new people as a rule, but SOME of them can be such bad apples that it taints how we assume new members will behave in general. When a couple of 'noobs' start posting porn or insulting other members, it doesn't make anyone look good - other new members, the site, anyone. And while the mods do try to act quickly against this, this negative perception of 'noobs' takes root quickly and takes a LOT of effort to shake off.
Unfortunately, the fact that proper punctuation seems to be entirely optional these days doesn't exactly help matters.
3 - Oh dear lord YES. Fed up to the back teeth of Kenny. It's why I started 'THE Kenny Thread' - there were so many separate threads that it was absurd. Thankfully things do seem to have calmed down somewhat nowadays, but if the man ever does show up in S2... yeah, I'm just gonna go ahead and make sure my Glock is clean and my will is up to date.
4 - People like who they like. I get that. I just wish they didn't have to hate/bash/insult/whatever anyone who disagrees with them when they share their views on certain characters. It gets old.
So yeah, I see the OP's points, and I do agree with them to a degree. But really... it's the internet. What did you expect?
[Puts 'mod hat' back on]
Disliking is what you don't like about new people?
First. Dislikes do nothing
Second. You can't see who dislikes... so how do you know it's someone new??
Third, a continuation of 2 really. Why can't it be an old (or perhaps new) troll?
Four. Seriously, dislikes mean nothing unless you want them to mean something.....