Picking choices: Morals vs Headcanon

Just to get a sense of what most people do in Telltale games most of the time (Oh, hello forums! Back after a year long hiatus!), when you choose decisions or things to say in Telltale games, do you base them off of your morals or what you believe your character is like? For instance (Spoilers for Episode 4), rejecting Hyperion is probably the morally correct way to go. However, some people have said that they chose to rule it simply because they were playing as Rhys! And Rhys was trying to climb the corporate ladder in the beginning of the game! What are your thoughts on it? Do you try to stick to what feels right for the story, or what feels right for YOU? For me, I rarely let things get in the way of my morals. Even if my character was outright bad, I'd suddenly try to change them for the better just because that's what feels right in my head! Sorry if I'm not explaining it well, but I'd like to hear your thoughts about it and choices you've made because of your morals/headcanon!

Also, I'm basically a newcomer all over again to these forums, so hello! I'm HiggsBoson2142, you can call me Higgs I guess, and I like Telltale, The Dark Tower, Team Fortress 2, sci-fi, fantasy, just about anything in between, long walks on the beach, and playing any instrument I can get my hands on! It's very nice to meet you!


  • Long time no see Higgs, you're just in time for the finale.

    Anyway, I go for morals more than anything else.

  • edited September 2017


  • I've tried to be somebody else, but it never works for me! I remember thinking so many times "Oh Bigby could totally punch this guy in the face!", but I never did. It just wasn't me. Of course, that's the beauty of Telltale games!


  • Well, I play always trying to look out for someone, for example:

    In ep 4, I kinda wanted to Rule Hyperion, but then I thought about my friends and decided that wouldnt be the best choice, because I truly care about my friendship over power

  • edited October 2015

    I almost always let my morals drive my decisions unless it's an extremely emotionally charged moment. But I don't think choosing to rule Hyperion is a morally bad choice, you're put into a place of power where you can make more of a difference than you ever could do on your own.

    You can even tell Jack that's what you'd want to do if you shared power with him and that you want to make life better for the good people on Pandora. Jack is completely cool with the idea and didn't seem thirsty for blood or vengeance at all, even though he never seemed very bloodthirsty to me. Maybe it's just my perspective but I thought the morally right choice was to step up and lead, as long as Jack doesn't do any backstabbing.

  • Now that I think about it, I did forget that! I said I'd fix Pandora and he didn't go all berserk or anything. But when it came to it, I didn't want to betray Fiona and Sasha in any way, AND I didn't fully trust Jack. I definitely understand your reasoning though. And who knows? We'll wait until Episode 5 to see what's the true best choice!

    I almost always let my morals drive my decisions unless it's an extremely emotionally charged moment. But I don't think choosing to rule Hyp

  • Yeah, I can't wait to see what they do with the ending choice. But I think one of my favorite things about Telltale's games is that you can almost always see the upside to both sides of a choice. In no way am I saying mine was THE morally right one, but the one I just gravitated towards. Just another reason why I love these games to death!

    Now that I think about it, I did forget that! I said I'd fix Pandora and he didn't go all berserk or anything. But when it came to it, I did

  • edited October 2015

    In some instances, most even, I stick with what I think is right. However, throughout the entire game, whenever Jack asked me, I said I wanted to rule Hyperion, because I actually did. When the choice happened originally,I didn't do it because I thought Jack would leave my head, and then ditch me. After seeing that he gets SUPER pissed if you reject, I went back and saw how he actually treats you and made it my canon playthrough. I like Fiona and Sasha, but at the end the day, Vaughn, a person i prefer over them both, would want me to take the position. That, combined with the awesomeness that is Handsome Jack, I prefer this choice. It may bite me in the end, but for now it seems better than an angry Jack.

  • See I chose to rule Hyperion because I felt I could then help my friends. They're captured but now I rule the damn place and I can get them set free.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Well, I play always trying to look out for someone, for example: In ep 4, I kinda wanted to Rule Hyperion, but then I thought about my friends and decided that wouldnt be the best choice, because I truly care about my friendship over power

  • Yeah, but it was also Jack offering it, and I know that Fiona and Sasha would be very not thrilled with that, thats also why I told them about Jack, they need to know everything, I cant leave my friends haning

    Smurfbate posted: »

    See I chose to rule Hyperion because I felt I could then help my friends. They're captured but now I rule the damn place and I can get them set free.

