The wolf among us season 2 coming in 2017, with marvel game? Superhero year

Twau s2 is not confirmed but it might be teased. Usually telltale has two series premieres every year. 2014 got and tftb. 2015 msm and Thw: ms. 2016: Twd 3 and super show. I think this will be confirmed after the the wolf among us comic series is caught up with the game. It is pretty close to getting finished and I think we could get an announcement at the PlayStation event or possibly in quarter 1-2 of 2016
Have a great day and let me know what youthink
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Well, that would be great, but if S2 were to be released in 2017, they should start working on it as soon as possible. And since they're busy with GOT, TFTB, Super Show, Michonne, Minecraft, TWD S3 and possibly with the upcoming Marvel game, I'm not so sure.
If TellTale Games isn't thinking of making a new Season of The Wolf Among Us, then what's the point in keeping this Thread Section? At least as a main Section?
I don't think it's that fair to class TWD: Michonne as a a project for the year though seeing as it's a 'mini-series' of just 3 Episodes.
The way Telltale works is that they have several projects in various stages at all times. The Marvel game is in the concept stage, as it's way out in 2017. So, they'd have writers and concept artists working on them, but it currently would be a really small team of only a few people. So, if The Wolf Among Us Season Two is in the works, it would be in concept stage right along with the Marvel game. There is definitely at least one game currently in concept stage that hasn't been announced, since Telltale currently releases two seasons, and one or more episodes unconnected to a full season, a year. Only one game has been announced for 2017 so far, so there's at least one more that's unaccounted for. There's no reason that unannounced game couldn't be The Wolf Among Us Season Two.
Well, the Texas Hold 'Em section is still around. And I'm sure there not going to make a sequel to that.
Telltale will soon be releasing more than two series a year. They're working on so much they'll never get it out the door if they only release two a year! I wouldn't be surprised if there are 5 different series in 2017, especially with the longer waiting times for episodes
Yeah but it's not one of the main ones, as in the ones displayed with the other games that are currently incomplete or have a confirmed next Season or both.
They keep the sections in the main section if they're really active, until the forum activity dies down, or until multiple new forums for new seasons are added, even if there's no new game planned.
Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People wasn't moved to the classic games section for a long time after the game was released, even after games that came after it were moved to the classic section, since that subforum used to get quite a lot of posts a day.
Oh ok, I see, thanks for replying!
I certainly hope so. I really like this game and am anxious to play the next season.
I'm late to the convo but wanted to add my thoughts to it. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that TWAU: S2 might come out late 2016. I know that sounds crazy, but here's why.
TellTale so far has released two games around the same time. This fall, TellTale's release "bundle" (for lack of better words) is Minecraft: Story Mode and TWD: Michonne. Michonne is only a mini-series, however. Unless TellTale does the crazy act of dragging out Michonne's 3 parts (which would piss off a huge part of the forums), Michonne should end before Minecraft. What's Job and the rest of the PR team going to do. They have to hype something up. I think for sure one game to hype would be the TWD: S3. However, I don't think TellTale will do that immediately knowing the TWD presence can and will overshadow any game in release status. By the time TWD: S3 gets news, Minecraft should be done. TellTale, however, has to release some other game with TWD: S3. The Marvel title: that won't be getting PR love until 2017. The "Super Show" title: maybe, but news on that would have been at leased released or teased at by now.
I know what you may be thinking: "If the 'Super Show' has no news and you don't think it will be released until 2017, what makes TWAU so different?" I'm glad you asked. TWAU has been teased and/or mentioned every now and then. Job has been masterfully placing droplets of info all over his interviews and discussions. I think Lauren said the TWAU: S2 is their most asked about game. Something has to accompany TWD: S3. I think TWAU: S2 would be a great caliber game to accompany TWD: S3 and not be overwhelmed by it's large shadow. I know it seems like a show in the dark, but it feels like it makes sense.
TL:DR: If TWAU: S2 is going to happen, it's best and more likable chance of happening is in 2016 with TWD: S3.
Let's not also forget that TWAU and TWD S2 both ran alongside each other throughout 2013 - 2014
It has been teased at, the Super Show will get news in 2016.
Job confirmed that is coming in 2016. They just haven't announced details yet, which isn't anything new for Telltale.
Well then... Looks like my theory got a blow to the chin. I tried.
Yeah but it could come in late 2016 sort of like Minecraft came in october 2015. Most of the super show might be coming out in 2017. (ep2-5 or 3-5)
Your idea sounds good. I agree with you that it will come out in 2016 because even if they are coming out with two games that year already, maybe Telltale will surprise us and come out with TWAUS2 in 2016 for three new games in one year, instead of two. I honestly do not know what will happen exactly, but I do like to have hope
It would be epic but I don't think that it will ever happen. In my opinion I think it would ruin the mystery of the first game's ending. Also It advertised the Comics at the end. It wouldn't make sense. On the other hand, It would be Awesome to continue the adventure. lol
Mystery is overrated. Besides, they wouldnt have to continue from that story either. There's a wealth of material they could tap into.
With the surprising announcement of the Batman game, just wanted to say "keep hope alive" guys!
I hope so but with telltale never say never
Telltale said last year it will be pushed back to 2016 and now it's 2016 now it is 2017?
Telltale never said anything about pushing back a proposed season 2 as a second season hasn't been announced, there are websites around claming that something got pushed back but that is fake news as there are no signs or announcements that season 2 is being made.
Fucking hell, why won´t there be a season 2?
I really LOVED Wolf Among Us. Telltale really gave me an awesome experience.
I would pay alot to play a season 2!
Here's Season 2. Enjoy
ill fyt u m8, i swar on mee mum
Pfft, 20 years later this is! We got loads of time to play with yet for TWAU
I really hope the 2nd season will happen. time will tell. but since the time between season 1 happen it seems unlikely. if they decide to do I am all for it I have a lot of love for the first season.
I always like to point out the Alice: Madness Returns came out some 11 years after American McGee's Alice, and it was good!
Things take time and games are no exception to this rule
thanks that makes me slightly hopeful
I'm hoping. I just got the game and fell in love with it. They can go in so many directions with it because of all the old stories out there.
Oh please let there be another season of wau. It is such a good game with a good story. But if we do get one it probably won't be this year since Telltale's Batman and season 3 of TWD will come out this year.
Also TellTale is still a somewhat small company and they have a lot of projects to work on!
It would be awesome. Lets hope so.
Well, yea. I hope it comes after TWD SE3.
I just finished TWAU, and I can say:
Great Game, Awesome story... I'm kinda like the Big BAD Wolf too.
So, I can't wait for the SE2.
Thought I would bump this because
I just finished The Wolf Among Us last week or the week before, Immediately missed playing it. The only other game I've played that reminded me of it was Heavy Rain. Both great stories. I never finished and I can't finish Heavy Rain, because my PS3 doesn't read discs anymore (which happened just over one year after I bought it, thanks Sony) and I decided to buy an Xbox One instead of PS4 so I'm out of luck.
The NEXT BEST THING is searching for TWAU Season 2, which I remembered hearing about a while ago but it seems no info since a while ago has been brought to us.
I dislike all other Telltale games; Hate TWD TV show/zombies so I won't play those, superheroes bore me, won't touch Sam & Max because I love the original too much and I never got into Borderlands..
A lot of people have only played this game out of all Telltale games, why is it taking so long? At least the info that it isn't happening would be nice.
SUCH a great game, I really was shocked. I now have cravings for more.