PSA: Borderlands Comics Sale!

The collected editions for both Borderlands: Origins and the first arc of Borderlands: Fall of Fyrestone (which both include four issues each) are both on sale on Comixology and come down to $2.99 and $3.99 (both US) - which is a total bargain!

They're pretty damn good, and add a lot of insight into the BL1 Vault Hunters, as well as people like Marcus, Tannis, and of course Claptrap.

The humour is slightly dryer and not as out-there as the more-recent games (much closer to BL1), but there's some unexpected feels punches (they made people care about Claptrap before Claptastic Voyage!)

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  • dat butt tho

    enter image description here

  • edited October 2015

    Cool! That seriously is a killer deal. I really need to get around to reading these. I'm actually planning on getting a physical copy, eventually. Walmart has a collection of Fall of Fyrestone for about $12. I'm kinda surprised that Gearbox doesn't sell the comics in their store!

  • Bastard. U beat me to it...

    dat butt tho

  • Woahwoahwoah I did NOT know there were borderlands comics

  • There's been a long history of Lilith butt shots in the Borderlands series:

    enter image description here

    dat butt tho

  • What the heck?

    dat butt tho

  • I'll actually buy them for real now, thank you.......wait a minute, why is Handsome Jack telling us this? Is buying these comics just so you can get better pretzels?

  • I didn't even though there were Borderlands comics XD

    When are they set? Are they backstorys or something?

  • enter image description here

    I'll actually buy them for real now, thank you.......wait a minute, why is Handsome Jack telling us this? Is buying these comics just so you can get better pretzels?

  • Origins are the backstories of the BL1 Vault Hunters.

    Fall of Fyrestone is basically a retelling of BL1 but with a lot more depth and new characters/plots etc. (and without all the tedious grinding)! It's really good for people who want to know the BL1 story (yes, there actually was one) but couldn't be bothered to play the game.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I didn't even though there were Borderlands comics XD When are they set? Are they backstorys or something?

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