Russel+ Clem = good?

After playing 400 days Russell is a pretty good kid whom has to deal with the evil world.
SO how would every one feel about Clementine and Russell sticking side by side?
They both lost there family.
There both young.
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I don't think so. I would like a Nate + Clem relationship more. I think they would be the perfect badass couple ever.
Russel seemed kind of crap at surviving, in his story anyway.
Anyway its been two years the 400 days people are likely really different
...Make that first gif double...
Or maybe you just wanted an excuse to use that gif.
One thing i'm sure of, is that if there will be any interaction between them, i would feel really weird. As far as them being side by side? I really don't see that happening either.
I'd be amazed if they are all still alive.
There is Phyre, Phyre2, and -Phyre.
Whats going on here?
Anyway Russel and Clementine? I cannot see that happening so I'm going with Azlyn's answer
I thought Russ was ok. He certainly handled being with Nate well, if that isn't a crash course in crazy I don't know what is.
He'd certainly be safer to have in your group than Ben,
I think if they were left on their own together it would be Clem looking after Russel. He'd need to prove he's capable.
Russell's a bit older than he looks if he's a college graduate, but I don't see why they couldn't be amiable as long as their groups don't turn out to be at war with each other.
I'm starting to think gupy is a troll since that comment he made the other day about not wanting the episode to come out so we can talk more about episode 1
i don't get it, just because they're young doesn't mean they're instant friends
I know.I heard she got banned for some reason and made some other accounts.Ooooor,maybe some people just like using her account name,lewl.
They'd be incredibly pointless if they're dead...
Au Contraire.
Hence me saying if they are ALL still alive and not I'd be amazed if any of them are still alive. I don't think they're all dead, but it seems pretty unreasonable to me for them all to have survived this long.
Why's that? They all obviously survived to day 400, and everybody living in that incredibly impractical and poorly defended cabin have lived for over a year and a half. They wouldn't kill major characters off offscreen.
Yeah, and they are both colored so they surely must become a pair. Cmon people, it's not 1950-s anymore, Clem can hook up with anyone she wants.
It seems unreasonable because of the sheer amount of people that die in the Walking Dead. It doesn't feel authentic to just bring them all back alive after such a long period of time. There are so many accidents that could have happened to them, even stupid things like we've seen with the whole Lilly situation, or even with Omid. To say that all of them survived just because they'd have to have been killed off screen does not make TWD feel like a no one is safe universe.
Edit: It would also be lame, in my opinion, for them to all survive for that long, and for that reason, just to end up dying as soon as they are onscreen characters again. That would feel way more cheap than an offscreen death to me.
I see Russel as more of a big brother honestly. He's probably a nice guy when he's not wandering across psychopaths on the road. Maybe not Omid or even Eddie style humor but more of a protective, have a laugh every now and again guy.
I disagree: There wouldn't be a DLC about them if they weren't of some significance to Clem's story. Doesn't matter what happens off-screen; to say that nobody can survive 2 years during the apocalypse is only an assumption.
Are you for real? Characters you had to pay in order to see the prologues to their stories dying off screen? They wouldn't be 'bringing them back', they exist already, and were never killed off or shown to have died. Killing off characters whom they literally just built would be idiotic. If you're trolling, bravo, if you're not, please remove yourself from the internet.
I dunno why she is being banned; I mean, what I have seen of her, she seems alright.
But I only had short conversations with her, so I don't know.
I didn't like Russell, probably my least favorite character from 400 Days besides Becca. Shel was a bit boring as well.
I'm not trolling I'm stating my opinion. For an entire group to survive for two years in TWD is almost unheard of. It doesn't happen in the comics, it doesn't happen in the show, it didn't happen with Lee's group in season one, and even the cabin group has suffered at least one loss in that time frame. Simply using inductive reasoning, and because of that I could be wrong. Based on the evidence, however, I find it to be unreasonable. If you don't that's fine, and I don't think you should remove yourself from the internet for it. I'm not making predictions or guarantees, just simply stating an opinion.
I think Clementine would even out Russel's paranoia. Maybe turn him into a much more relaxed guy. Omid 2.0
Why? Russell was the worst character in 400 days after Bonnie. I can barely remember him because Nate outshines him in that "day".
Andrea? Michone? Rick and Carl? Sophia? Ezekial and the Kingdom? The Saviors? ASZ? Those are all cases of groups surviving for over 2 years. They wouldn't build characters to kill them offscreen without letting it come to fruition, period.
Emphasis on the "entire group" part. Let's just end this though seriously. We disagree, period.
Morgan made it for about a year and a half, Michonne was on her own for 6 months or so, Ezekial was alone for a year and a half. It's not unprecedented. Molly did it.
Those are all cases of solo survival, not group. Completely different situations.
The ASZ had about 70 people in it, and most of them made it through to the current issues of the comic. The Saviors suffered few casualties until just recently. The prisoners did alright for themselves. It's not unheard of.
All of your situations there have group members dying.
I'm not trying to say no individual can, I mean an entire group. Obviously an individual can, or Clem wouldn't be the protagonist. I've been trying to make the point that TWD in general does not have groups that last so long, and every example I've been given has had group members that died within the time frame. I have no doubt that they are all still alive though, because like you said, they will be of some significance to Clem's story. I just think it's unreasonable.
Trust me...I'm the one that's the saddest because Phyre got banned...Just,believe me.
Nate Junior+Clem? No thanks sir!
There, there...