What if EP2 doesn't come out next week as well?

What happens then? Each passing day this forum gets ever the more restless, like a darkness creeping over the world.
Each passing day people get more vile (guilty), and mods have their workload doubled.
But where will it stop? When can we start believing that there is still good in this world?
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wow ott or whut
I'm pretty sure it will.
People been saying that for a long time now.
If it doesnt i am seriously going to plan a raid on the HQ.
What week are you talking about? Timezones are making me confused.
Shut up dude. No part of the world is on Sunday now. We're all on Monday or Tuesday already.
ok sir you need to calm down
Calm down
True, but this time it's realistic, not just hopeful. They've started to release news and they generally only do that when the release is very close.
I dont really mind, Waiting is fine. Its a great game and it takes time for content to be made.
It's possible that it only comes out in March... since they changed their time per episode from 4-6 to 6-8 weeks... The waiting time will make 6 weeks this tuesday (February 18th) not counting Telltale's vacation break. SO yeah problably not next week and I guess very probabel it will come out next week or first of March.
That really sucks and oh come on it will really piss me off. AWFUL
When did they change their time per episode from 4-6 weeks to 6-8 weeks?
Was some moderator that said it in some post, sorry I don't remember what :S
If no release date is confirmed by next Tuesday I imagine it will go something like this.
the point is so that after everybody plays the episode people will get all hiped up. Then when the next episode comes everybody plays it
About that doubled workload...
.... release date discussion in the release date thread please.