Ep 5 Theory Based on Trailer

So, I think it's probably pretty obvious that this:

enter image description here

And this:

enter image description here

Are not the same thing (and likely, that the second is Gortys' final form)...

Which makes you think that the two will likely be having a showdown sometime soon.

BUT, what if those two images are completely separated, by say... a year or so?

What if the Gortys picture is from the past storyline (as demonstrated by by Fiona's outfit), and the second is from the present-day scenes?

What if we DON'T find the vault in the past, but do find one with the help of The Stranger?

enter image description here

In both pictures of the actual Vault Monster coming out of the Vault Symbol Arch, the air is clear and the location easily defined - but in the past shots (and the little teaser from the previous trailer) we're seemingly in the middle of a gigantic dust storm.

I've also never had the impression that any of the gang got very far with the vault in the past scenes. It would also make sense why The Stranger is seemingly reassembling Gortys - besides her obvious adorableness there really wouldn't be much point in trying to use her to summon what would presumably be an empty vault...

Oh and you know which other scene isn't dusty?

enter image description here

:strokes nonexistent beard:


  • I think you're onto something, but I have my own theory.

    I believe both scenes talk place in the past, but the while the Vault monster appears before there is a dust storm, he causes it by fighting with Giant Gortys. I think that Atlas, in anticipation that there'd be a Vault monster, programmed Gortys to go titanic upon opening the vault to combat it.
    So the Dust erupts when the two fight, and chaos ensues between them and all the little people, who begin fighting because Vallory no longer needs them.Then when they see that Gortys is losing to the Vault monster, they moonshot both giants, hesitantly, scattering Gortys and destroying the monster.

    Well when I write that theory I can see it has alot of loose ends but, still that was what came to my mind.

  • Im starting to think that maybe Fiona went to try opening the Vault herself, and then failed.

    Now the Stranger wants the Vault and we'll open it in the future timeline.

  • I have considered the possibility that they haven't opened the vault yet for some reason. Maybe they gave up because of a death in the group? And whatever caused Fiona to hate Rhys so much.

  • I've been thinking this too, especially given that the trailer gives of the Vibe that she abandoned him.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I have considered the possibility that they haven't opened the vault yet for some reason. Maybe they gave up because of a death in the group? And whatever caused Fiona to hate Rhys so much.

  • edited October 2015

    That rifle, those colors enter image description here

  • I'd actually say they were the same thing. If you look at the blue lines on the thing coming out of the portal, they look pretty similar to the glowing lines on the other one.

  • enter image description here

    But Gortys also has those very geometric glowing bits, and they're the same colour - makes me wonder if the other is her back, or how she glows as she 'evolves' (upgrades, I guess?).

    I'd actually say they were the same thing. If you look at the blue lines on the thing coming out of the portal, they look pretty similar to the glowing lines on the other one.

  • Rhys : You thieving Pandoran scum! Fiona tried to open the Vault to claim the loot for herself

    Fiona : You lying Hyperion jackass! Rhys hid Jack for so long/Let something happen to someone or some people in the group

  • edited October 2015

    Well I think I kinda have a theory on why Rhys and Fiona are mad at each other.

    Based on the trailer with Rhys screaming at the window and Fiona with the pod, I think Fiona might have ditched Rhys and left him on Helios, and based on the trailer it looks like Helios might go kablewy. Not sure why Fiona would ditch Rhys, but maybe something will happen, Jack can talk to Fiona now, so maybe he tricks her.

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