Kirkman open to idea of video game and TV show crossover
"That door is always open for us," says The Walking Dead creator.
So, will we ever see anything like Rick Grimes talking to Clementine? "I certainly wouldn’t want to spoil anything cool like that if we had it coming up," said Kirkman. "Scott Gimple, our showrunner, is certainly a huge fan of that game series as well and very familiar with it."
The Walking Dead game adaptation is being developed by Telltale Games, and is currently in its second season.
Earlier in the current season of The Walking Dead, one of the lead characters planned a trip to Macon, the hometown of protagonist Lee in season one of the game adaptation.
"That was a little nod to those fans, to let them know that we’re aware of the greater Walking Dead universe," said Kirkman. "It’s always fun to come up with those little things."
Full article here --
I was really hoping someone would head down to Macon.
I also edited the title to say he's open to the idea, not that there's any talks currently to do any crossover.
Oh please no
Put Clementine into the show and i stop watching it forever.
meh,instead of that they should put the video game character into the comic,like molly for example,or put more comic character into the game other than glenn
Please no...
The comic, game, and show are all separate stories with different writers. They don't need to interfere with each other.
TV show characters in the game? No.
Game characters in the show? Hell no.
References to the game in the show and references to the show in the game? Hell. Yes.
walking dead survival instinct was last game the tv characters were shown in they might be cursed be references in tv show yes
Easter eggs would be ok but i wouldn't want to see TV show characters in the game, I don't know how i would feel about game characters in the show but after reading the comics and watching the show AMC change so much they would probably ruin Telltales amazing characters and story, Maybe they could create characters inspired by the game but not use the characters themselves.
guys, but why u don't want this crossover? What the hell u have against the Tv show? why do not you want to see clementines on the big screen? for me that would be great!
Think telltale wanna tell own story not be subplot of main series and live off their success Clem is where she is loved and belongs and the lead star tv show not taking her even though its my favorite show
Some people fear it would ruin the game's individuality or ruin the reception a character like Clementine would have if put in a TV show, because it's rare to find a perfect portrayer of the character. ESPECIALLY a kid like Clem, or everyone's favourites; KENNY and/or LEE.
let's say the person clem thought was dead was kenny, mabye kenny meets rick and their group?
Except for the fact that the Game is set in the Comic universe. So non-subtle references that don't break reality might be hard to craft.
I would be okay with it if they referenced the game in the show but no characters in it,but if some exclusive characters to the show that weren't in the comics appeared in the game I don't think I would mind.
This. The tv show writers have already shown what they do to interesting child characters (Carl and Sophia) by completely destroying their character development and completely ignoring it, making the characters more like 'Ideas' of characters.
By this I mean, Clementine and comic Carl are both well thought out and developed characters. They also happen to be children.
TV Carl seems a lot more just like the 'idea' of a rebellious very young teen in the apocalypse. I don't think it is Carl's actors fault, I think the TV writers are just really shitty at conveying Carl's short (what he is thinking) and Long term (how he is changing) thought patterns.
Literally in the last episode, they just had Carl fuck up but then live due to blind luck, then boast to himself about how he did it, then break down and cry and be all like 'IM SORRY DADDY! I ALWAYS NEEDED YOU!' in a really narmy voice which seemed more due to a lack of direction from the writers than from a lack of acting from the actor. Basically, Carl's a boring failure in the show who rarely develops beyond a brooding teenager with daddy issues (who occasionally kills people for no reason). Compare this to Comic Carl, formally a child with hopes and dreams, who is completely transformed by the apocalypse into a competent cold blooded pragmatic survivalist. Carl in the comic is actually scary. You fear him and what he might do just as much as you fear for him. This is what makes comic Carl so fucking great. It's not every day that a main character is a cold blooded sociopathic cowboy child.
