Kroger and Finch

Brilliant design Telltale. Utterly hilarious duo or two clowns. I crack up every single time I see both of them appear together. Hopefully we can give Finch a triple taste of each flavor this next episode.


  • I dont want them to die because every time I see them I just think of Bigby and Lee ;-;

  • I would love a special episode where we play as them

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    I really don't want them to die

    Even if they're not huge characters, they're both too good to just kill them off like that

    But I'm all for more scenes where we keep kicking their asses in ridiculous fashion

  • Also, I mentioned this in the meme and fun thread, but if they did die, they should die like this.

    enter link description here

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I dont want them to die because every time I see them I just think of Bigby and Lee ;-;

  • I hope they make it in episode 5. I want them to be in Borderlands 3 so bad....

  • I actually hated them. I really hope we get the chance to cut off their heads and parade around Pandora with them on pikes.

  • enter image description here

    Nikolizzle posted: »

    I actually hated them. I really hope we get the chance to cut off their heads and parade around Pandora with them on pikes.

  • I love them as well. Hopefully Telltale won't kill them so we maybe even get to see them in BL3.

  • Honestly, I see them more as Andy and Lee, for some reason. I feel like Bigby's voice is slightly deeper and a bit different than what the VA uses for Kroger.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I dont want them to die because every time I see them I just think of Bigby and Lee ;-;

  • Well, I guess he sounds more like Andy, but because I know its Adam Harrington all I can think of is Bigby teaming with Lee and its just... perfect.

    Honestly, I see them more as Andy and Lee, for some reason. I feel like Bigby's voice is slightly deeper and a bit different than what the VA uses for Kroger.

  • I actually like them, even though they opposed our protagonists in episode 2 and 3.

    And you really believe that they are close friends. I love the bro-love between them during the intro of episode 4. where Finch has a panic attack and Kroger hold his hand.

  • I love those two morons, they're so stupid but so enjoyable.

  • Probably that "The other guys" video seem so accurate for Kroger and Finch.
    Maybe they both die making something stupid haha

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Also, I mentioned this in the meme and fun thread, but if they did die, they should die like this. enter link description here

  • Haha, I love those two a lot! <3

    And I think I'm the only one who ships them ;_;

  • Such a great and hilarious pair. These seem like the lovable BFFs in great stories. Only problem is they are very aggressive towards our heros, so they may possibly end up dead.

  • Dave Fennoy had to be in this game somewhere
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