Who do you not want the stranger to be?

Is there any possible identity for the stranger that would ruin it for you? For example someone who would make all the anticipation feel wasted?

For me it would be Sasha, I like the character but she would be the dullest thing to choose given the scope of possibilities.



  • Sasha and Felix.

    Both are bad for the place.

  • Jack, I feel it would be an excuse to continue to milk his character more, later in the franchise.

  • Felix, if he's the stranger I'm gonna be insanely disappointed at how lame that writing is.

  • edited October 2015

    Felix, and to be honest, I'm getting kind of nervous. A lot of things hint at him potentially being the stranger, despite him quite clearly exploding.

    Would be an absolutely terrible card to pull.

  • Handsome Jack (for obvious reasons), Timothy (as much as I love him, it just doesn't make sense), and Felix.

    Also Vaughn, to some degree.

  • Anyone I don't expect. I hope for this to be a great plot twist, which means it has to be someone we don't expect.

  • There isnt anybody at this point that would shock me being the stranger. However I am hoping that it's not Sasha, Vaughn, Felix, or Lilith

  • Felix for sure. Borderlands is full of plot holes, but for the people that shoot him and have him explode, it would be the biggest one yet.

  • Has anybody thought of the possibility of General Pollux being the Stranger, even if he has no eyes maybe thats what the mask is for? I dunno I might just be grasping at straws

  • Vaughn, but I wouldn't be disappointed just upset we did something so terrible to him that he kidnapped us. I'm SORRY VAUGHN! (If he was the stranger).

  • Felix. I shot him in the neck and then he exploded. He better stay dead.

  • He got lucky...real lucky

    Pipas posted: »

    Felix. I shot him in the neck and then he exploded. He better stay dead.

  • Maybe its tector and we'll get the scene

  • Felix and Vaughn. I shot Felix and he exploded afterwards if he didn't die it would definitely ruin the ending for me. As for Vaughn it wouldn't ruin the ending entirely but I would disappointed since he potentially had the idea of killing us. The stranger said the "kidnapped adventure" can change and he/she could kill them instead.

  • Felix.

    Like, holy shit, I blew you up, dude.

  • I'd be kind of disappointed if it's Felix (despite it not being as stupid in mine as I saved him), but more than anything I don't want a determinant Stranger.

    I want their reveal to be a real 'aha' moment, where everything they've ever said suddenly falls into place, and I just don't think that's conducive to it being more than one person.

  • It needs to be someone already introduced in the game, and for it not to be Felix. Hopefully they determined who it was right from the beginning and stuck with it. Please let it make sence.

  • 3 who i hope its not.

    3 who i woul like it to be
    Angel- I could piece together some evidence how it might be her. But shes just my second favorite character.

    Vaughn- hes been pushed around long enough.

    Dr. Ted. The great lord of the borderlands.

  • lilith or felix.. but really, my least favourite option would be a determinant stranger. i think any character would be better than that : o

  • Vaughn because it wouldn't make sense for him to ask for what happened and to beat up his friend, also hight difference :p

  • Felix. I killed him in my gameplay so...

  • I can see it being Felix or even Lilith.

  • Someone that hasn't been introduced to Borderlands universe before or someone introduced in Ep5 only. It would be so lame and I saw people talk about that.

  • The author of the journals, my brother.

    ...Or Lilith, I guess. I like her, but since she hasn't been namedropped at all this season I feel like it'd be a waste of a twist.

  • I hope it's NOT Felix...

  • I will hate it if the stranger is someone that is not in this game already, even if they exist in the original games. I like TellTale games to be more self-contained with their big plot points so that both people that know the original source and people that don't can enjoy these plot points all the same. The Stranger must be someone who is at least a little relevant to everybody that played Tales, in my opinion.

  • I'd love it to be Wilhelm, just as a side note.

    But I don't want it to be that guy from Atlas, or Felix. It's too easy.

  • I'd think it would be hilarious if it was General Pollux.
    You know, the guy who we scooped out his eyes in episode 2?

  • edited October 2015

    Didn't Vallory mention Lillith? In episode 4, if Fiona asks where they took Athena, Vallory will respond that Lillith and her goons want her for questioning. I'm pretty sure. Also Mordecai and/or Brick may have mentioned her. Not entirely sure there though.

    Courtenay posted: »

    The author of the journals, my brother. ...Or Lilith, I guess. I like her, but since she hasn't been namedropped at all this season I feel like it'd be a waste of a twist.

  • edited October 2015

    Yeah, because the story Rhys and Fiona are telling happens right at the same time as some cutscenes in TPS, that means Athena is still being questioned at Sanctuary.

  • Episode 3 took place before "Borderlands the Pre-Sequel". That's how Athena ended up there in the game and met with Lillith, which she explains how she met Jack. Still wondering about the alien though

  • i dont want it to be someone stupid like pollux or lilith

  • Catching a ride on the nope train for Felix!

  • edited October 2015

    Any vault hunter or felix. Like, felix, we blew you up.

  • Yeah, I know that Athena is captured to be questioned at sanctuary which happens in TPS. I meant I wasn't sure whether Vallory specifically mentioned the name Lillith or she said "taken to sanctuary to be questioned." I actually replayed the 4th episode yesterday, but I can't remember the exact words Vallory uses.

    Crips posted: »

    Yeah, because the story Rhys and Fiona are telling happens right at the same time as some cutscenes in TPS, that means Athena is still being questioned at Sanctuary.

  • Felix, August, or Athena

  • If the stranger is Felix I will punch a wall

  • Hopefully not a Brick one ;)

    BionicPaint posted: »

    If the stranger is Felix I will punch a wall

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