Now another reason why Carl was compelling in the comics was because he very rarely got into trouble himself, he was actually scarily (like actually unsettlingly psychotically) competent at killing his way out of whatever mess he got himself into, only relying on luck as much as the rest of the characters. The rare times he did need help, it allowed the writers to show some horrifying examples of how far Rick was able to go to protect his son (i,e, literally tearing the throat out of a pedophile bandit with his teeth).
TL:DR COMIC CARL=Cold blooded and competent child soldier, who enjoys what he does. Contributes massively to the non action Feels and drama scenes and the Combat scene variety. TV CARL: A boring ineffectual character who is and feels like a load without any justification. He is written bluntly and without finesse and as a result takes away from the Feels scenes, if he is shown at all the boring one dimensional character, is usually silent, and Carl himself very rarely contributes anything compellingly interesting or Feelzy to the drama, and the writers unwillingness to show Carl killing humans up close, as well as not showing the realism of the difficulties of a child soldier (REACTIONS TO RECOIL AND NOISE SHOWS HOW MUCH IT HURTS CHILDREN TO USE GUNS AND FIGHT!, FAKE IT TO MAKE US FEEL BAD FOR FUCKS SAKE!) make his efforts seem token (look at this character guys! He's helping!) and also worthless AT THE SAME TIME!
Oh god that was long.
COMIC CARL: Scary, competent. Cold blooded. Makes the hard decisions sometimes. An actual individual who is also a child, as opposed to just a child. Adds a lot of themes to the drama, adds a lot of variety to the danger feeling (that constant worried feeling you get while reading/playing/watching new issues/episodes), and also adds a lot of horror to the combat scene variety.
TV CARL: None of those things. Broody. Makes bad decisions. Ineffectual. The character is usually not present for the drama scenes, when he is, he detracts from it with is monotonous presence: the character is merely the Idea of a child. Not a character in and of itself, who is also a child. Combat scenes featuring him are wildly unbelievable and also boring at the same time, or they are just pathetic and boring (eg IMA GO THROW ROCKS AT A WALKER NEAR CAMP THEN LOSE MY GUN THEN RUN OFF CUS IM A BROODY HUCKLEBERY FINN!) Thats actually what one of the screenwriters likened their version of Carl to. That moment when Huck has FAR more character development and personal depth and philosophical discovery than Carl. As I said before, his presence is both token and trivial.
Also, I'm convinced it's the TV writers fault completely, nothing about the actor suggests he is bad, it looks like the writers just write out really fucking bad scripts for him, and then wonder why he can't be like their golden egg goose Daryl. While at the same time writing detailed scripts and background events and multi-season character arcs for the already fleshed out side character, Daryl. Basically, they give TV Carl no screen time or intellectual effort into any of his scenes to properly convey what needs to be conveyed for the overall story, as well as the Carl's personal story, but then try to hit emotional high notes without any believable build up or character featrues and flaws for our emotions to work with or get attached to.
I personally think Glenn was a pretty good reference.
I am all for a cameo or little nods to the game in the show or comics, but for Clementine or Crista to actually become a part of the show would probably be terrible. If it were in the comic I have a bit more faith that they won't ruin them, but the shows writers would completely miss handle Clem, they can not write for children.
Also I would feel bad for any young actress to try and fill Clementines shoes.
Glenn and Hershel actually made sense because Episode 1 took place before the start of the show/comics. Having show characters in the game and vice-versa after the first 3 month gap would just be weird.
Kirkman has also mentioned introducing aliens as the cause of the zombie outbreak. I wouldn't read too much into it. The TV show jumped the shark after season 3, anyway. I don't watch it anymore.
No, this is definitely a bad idea. They need to leave the game characters out of the show. After the way TV series handled Andrea who is a popular character in the comics and yet they made her so hated on the TV screen, I can't imagine how they'll handle Clem. The series messed up a lot of other comic characters, they turned Rick Grimes into an immoral prick, Michonne into a pushover(when coming up against Rick), Tyreese into a whimp, Lori into a mega bitch, Carl into an obnoxious brat and many more plus the show has bad writing that makes no sense such as "The Clueless Hermit". The point is, if the show can't do the comic adaptation right, how are they gonna do the game adaptation right?
