So... what was the point of the map?

The map we discover at the end of EP1, what purpose did it serve? We used the actual pieces to find the Gortys Core but we never used the map, we looked at it then Sasha accidently deactivated it and we went through General Pollux's messages to find out about Old Haven, we never actually used the map. So after this point the map is never mentioned again so what was the point? What purpose did it serve?


  • It looked cool?

  • Well, the map was inside the core and we used the core to create Gortys, so maybe it formed part of her GPS-esque capabilities for finding her upgrades?

  • Create Gortys? I thought Gortys was already there and we used the core to release her? But even then why show the actual map to the player if we never used it?

    Well, the map was inside the core and we used the core to create Gortys, so maybe it formed part of her GPS-esque capabilities for finding her upgrades?

  • He literally just answered your question.

    The core they had was used to activate Gortys. Without that core, even if Gortys did work she wouldn't know where the other pieces are because that core was a map.

    The Map was simply used to introduce the Gortys project in the first place and that it's used to locate a vault (or create one?).

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Create Gortys? I thought Gortys was already there and we used the core to release her? But even then why show the actual map to the player if we never used it?

  • We assembled Gortys using the core. She was in two pieces before we put her together:

    enter image description here

    The core held the map we saw at the end of episode one (which was what Gortys used to track her upgrades) as well as seemingly a much larger one of the inner planets (such as Menoetius, which is Brick's home planet). I believe its purpose is to keep track of where in the universe the Vault of the Traveler has teleported, so Gortys can find it (and then once she has her upgrades she can make it stay in the same place)

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Create Gortys? I thought Gortys was already there and we used the core to release her? But even then why show the actual map to the player if we never used it?

  • I suppose you're right. I don't know I just feel like the map was never explained properly.

    We assembled Gortys using the core. She was in two pieces before we put her together: The core held the map we saw at the end of epis

  • Omid's catOmid's cat Banned
    edited October 2015

    Place where Vault of Traveller spawned recently.

  • It was also a bit of a visual cue/reference to the ending of BL2.

    I know as soon as I saw it I was like, "oh hey, it's a map to a vault!", because it reminded me of the BL2 one.

    enter image description here

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I suppose you're right. I don't know I just feel like the map was never explained properly.

  • It served as the base for the 'enhance' joke. DON'T KNOCK THE MAP! xD

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