Season 2?

I have played Tales from borderlands and I love it, I am currently waiting for episode 5 that comes out on 20th Oct. But I am really wanting a season 2 already, I love borderlands and I really do get into Tales from Borderlands, I'm sure there are others who want this as well so... Who's with me.


  • There won't be a Season 2, I can almost 110% guarantee that there won't be a Season 2, Tales will share the same fate as TWAU.

    Telltale will be too busy working on Minecraft and the next Game of Thrones season (multi-title deal), TWD Season 3 and Michonne Mini-Series as well as their Marvel project in 2017 and something called a 'Supershow'. So it looks like their going to be very busy for a while and even after that they'll just get more busy with more new partnerships, and so Tales Season 2 will never see the light of day.

    Which is a shame since its a great game.

  • Season 2 will most likely be Borderlands 3.

  • Goddamnit I hope so. This has been the best telltale game to me by far, at least in the narrative style.

  • Yeah, I doubt we would see another Tales game, at least until after Borderlands 3 comes out. It really is a shame too.

  • I actually do not want to see a sequel and I highly doubt there will be one. Tales from the borderlands is one story that has a conclusion and i hope we never see these people again. Not because I do not want to, but because I want this ending to be the end for these characters. We want to remember them the way we remember them in s1.

  • I don't actually WANT them to even think about a season 2. I feel as if they could clear up the majority of things in episode 5. There would be no need.

    However I don't think this will be the last of what we see of some of the Tales characters as Borderlands 3 also has a lot to cover regarding the 'war' etc. There's a lot more story to be told but using Telltale wouldn't be a good tool for the nest part. The next part needs to be dealt with via a much larger game...this being Borderlands 3.

  • Yeah but what about Rhys or Fiona? I highly doubt they'll be main characters or even appear at all in BL3.

  • They could always do a Season 2 with new characters! Then everybody wins!

    I actually do not want to see a sequel and I highly doubt there will be one. Tales from the borderlands is one story that has a conclusion a

  • I would love a season 2 as I have no interest in Borderlands 3.

  • Here is my hope/pitch for a Season 2 of TFTBL.

    This Gortys arc is done, and the characters in it would be irrelevant for the most part. The new story would focus on a few would be (more like wannabe Vault Hunters) and their quest to get to Pandora and join up with the Raiders. Unlike the first season you can only play as one character but you get to choose from a few (encourages multiple playthroughs).

    One background for characters that I really like is that quite a few of them would be former classmates of Gaige. Two of them could easily be the 2 that stayed subscribed to Gaige's echo through everything.

  • Tales was 6.5/10 while wolf is 9.5/10 imo

    Wolf should get a s2, not tales

    Harian96 posted: »

    There won't be a Season 2, I can almost 110% guarantee that there won't be a Season 2, Tales will share the same fate as TWAU. Telltale w

  • With the way they have handled Fiona, I wouldn't be surprised if she ends up being a playable VH in BL3, which would be awesome.

    Harian96 posted: »

    Yeah but what about Rhys or Fiona? I highly doubt they'll be main characters or even appear at all in BL3.

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