You do know that Kirkman himself is one of the script writers of the show, right?
Maybe he could make it actually good, if not, well fuck me.
Not necessarily. Not main characters, of course, but side characters, perhaps characters that are not seen for long. Characters that aren't in Rick's group, ones which would make sense meeting Clementine's group.
For example, I know she's not from the show, but Lily was certainly originally intended to be the Lily from the comics. Look at how major of a character she was. I'd like to see more references like that, only....maybe slightly less subtle so I can catch them before I finish the season this time lol. xD
I'm OK with references, but I don't want them fucking up cannon. Glen had experiences with the drug store, so if he mentions that a few times that would cool.
Well, you do get to know characters better in the games than in the comics, by hearing them talk and seeing them move, so that is more to go off of and more to help them not fuck up if they do decide to put a game character into the show.
I'd say a small reference would be alright if they could find a good actor for the character, maybe some kind of cameo, but I don't think a character from the games being in the TV show long term is a good idea. >.>
they should have her in the TV show but animated , exactly how she looks in the game. lmao
I'm good with this.
I have a feeling you are comparing current TV Carl to future comic Carl, which isn't really fair in my mind. By the time of the tv events, Carl is by no means this "child soldier", who so much enjoys what he is doing, you'd like to think.
That last episode is almost entirely based on comic cannon, with the exeption of the second walker encounter, Carl losing a shoe, Michonne arriving(they do re-team with her shortly after though, and by the way, she saves Carl, because he makes a stupid mistake.
), and Rick having a couch to lie on. Pull out your issues #49 and #50 to get the story back to mind.
In the comics, we also have a scared kid, making mistakes, surviving by pure luck, bragging to his unconcious father, breaking down, and realizing what he is... a kid with father issues, as you called it.
I get it you don't like the show, which is totally fine with me, but you should maybe get your facts straight. Everything the characters say in that "I'M SORRY DADDY! ..." scene is taken straight out of issue #50. If, in your example, TV Carl is a jerk, so is comic Carl.
Personally I love both, the comics, and the show. It is important though to see them as two completely different stories that just happen to be very similar. They are playing their strengths in two very different media, and sometimes their weaknesses too, both of them!
I do however agree to characters belonging in their right places, wouldn't want to se a Clementine in the show, ever.
Hmm. It seems I am so full of shit my eyes are brown (EDIT:at least in remembering event chronology).
It's just terrible that they don't alter Carl's behaivour at all given he is meant to be 14 in the show. (As opposed to 8)
Molly would work, you can't really fuck her character up, and she's pretty all around awesome without being pivotal to Clementine's story.
Then again just look at what they did to Andrea...
The still make Carl seem really unbelievable as a character. You can see hints of Carls ruthlessness throughout the early days of the comics (EG Carl shoots Shane after hating him for ages.) The Tv show doesn't have the balls to show something like that, or at least hasn't so far. Also, Carl randomly shooting that kid was pretty Eh. I mean the kid put his gun down in a reaaally weird way, Carl didn't like it so he shot him.
A few times in the show though they have Carl calling Rick out on his shit, which is pretty good, but they need to round him out more as an individual character, right now overall he is just an undeveloped poorly defined foil for Rick.
Reversed my stance.
Just remembered the order of events. You know those times when you completely forget the order the events of the series happened in? Just me? Damn.
My opinion isn't enough for this, SOMEONE ELSE JOIN THIS MINITHREAD!
In the meantime, I'll just glare at your comic evidence and get mad.
For the love of Lee's ghost axe, no...
I personally think that the realistic comic book style (walking dead comic and Telltale's game) is the best way for most kinds of stories. Live action has way too many pitfalls. Also, you can't get in people as skilled as Hutchinson to play the children.