The one thing that will annoy me about borderland 3

As I've been playing the pre sequel a lot and that it was the last borderlands they made ( excluding tales) I have become very used to boosting in the air and they probably won't have that in borderlands 3. Also hope there's cyro and laser guns too.


  • I don't really want them taking too much from TPS. Gearbox should worry more about actually innovating the series and taking risks than incorporating elements from the weakest game in the franchise. That being said, Cryo probably will be kept, and butt slams also where appropriate.

  • Well, I cant remember where, but I saw something explaining why there was no laser weapons on Pandora, so if Borderlands 3 is back on pandora, I guess we wont have lasers anymore

  • Pandora does get laser weapons, they're just called e-tech

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Well, I cant remember where, but I saw something explaining why there was no laser weapons on Pandora, so if Borderlands 3 is back on pandora, I guess we wont have lasers anymore

  • I could be wrong but I thought it was on one of the in game loading screens that said something along the lines of "Marcus made a bet in order to bring them to Pandora, he lost, and if you value you're life then you should never ask him about it".

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Well, I cant remember where, but I saw something explaining why there was no laser weapons on Pandora, so if Borderlands 3 is back on pandora, I guess we wont have lasers anymore

  • That, and Torgue hates laser weapons.

    I could be wrong but I thought it was on one of the in game loading screens that said something along the lines of "Marcus made a bet in order to bring them to Pandora, he lost, and if you value you're life then you should never ask him about it".

  • I hated the moon jumping, so I'll be glad it doesn't return. :v Might be in the minority, but I seriously hated it. Ruined like 90% of TPS for me.

  • "Cryo weapons can only be found on Pandora's moon because of the frozen methane they require in order to fire. Marcus Kincaid hopes to one day bring this technology to Pandora."

    So, there's that.

  • enter image description here

    Pandora does get laser weapons, they're just called e-tech

  • lol when i went to borderlands 2 i forgot i couodnt double jump and fell off a cliff

  • I did the same thing. Many times... I still do it.

    lol when i went to borderlands 2 i forgot i couodnt double jump and fell off a cliff

  • You made me think of the Dorkly Skyrim Comic

  • When I went back to Borderlands, I forgot there was fall damage and killed myself at least 3 times before I remembered

    lol when i went to borderlands 2 i forgot i couodnt double jump and fell off a cliff

  • It really didn't add that much to the gameplay and kind of was a cheap tactic for when you were swarmed.

    fayescarlet posted: »

    I hated the moon jumping, so I'll be glad it doesn't return. :v Might be in the minority, but I seriously hated it. Ruined like 90% of TPS for me.

  • edited October 2015

    I still do that as well you're not the only ones haven't played borderlands 1 for a long time though (still need to finish that game)

    When I went back to Borderlands, I forgot there was fall damage and killed myself at least 3 times before I remembered

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