Thoughts about Carlos keeping his daughter ignorant of the outbreak?
Don't you think he's overdoing it? Even Clementine was thinking that she should grow up sometime. It's kind of like Shel and Becca where they want to avoid exposing Becca to life after the outbreak as if everything was like it was before. Carlos' excuse is that she would "cease to function" and that it would be too difficult for her to handle. The thing is she has to know sooner of later because it will take her by surprise one day and endanger her even further if she doesn't know how to protect herself. Your thoughts?
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I just think that Carlos is an all-around moron.
She's special so maybe he feels its his only option. Plus maybe he's of the idea that he'd rather she lasted less time but was happy with no worries than longer and become ruthless
She going end up dead probably going be clem sneaking her out to see the world so predictable. Keeping someone to that degree of ignorant is worst thing you ever do because once actually sees something bad won't have mental strength to deal with it and something awful could happen and if she saw walker she wouldn't understand what it is and would be so innocent probably run up and hug it and die. In the apocalypse morals is death sentence
Well in this episode the group will leave the house to escape to the mountains so I don't know what's gonna happen to her.
Well i'd def teach sarah how to fight and defend herself. She cannot be hidden from all that since it's nearly impossible. And especially under their circumstances. Like with "carver" and his group and all, that's so silly of carlos to do that lol.
If she 'ceases to function'. Then all well it ends well, not to sound inhumane at all.. Like if she can't handle it, then why is she being kept alive? And honestly why are people who can't defend for themselves are being kept alive even if it were irl. They'd die sooner or later, and they're a drain in limited resources too. But I mean Sarah def has good potential and i'm pretty sure she could learn quickly. She does seem like the sneaky quick kind so yeah.. Also she's my fav character in s2 so far lol
Agree with your points but killing people who are innocent and can't defend themselves. Through season 1 clem was exactly that and Lee protected her your saying indirectly that clem should be killed in s1 when lee saw her
There is something missing. To just say "she isnt like you. She couldnt handle the way things are now." Is actually pretty rude to clem. He has no idea what she went through to get by and seems to just think of her as some delinquent, which is far far from the truth. I think he is in denial and is holding sarah back. That decision is gonna come back and bite somebody in the neck.
Not exactly, and I didn't mean to "directly kill them".
Clementine is a little girl, of course she wouldn't know. And she's an exception. Literally anybody who's 15 or younger either boy or girl is an exception. I'm talking about people who are 15+ or 20+ and they're too "scared". Although I'd understand what carlos is trying to say, hiding sarah still isn't the good thing to do. Sarah is a bit older (probably 13) so she can handle herself somewhat. She just needs major training.
But yeah I get what you thought I said. No, I wouldn't let anybody go without trying the best to try and help them over come the fear (only implying to people who are hold enough and physically ready).
Sarah actually mentioned that she was 15.
My only thought is he is either gonna get her killed or force her to grow up the worst way if he is the one who dies first
Definitely the latter, because Sarah has much more potential as a character than Carlos. He basically needs to die if she is going to have any real depth.
We've interacted with Sarah for all of 5 minutes. Carlos has known her all of her life. Right now, I trust his judgment about how she would handle the outside world a lot more than ours.
Besides, it's not our place to judge what he should and shouldn't do for his family, especially when it's apparently been working out just dandy for him. Sarah's alive, she's healthy (at least physically), and what's more, she's happy. Hell, I'd go so far as to say that she's spoiled. It's been 2 goddamn years into the apocalypse and the only gripes she has about her life are that her dad gets disappointed at her and she doesn't have anyone her age to play with. Say what you will about Carlos's medical knowledge, he has to be doing something right to pull that shit off.
Either Becca will die or Carlos will die trying to protect her and himself. Dont see her in the scene with Carlos once their up in the mountains when they meet the I thought you were dead person so something might of happened to her.
I agree
Im thinking he might die around episode 3 its just something that has to happen , Her character has a lot of potential and I can't imagine her dying an ignorant little girl I would much rather see her as a badass even if I have to teach her myself
Alright and i agree from walking dead found out keeping some people with group who are not there mentally or physical will affect the group and get you or your campmates killed example Ben(not mentally there) was involved in every death even lee by not watching clem also brie taking out tool out of door etc but then again have some morals and only in extreme circumstances
Carlos is a inconpetend Douchbag doctor that can't distinguish a dog bite from a lurker bite...why would he be better at taking care of his daughter?
It wasnt chuck's place to tell clem that she was going to die, but he did it.
As much as it's clear he is doing it because he THINKS it is best for her, it's a death sentence. If she gets seperated, or gets attacked by a walker and they can't help her in time, she dies. She can't defend herself. Especially if she would "cease to function".