  • I don't know if it's just me but this choice between headcanon and moral seems rather strange because we can play as a character who, as we see him, is good and in this case we obviously choose headcanon and moral. For me such character was Bigby: though he was rude, cruel, impatient, he enjoyed beating bad guys (and guys he thought were bad) and threatened Beauty and Beast, he did all this to help and protect the fables of Fabletown. So for me it is more a fun vs moral choice and this, in its turn, depends on the setting, and the borderlands setting was made exactly for playing fun. Thus my Rhys and Fiona care only for themselves and for the only people they love (Fiona for Sasha and Rhys for Handsome Jack) and are together only because they have to, and all my decisions are based on the way I play those two: Fiona - play cool and get as much profit as you can, Rhys - play cool and do everything Handsome Jack tells you to do.

  • I told them about Jack too because we need to all trust each other. They should also trust Rhys in this situation as well trust goes both ways. I feel as though Rhys could help Sasha and Fiona most from his new position including getting rid of Vallory. I think they would understand because I told them about Jack. Had I not, then that's a whole other story. Rhys can now order them to be freed and bring them to his new office and explain things further. Had he not been in this position of power there entire mission was likely to be a failure.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Yeah, but it was also Jack offering it, and I know that Fiona and Sasha would be very not thrilled with that, thats also why I told them about Jack, they need to know everything, I cant leave my friends haning

  • I usually go for moral choices. But, in Tales, I started with canon choices (ex: choosing Jack, Rhys being his ultimate fanboy...) But once episode 3 came along, I started going for the moral choices thinking that the canon ones would lead me along a path to death. (Or some other horrible fate for the characters.)

  • In my main playthrough, I really did try to play Rhys as canon had lead me to believe him to be... uuuuntil I got to episode 4. Honestly, I don't see how Rhys can be remotely okay with his evil corporation after he finds out about Yvette, and even before that when he's spent so much time with Pandorans. I guess I tried to keep Rhys and Fiona canon for a pretty long time, but eventually I thought they might have changed??? I guess?? I kind of suck at "properly" playing Telltale games. I always play like I am Clementine or I am Bigby, which people have really jumped down my throat for.

  • In TFTB I always make choices in accordance with my morals, i.e. do whatever Handsome Jack tells me to do. ;)

    Though I admit that in other games I love playing the bad guy whenever given the option, like supporting the Legion in F:NV and harvesting all the Little Sisters in Bioshock, etc. To me there's just something so viscerally satisfying in being the victorious villain.

  • I'm always going for moral choices, or rather 'what would I do if I was the hero of the game'. Just can't bring myself to act harsh, maybe it's silly, but I feel ashamed If I pick rude choices (never played ME as a renegade for example).

    For instance when I first played Ep1 I chose for Loader Bot to self-destruct by accident and thought that I should be fine with continuing like that. But in Ep 2 I felt so bad and devastated, I stopped playing and went back to Ep 1 to rewind the whole thing and choose what I felt was more right in the first place.

    Weirdly enough I didn't tell Fiona and Sasha about Jack, for some reason I was afraid of their reaction and thought they won't go with Rhys' plan because of it. Now I really regret that, but I still want to play the finale without changing this choice, to test myself maybe and see how it will bite me in the end. Or not... And I rejected Hyperion, didn't want Jack to gain full control of Rhys.

    Also nice to meet you, kind sir. Have a great day ^-^

  • I play as myself, I always try to be the good guy and pick good choices but sometimes, I can't resist (I killed Dum, ruled Hyperion and tortured Britt.)

  • I play like I feel it. But I wouldn't say that roleplaying should contradict with how one wants to play. Like, in Rhys' case he wants to be the CEO of Hyperion, we all know that, we all heard about it. But that doesn't mean he wouldn't reject Jack's offer. Because wanting to be the CEO is not everything he is about, especially if you don't want him to be. Plus we know so little about the characters to say what they would or wouldn't do... Hell, even I don't know what I would do in certain situations, and we're talking about 'deciding' for others. How can we know what Bigby would've done? Yes, he has pretty dark past and it says he often resorts to violence but at the same time those who read Fable know that he's changed and what's more important, trying to change. It's not so simple to say that 'he would punch the shit out of someone' if it was Bigby. In Rhys' case it's easy to imagine that friendship means nothing to him and he'd do anythyng to get on top. And to the certain degree, it's true. However, we can't be 100% sure about that or anything since he also showed that he's capable of caring for others and "friendship" is not just a sound to him. So, if character development done right we can imagine any outcome and it won't feel forced or weird which allows us to choose anything we want.

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