Episode 1 Choices



  • Ooh, savage, what happens if you do nothing with the butcher?

    * Told the pig to stay, it got hurt * I saved lucas from the monster * I pulled petra out of the storm, honestly dont like her and she

  • The pig attacks the butcher and gives you a few filthy looks, you still have the sword, I'm guessing you lose it if you trade it. What happens if you threaten the trader?

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Ooh, savage, what happens if you do nothing with the butcher?

  • What happens if you do nothing to save Reuban from the butcher?

    * Told the pig to stay, it got hurt * I saved lucas from the monster * I pulled petra out of the storm, honestly dont like her and she

  • If you threaten the trader he gets scared and slaps Reuben to you. You mention this to Petra later. If you don't have your sword she gives you the gold one she finds.

    The pig attacks the butcher and gives you a few filthy looks, you still have the sword, I'm guessing you lose it if you trade it. What happens if you threaten the trader?

  • If you don't have your sword she gives you the gold one she finds.

    i assumed that, what does she do later without a sword? She was fighting the monster with it in my game

    dojo32161 posted: »

    If you threaten the trader he gets scared and slaps Reuben to you. You mention this to Petra later. If you don't have your sword she gives you the gold one she finds.

  • She uses a stone sword (or an iron, couldn't tell in the light).

    If you don't have your sword she gives you the gold one she finds. i assumed that, what does she do later without a sword? She was fighting the monster with it in my game

  • Time for my choices, I think.

    1. Told Reuben to run from the monsters. He's my pig, and I'm putting his safety in front of mine.
    2. Acted like a badass and went back downstairs to save Lukas. Is it wrong to say he's one of my favourites?
    3. Tried to save Petra over Gabriel. (Sorry Dave Fennoy, but you're more badass so I see you having a better chance of surviving without me.)
    4. Convinced Lukas to stay in the shelter, because screw Axel.
    5. Decided to search for Ellegaard with Olivia. Axel can stay behind and BEHAVE.

    As well as some other non-specific choices:

    • Won the building competition with the zombie (and telling the others to prioritize its safety).
    • Threatened the butcher to get Reuben back (BARGAINING to get my pig back. You must be joking).
    • Took the potion myself so Axel couldn't do crap with it (not that it helped).
    • Gave Lukas my cookie (you can see how hard I'm trying to sail this ship).
    • Oh, and our team is the No-Names. Because I totally didn't mean to select Order of the Pig instead....stupid timer.
  • Run save keep and picked the girl

    1. I let Reuben get a black eye. Shame on me.
    2. I sought out Gabriel, to fight that damn Iron Golem.
    3. I rescued Petra. Actually, she was more helpful than Gabriel.
    4. I convinsed that dick- I mean Lukas to stay in the shelter. I also gave him a cookie. Everyone loves cookies.
    5. Our team was named the Nether Maniacs. Yeeeah.
    6. I traded with Odis before Reuben turned into Bacon. Mmmmmmmm...Bacon.
    7. We built an Creeper. Because they look like dic- I mean they look cool.
    8. Also, I won the building compedick- I mean competition.

    D--D---D---Dicks. I'm so Immature.

    • Told Reuben to stay. Didn't walk this far to let him run away again.
    • Went back for Lukas. Also gave Lukas the cookie. And made him stay inside. I'm also planning on asking Lukas to marry me when given the chance.
    • Helped Petra because honestly Gabriel didn't impress me that much.
    • Chose to go meet the Engineer, for no reason. I wonder if the next episode will actually have two different scenarios depending on what side you pick.
    • Chose to build the Enderman, again for no reason. And told the others to protect it.
    • Threatened the butcher.
  • imageimage" alt="enter image description here" />

  • So if they won the competition, shouldn't they have got tickets to meet Gabriel?

    fayescarlet posted: »

    * Told Reuben to run cuz I didn't want monsters to get him. * Saved Lukas because I'm just a cool guy like that. * I helped Gabriel becaus

    1. Told Reuben to run
    2. Sought out Gabriel's help
    3. Helped Petra
    4. Convinced Lukas to stay
    5. Sought out Ellegaard with Olivia
    1. I told Reuben to run
    2. I sought out Gabriel's help
    3. I helped Petra
    4. I convinced Lukas to stay
    5. I chose to find Magnus
  • What about the hand shake?.. I tried the hug one. But seems like it was not the correct one because nobody seems to remember that decision

  • I think every option was fail.

    TaDDragonZ posted: »

    What about the hand shake?.. I tried the hug one. But seems like it was not the correct one because nobody seems to remember that decision

  • Same as me :D

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    * Told Rueben to run * Went to save Lukas * Saved Petra * Told Lukas to stay * Went to get Magnus

    1. Played as Female Jesse
    2. Order of the Pig
    3. Got my crew to help find Reuben
    4. Threatened the butcher
    5. Went to get Lee's help
    6. Saved Petra
    7. Gave Lukas my cookie
    8. Convinced Lukas to stay
    9. Went to find Ellegaard

    Also I punched Ivor in his face. I'm usually diplomatic in games. but for some reason, whenever Telltale gives me the option to use face-punch......

  • Oh and I told Reuben to run.

    AdamGoodtme posted: »

    * Played as Female Jesse * Order of the Pig * Got my crew to help find Reuben * Threatened the butcher * Went to get Lee's help * Saved

  • Did anyone else catch the Babe reference at the beginning

  • edited October 2015

    My Choices

    My Extra Choices

    Extra Choices

  • I told Reuben to run from the monsters.
    I went back to get Lukas.
    I helped Petra from the wither.
    I kept Lukas in the shelter.
    I chose to seek Ellegard with Olivia.

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