Gun noises and reason for closing door in ep 5 trailer?

So i just watch the episode 5 trailer again and had a thought come to mind. What if the reason why the door was closing on Rhys was because the Vault hunters from borederlands 2 were attacking the station (noted by the gun fire and the ending of tiny tinas dlc) and Jack wanted to protect the new president of Hyperion?


  • Came to the same conclusion , but i took it abit farther. During the attack what if ryse gets left on Helios and ends up saving it from the vault hunters in some way. Because rhyse seems rich in the present day setting and becuase it explains how the stranger who I think is lilith always hits ryhse and not fiona.

  • Well Rhys is trying to toss the Gortys beacon to Fiona and Gortys, so whatever's happening he wants her to get it, so my bet is Jack is trying to lock Rhys in

  • That could explain it. Also why he looks rather angry sorta sad later on. Maybe he gets angry at Jack for making them all leave?

    E-knight posted: »

    Came to the same conclusion , but i took it abit farther. During the attack what if ryse gets left on Helios and ends up saving it from the

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