Parents that think they are protecting their kids for shielding them are wrong and their kids are going to suffer greatly... Carlos is understandibly trying to protect Sarah, but in the wrong way...
If Sarah alone or even the group gets atacked she will freeze and not know what to do...
My thoughts as well. We'll see how much longer he can put on this charade.
lol so true. Telltale did good to create a character like this. Parents like those do exist.
Yeah he did. And I think even he acknowledged that he was overstepping his bounds by doing that ("I don't mean to tell you how to do your job"). He just did it because he was tired of seeing all the death around him. And I would argue that Chuck had more cause to speak up then than Clem does now.
By the time Chuck spoke to her, Clem had already seen her friend slowly die in his mother's arms. So he didn't really say anything to her that she probably wasn't already thinking to herself at that moment. And Clem needed to be trained because it was clear that she was going to be in near-constant danger going forward. I mean, Lee was traveling with Clem to an unknown location without any plan for what to do once he got there.
Sarah, on the otherhand, is kept locked up a fairly well-secured cabin house in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of adults all around to defend her. That's about as safe as it gets in that world. So there's not really that much urgency in getting her ready to face the world on her own. And, unlike Clem, Sarah hasn't seen the horrible things that have happened to people. She's been fully shielded from everything the apocalypse had to offer and there's no reason to think that that couldn't go on indefinitely. Now, this might change if the group is forced to leave the safety of the cabin. Then the argument could be made that it's only a matter of time before Sarah's put into a situation where she needs to fend for herself. But for now, Sarah is doing perfectly fine and I can see why Carlos would be resistant to anyone trying to mess that up.
The answer is simple, he can't. XD Does anybody know what he says if Clem says she should grow up sometime?
Yes i do, that's what i said to him. He said " You don't know what is good for her. " ...and when he walks out the door he said " You are not to be trusted´" with a distrustful look on his face.
Unfortunately, once they are no longer safe, they wont have the luxury of time to teach sarah.
My thoughts? Well... Dumbass, dumbass dumbass dumbass dumbass dumbass dumbass dumbasss!
Wow, I dislike him even further now.
Clementine: She needs to grow up sometime.
Carlos: You do not know what she needs!
Walking out the door: Stay away from my daughter!
Is there a douchebag around here who is on a thumbs down spree? Fvck off.
In that same case, that's why if Chuck did not intervene, Clementine would have been dead by now.
it's the legendary anti social downrate troll. There's like one guy with 2 alts that goes in every thread to downrate every comment lol.
Lot of free time on his hands it seems. We should lock him in the shed.
The more attention you pay to shit like that the more they will keep following you around, No one cares about downvotes but they seem to enjoy disliking all the comments so just leave them be
No matter. There someone like that on every site. It's a little annoying though. However, ignoring this troll would be better than giving the attention he/she wants.
lol I think we should. XD
She knows about the undead(in a certain dialogue option, she says "You really.. weren't bitten by one of them?"). It seems to be implied he's trying to keep her from knowing about Carver and his bandits. In the Episode 2 preview he says "One of the guys we were with before", and she responds with "What's he gonna do?". This implies she doesn't know about Carver, which means he could be trying to avoid her finding out. But, that's just a theory.
lets all just uprate every comment so it evens out. that'll piss off the troll aswell lol
Uprate for you!
You are always right ! Love ya
I'm with DomeWing on this one.
Just asking, do any of you HAVE a child?
When you're a child, your perspectives on life are relatively simple. You don't stop and think about the rest of the world and complicated things are hard to understand. Things like having fun, your family, and friends are what you might pay the most attention to.
But when all the sunshine and rainbows and multicolored kittens are replaced with death, death, and walkers, the quality of your child life drops significantly, to say the least.
Childhood should be the happiest time of your life.
And Carlos, instead of choosing to explain the intricate details about how there's an end to this " life " and it more or less results in you being transformed into a walking monster who wishes only to kill other human beings, and that thousands upon thousands of these monsters are roaming the Earth, (which has caused modern civilization to plunge into despair and crime to go through the roof, which causes even more death)
decides to keep her sheltered from this tragic reality.
He's not a moron, he's probably a heartbroken parent who never in a million years thought that something like this would happen to the world and his very own daughter would have to live in it.
Carlos is trying to keep his daughter happy for as long as he can. Explaining the truth to her all at once would probably cause her to grow up with a skewed outlook on life.
In my opinion, a child needs to be shown the good in life before being shown the evil. Sarah should at least have those times in life where she was happy, even for a little while.
Carlos does need to tell her the truth eventually. But it's his decision to make. Not Clementine's or anyone else's.
If the shit does hit the fan, things might not end well.
It's still his call.
A newcomer to the group, a child at that, telling Carlos how to raise his daughter will probably be seen as an insult to him and everything that he's done for this child.