Could someone who has never really played Boarder lands get into this?

I got the first episode because it was free, but I stoped playing halfway through because I had no idea what was going on, with the other TT games like TWD, Minecraft and GoT I knew all the refences made because I enjoy the scorce materiel, I don't want to waste money on a game that I wont like, would it be worth it?
I knew almost nothing about TWAU but ended up liking that to a certain degree
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Absolutely, that's what happened to me.
As someone who played but didn't really enjoy Borderlands 1 and 2, yes. It's my favourite telltale game.
edit: played, but stopped pretty early on, so I don't know much lore or anything I should add.
I got INTO Borderlands because of this game, and was able to replay from Episode 1 with a better understanding. As you enjoyed TWAU, I'm sure you'll also enjoy TftB, even if you do not fully understand it.
Same here.
Same, it was great and I still don't care about Borderlands outside of this.
You can, but if you haven't played the other Borderlands games I will question your life choices.
I've played them a few times, I just don't enjoy the gameplay. Shooter + RPG + Co-op = a bad combination I'm not interested in. It happens. I don't like all video games.
The whole Borderlands world is meh...
I played TFTB then I played Borderlands 2 right after and loved it.
And I will also question YOUR life choices
Nah, i'm kidding. It's not for everyone. It's totally for me though. I never play co-op though, so that really shouldn't factor into any decision.
ive been a big fan of the borderlands series since the first game which i never actually finished there is a video on youtube that should get you up to speed i hope someone will put it on here i would do it myself but i am using a ps vita and cant copy and paste links
EDIT: got access to a computer heres the linkenter link description here
I've never really played Borderlands, but this has become one of my favourite games. Certainly my favourite Telltale game.