well they have finished the episode now they are just dicking around posting one freeking screen shot every 2 days just to hear us say OMG IT LOOKS AMAZING......
well they have finished the episode now they are just dicking around posting one freeking screen shot every 2 days just to hear us say OMG IT LOOKS AMAZING......
Stay tuned this week for more details on the upcoming episode! Also worth mentioning: if you haven't already played The Walking Dead 400 Days DLC for Season One, well... let's just say that's something you you might want to check out before this season continues!
Played the latest Ep of #TheWalkingDead today & you'll all be playing too super soon! Look for important updates over the next few days!
… more
The blog also says
Stay tuned this week for more details on the upcoming episode! Also worth mentioning: if you haven't already played The Walking Dead 400 Days DLC for Season One, well... let's just say that's something you you might want to check out before this season continues!
Next week for sure bud
thats not super soon though
No but it's puts on glasses .....Around the Corner yeaaaaaaaaaaaaay
How funny I don't even think that'd be the case
Telltale said on facebook to look for release info this week
Who knows maybe they give us something today still could be the 18th
Hell who says it HAS to be on a tuesday anyway maybe they release it the 19th or 20th who knows
exactly....release INFO......its going to be a week off screen shots and self dick sucking by trolltale
Awww, is someone upset about waiting another week or two? awww pooor baby
: o
tuesday is when th mp updates for xbox
well they have finished the episode now they are just dicking around posting one freeking screen shot every 2 days just to hear us say OMG IT LOOKS AMAZING......
No....They have submitted it to Sony/Microsoft in order to get the rating, shouldn't take longer than 1 more week
fingers crossed goes to church and prays
they said stay tuned THIS WEEK for more info. They clearly plan on spending a week advertising it
I think Monday counts as "this week"
Youre probably right though just trying to be optimistic here
well if more info was planned a day after the scrennie they would have just said stay tuned......not stay tuned this week
They didn't say this week, they said over the next few days.
no it says this week
The blog also says
Unless they get bounced.
Release date discussion thread. Thanks.