Would've Athena turned evil if she touched the artifact?

At first i wasnt sure what made jack evil, I thought maybe it was because he touched the artifact and started seeing all this power, but then i thought maybe it was just that lilith punched it into his face, which lead me to the question thinking what would happen if Athena touched it?


  • Well, Jack was already pretty... morally off-kilter at that point. The Eridians clearly didn't want anyone touching it and sent Zarpydoon to stop them from trying to go after it, but it is a wonder if touching it is what really sent him off the deep end or if it was just Jack's natural progression after seeing all the power he could get. It could have been the getting punched in the face part that did it, but Jack was talking pretty loopy even before that.

    My final ruling on your question is no, I don't think Athena would've "turned evil". She didn't have the motivation to go mad with power and try to cleanse a planet like that. Her killing spree is reserved for Atlas. I believe that the artifact is definitely the pivotal factor in Jack losing all semblance of sanity, but it wouldn't have had that effect on just anyone.

  • enter image description here jk

    Okay but for serious:

    Lilith's punch served the purpose of their lazy explanation for why he has the scar in the second game and also to cement his hatred against the Vault Hunters. The problem is that scene is just one of the many plot holes of TPS. It should not be viewed as why Jack is a crazy evil bastard, because there is so much proof that he was one before the first game's events. In truth, he kept a bottle on it, to an extent, and you can say the events of TPS just made him show his true colors outright. Jack didn't get "turned evil" by anything specific. From a young age, he was physically and emotionally abused. There is no clear point when he snapped, but it's clear it was before he ever got into Vaults, which was before Borderlands. I could go into more detail.

  • Claptrap... Such a claptrap.

    Seriously tho, only now I'm starting to realize why many people hated TPS and it's "plot".

  • I don't think the relic made him "evil," more so that he used the knowledge he gained to do evil things. Freshly after getting said knowledge, Lillith punched the relic into his face (yeah um why lillith) which most likely made him decide to use what he knew against Lillith and her vault hunting buddies.

    Come to think of it, Jack was already reaching a level of evil before he even reached the vault. I mean- it's like he almost orgasmed every time he killed someone in TPS. The dude is evil.

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