Thank you Telltale, seriously.

For the majority of people that don't know what I do, I like to post videos on the Borderlands section, mainly tributes/character mashups.

Before this game came out I didn't really have a motivation to do videos, and the majority of my content was lacking in any views, quality and intereaction with people. But with now 4 episodes out I've made 6 videos for the Borderlands world! And it's thanks to such a brilliant story, set of characters and writing that I'm motivated to make those videos, and I think it shows because people seem to like them :D I've never been so interested into a game like this, so absorbed into the world that you guys made for us.

It might sound corny but I even feel like a have a bit of role in this community. People that do know me, know that I'm that video guy for Tales :D And I like that, I like that I can talk to people about my content and see them enjoy it, I love seeing people comment on videos, giving me suggestions and praising my work.

So with the end in sight, I hope that next few videos I'll make will be the very best that I can offer. Telltale you did good, real good.

(One of my videos if you don't know what I'm talking about :D )

enter link description here

enter link description here


  • I like your videos. It's cool that you find something fun to do.

  • Thanks man :)

    Eryka posted: »

    I like your videos. It's cool that you find something fun to do.

  • While Tales isn't the reason I started doing videos, it has been a wonderful game to let's play! The characters and the story, MY HEART CAN'T TAKE IT. Guarantee I will cry when I play episode 5 and I will not be ashamed. :p

  • This game changed so many things for better in my life as well and I'm eternally grateful for that. ♥ It's wonderful how much of an impact it made on you and I want to wish you sir the best of luck in your next projects.

  • juancowjuancow Telltale Alumni

    Thanks for playing! And also for making these videos!

  • Your.. Yourrrrrrr........ Life?! Wow.

    buntingsir posted: »

    This game changed so many things for better in my life as well and I'm eternally grateful for that. ♥ It's wonderful how much of an impact it made on you and I want to wish you sir the best of luck in your next projects.

  • And thank YOU for taking part in the creation of this beautiful game. Now I'll have to catch a ride on a different game...

    juancow posted: »

    Thanks for playing! And also for making these videos!

  • I really hope that in the aftermath of Tales ending that you still find the motivation to keep creating videos because you are genuinely talented - I can't wait to see what you come up with next!

  • edited October 2015

    What's so mind-blowing about it, haha? I met new friends here and without this game I wouldn't ever built a courage to join the forums. Meeting those people changed my life, because I can communicate with them everyday and learn something new about them and about myself at the same time.

    Your.. Yourrrrrrr........ Life?! Wow.

  • You joined in Nov 2013, and this is your only comment O_o, I'm not sure if I should be honored or maybe think that you just hopped on randomly and saw this post :D

    juancow posted: »

    Thanks for playing! And also for making these videos!

  • Cheers Jack, I'm hoping you don't die in the next episode! And you can probably be sure that I'll make another Jack video after this is all done :D

    I really hope that in the aftermath of Tales ending that you still find the motivation to keep creating videos because you are genuinely talented - I can't wait to see what you come up with next!

  • enter image description here

    kaza125 posted: »

    Cheers Jack, I'm hoping you don't die in the next episode! And you can probably be sure that I'll make another Jack video after this is all done

  • You like Tacos fam?

    juancow posted: »

    Thanks for playing! And also for making these videos!

  • juancowjuancow Telltale Alumni

    I obviously lurk more than I comment. You deserve the honor. Keep working on stuff that motivates you.

    kaza125 posted: »

    You joined in Nov 2013, and this is your only comment O_o, I'm not sure if I should be honored or maybe think that you just hopped on randomly and saw this post

  • edited October 2015

    You are so talented and your videos are so badass keep up the good work man! :)

  • I should have one more Jack video coming, just working on a Rhys video atm

  • Cheers! :)

    You are so talented and your videos are so badass keep up the good work man!

  • HoboStewHoboStew Telltale Alumni

    This is really cool, thanks for making/sharing it!

  • edited October 2015

    I have plot for season 2 if you're interested :D I've done all five episodes, new characters as well! ;)

    HoboStew posted: »

    This is really cool, thanks for making/sharing it!

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